Saturday, November 18, 2006

the recount

So....what a busy week it has been!
Where did I leave off?

Ah, yes.
Monday night....had dinner with Lauren quite late. She wanted some company to walk down to the con to hand in her final two assignments. And I wasn't really doing much myself. Then we hung (after doing some sort of happy dance accompanied by lots of grinning!). So, we went out down Lygs (Il Gambero) and ate well :)

Tuesday night...went room-shopping with Renee. We think we have it figured out. Hopefully it'll all work out...

Had a rehearsal with me, Jacquie and Matt. The Bruch took a bit longer to get at the VCA, but we finally all convened..and bashed through some stuff. The actual Mozart. A Reinecke trio (which apparently was horribly edited..! Haha..). As well as four out of the eight pieces by Bruch. We are keeping the Bruch yay!!!! :D
They were the ones that I actually wanted to I'm glad that we are! They're just gorgeous!

Then had a tute for Trio Reginae with Mardi. Who gave us lots of feedback - she was especially (and constructively!) critical, which was very good. I was EXHAUSTED though, by the end! Physically, because I hadn't really played piano in a while...and also intellectually, because I hadn't played piano in a while too! Haha. Well, I have been on pseudo-holiday mode since the end of my piano exam...! So it was kinda hard...

Had long rehearsal for Trio Reginae. After our tute, we were like, "we have to fix things!" This was scary. Because we started getting 'cold feet' and questioning our rhythm in the first movement. We laboured over parts of the third movement. We decided which repeats to cut and which ones to keep.
went to Trev's recital in the afternoon. He had quite a few people there! He did very well, even getting impromptu applause from Bill after the first song. The Vaughan Williams songs were particularly excellent :) They're great songs. And 'The Roadside Fire' brings back good memories :) Then had this little reminiscing time with Alvin about Musicianship Grade 5. Haha. Fun times, particularly tapping out Haydn parts..!
Then hung around the con for wayyy too long. talked to lots of people.
Realised that I have a lot of friends who are first year musicians.
Realised that I have a lot of friends who are singers.
Go figure.

Lauren: "I haven't met you, I'm Lauren."
Peter: "Hi Lauren, pleased to meet you. I'm Peter Hurley."
Lauren: "Hi Peter. Nice to meet you too. I've heard lots of things about you."
Nick: "Ah, big reputation before you meet the man."
Gladys: "Right back at you, look who's talking, Nick..."

Gladys: "Tim, you are an idiot...
Tim: "I'm more than an idiot....I'm a tenor!!!"

Wow. Singers......! Haha....

Then went to dinner on Thursday night. Went to Cafe Segovia, a Xing-initiated dinner, at a Xing-tried-and-tested-good-restaurant.
The place is at Block Place, which is an alley off Little Collins St between Swanston and Elizabeth Streets. It was a great place! We had the 'private function room' (which fits about 20 people) to ourselves, and there were these two guitar guys playing awesome music. I'm thinking about having a do there, something involving all my music friends coming out and having dinner. Just to...hang...because I keep talking about so-and-so-music-friend but some don't know the others and et cetera. And they should all meet each that they know all my other muso friends, and don't get weirded out when I talk to a variety of people at the Con!

Friday.....was very busy!
Got up early for a number of reasons.
I have been offered, and turned down to do a violin teaching job the previous day, but had ten realised that I was available, so had messaged friend who was trying to get me to do it, but hadn't got message back, and what if she called in the morning?
Planned to do something with Mel that morning (coz Mel leaves Saturday... :( )
Practice before exam.

So, I fulfilled all of those. I practiced, got a message back while I was practicing, and managed to go out with Mel for coffee - catching up before she left town.
Then managed to get back for another Trio Reginae rehearsal before having lunch and then heading down to the con to do this Chamber Music exam. Finally!

We had a little crowd, it was awesome!
Thanks to Sam, Nick, Jon, Alvin, Dylan, Chris and Trev who came and watched us. Thanks for coming to hear us on several occasions. Thanks for putting up with the same piece for the majority of this semester. Thanks for trying to find our examiners for us...! Thanks for applauding :) And thanks for the suport - it is greatly appreciated. :D
then came home to hang with Sam, which involved us reading through some music. :) It was cool, but unfortunately, I was incredibly tired and couldn't really play very much or very well. I obviously didn't end up teaching....Phoebe had found that Kristen had found somebody else to teach. So that was probably good, because I was so physically exhausted after playing the Mozart.

Then went out with Trev, Dylan and Chris to this MSS party that I'd half-organised. Funny blokes haha. Fun times. All college boys, all first year, all musos. Wow, does that put a funny spin on it all? We went to the Lion Hotel at Melbourne Central. It was pretty bad. The music was insanely loud, the pub was playing fairly bad music, was a sports bar (at least it had TV showing soccer..!), had lots of old people :P as well as families. And was generally kinda boring all up. We ended up moving to the Night Cat instead. Which was much better. Which had that band that was there last week as well (that funk/rap/fusion one..). And I bumped into some college friends there. Haha. Good times.....except this time I was out with uni friends :) Yay!
Came home, painfully in heels with Chris, Gina, Gowri and Mags.
Ouch. I keep saying that I'll never wear heels again...I should never promise myself something like this again!

Right..and now I should go to bed. I was exhausted to start off with, before I went out....I was kinda hesitant to go out at all tonight, because I was so tired. But I felt obliged to go to this party. But I had a good time nevertheless. It is really time for bed......!

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