Thursday, December 28, 2006


So, work today (I clearly find it necessary to blog this).
A most amusing situation took place today.

So, I get this email that lands in my inbox that is from my direct supervisor that says, "Hi Gladys, when you have a bit of time today, could you please drop by my office."
So, I don't really have anything to fear.
But when you get called to somebody's office, very soon, you start speculating on how all the things you have done could be mis-construed into bad things, and other various offences.
So I'm thinking, "Oh no, perhaps he didn't approve of me adding an extra hour even though the Director said to, and the employment agency has rung him up." Or perhaps, "Oh no, I'm going to be told that I'm violating email privileges at DOCEP and to better stop this behaviour, or I'll be fired."
Really, I haven't actually been naughty or anything.

So, I go to his office (cut this story a bit shorter...considering the full story actually involves me asking about recycling, so that I can discard the big cardboard boxes that my stationery order came in!).
And he's very friendly, asking me to take a seat, so I'm thinking, "This can't be too bad..."

And it actually turns out to be quite good.

He basically says (paraphrased here):
"Ah, you've been doing very well've obviously got the hang of things quite quickly. And as you know, Shelley (who is the Director's PA) is going to be going to Osborne Park next week, and we don't really have a replacement. I'm not sure what your current employment situation is, but I just wanted to ask you whether you were interested in taking this position. This would be Shelley's Level 2 position, and a contract of three to six months. Now, I'm not sure about Integrity (the employment agency) [considering they usually place temporary employees, and long-term contracts are not really their thing] but perhaps we'd employ you without the need for a third party. David (the Director) was thinking of asking you to take this position. Would you be interested?"

To which I am shocked, amazed and most amused.

And I have to tell him, "Ben, uhh....unfortunately, three to six months won't really work for me, because I will be leaving town in February.....uhh..I have to go back to university, which is over east, in Melbourne..."

"Ah, I supposed so....David will be most disappointed."

"Yeah, unfortunately, that is the nature of my work....I'm on my summer break, so......and I'm usually home for the holidays, the summer and the middle of the year."

"Well, I guess we'd be interested in having you in the department working...."

"Yeah, that is the nature of it, university takes up the majority of the year..."

"Well, I guess you're not about to give up university to work full time in the government! Oh, I guess we could only ask. David will be disappointed, I think he was quite keen to have you around for a while...I'll let him down gently"

"Yeah, tell him I'm really sorry! Actually, I'll tell hi myself too..."

"Hmm...perhaps I should provide grief counselling...." (HAHA!)

So, I found this all to be most amusing.
Looking back on it, I think perhaps I could have pushed the, 'I'd like to work with you guys again if the opportunity arises in the future, keep me on file, I'd love to.' line. Perhaps I'll do that tomorrow. And perhaps even volunteer to work this Director's PA job for as long as I can - I could keep earning, and keep myself busy, really...perhaps......(depends on how gutsy I feel hehe!). Because they don't have anybody specifically coming in at the moment......which is a bit of a conundrum for them...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

it's been a while...

since I last blogged.
I'm still working; I got four days off over the Christmas weekend, which was very exciting for me, and back to work today..! No rest for the wicked...?! Hehe :P
My contract just got extended today, till Tuesday 9 January, so I shall be working till then! They actually have somebody coming in on the 10th, so I shall be done by then.

So, about all I can really talk about in great detail now....
I do enjoy it. Although it's tiring, and sometimes boring...I mean, it doesn't really take that many brain cells to stuff envelopes....although that does mean that I can day-dream, think, plan etc. while I do it. So there are up-sides to it too!
There have been major printing issues as well, which has been very annoying and most inconvenient. There are something like three printers, but due to certain things, like printing on letterheads and the like, there are different procedures for selecting specific trays and what not. And of course, they had to completely break down.
Right in the middle of printing mail merge letters. Blergh.

Anyway, today wasn't much will be fixed tomorrow, so hopefully it will work fully! *fingers crossed!*

On Friday, I was sitting around at about 4pm, and the Director of Industry and Consumer Services (so yeah, pretty high ranking!) asked his PA (who sits at the desk next to me) "Have we sent Gladys home yet?" to which she replied in the negative.
And he actually told me, "Go home. Go on..."
So I went to get my timesheet signed and all, and had put the final time as 4pm. I came back to my desk, and he said to me "I hope you put 5pm on that.." and I said, "No, because I'm going home now, and it's 4pm.." but he insisted, because he had "ordered" me to go home. Which was very kind of him (to order, and to tell me to go home...!)
So I can't believe that I actually worked for 37.5 hrs last week. It's a full-on, full-time job! Hehe. I get home and I'm so tired...I think I'm getting old too quickly..hehe!

I've learnt several new systems (for entering data etc) and the procedures for opening/closing files, for entering bond lodgements, for writing specific types of letters, and so much! I don't really know what to do with it all sometimes!

Anyway, so to my Christmas....
On Sunday, for Christmas eve, we went to our cousin's for the usually time-honoured tradition of the Tan and Chua family Christmas eve dinner.
This year was no exception, and was a splendid affair, with the addition of the Moh family.
The table was beautifully set, everything was matching, the candles were lit, the menu beautifully printed.
And we ate soo well!!!!
IT went something like this....:

Scallops and prawns with asparagus
on a bed of roquette
Herb and garlic rolls
West Australian crayfish
Roasted turkey with Mediterranean
-style roasted vegetables
White chocolate ice-cream with cognac-
infused cherries
Selection of seasonal summer fruits
Premium selection of coffee and tea
with chocolates and shortbread
All accompanied by a fine selection of
assorted alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

It was so extravagant, and oh-so-good! And I ate all the way through it, because it was so good....mmm..
Then we stayed up, well past 12....
playing poker,
and also opening pressies. :) (part of the Tan/Chua tradition on Christmas eve)

Christmas morning, we went to church at 9am ( early!!!)
but came home pretty quick, because we had a whole lot of cooking to do! We hosted a Christmas dinner at our place.
The menu was something like this:

Whole roasted turkey
Fresh cold prawns
Pasta salad (made by yours truly!)
Green salad
Lasagna & Canneloni
with dessert being:
Lemon cheesecake
Almond and chocolate cake
Christmas cake
Orange cake

No wonder I am so full...all I did for two days was eat...! (Okay, I did help prepare and clear up too, but I did eat so much!)

On Boxing Day, yesterday, we all slept in quite late (like, 11.30am...mmm...!) but then we went out for a picnic in the afternoon. We (us, and a stack of family friends, and friends of friends etc) went to Woodman Point, which was probably one of the worst ideas ever, because half of the 'multicultural' society of Perth decided it would be a good day to go there too! It was dreadfully hot, so relaxing in the shade of a tree was an excelltn idea. So too was going swimming at the beach...Yay! I can actually say I went to the beach over my summeR! woot!
I held a starfish that some other girls had caught..Lydia and I were really amused, then freaked out!
We played a bit of cricket (I got out in spectacular fashion, but not before hitting a few runs...I'm quite proud of myself hehe!) and ate leftovers (as you do...)

So, I am pretty much quite burnt out. And ti's work work work here on in, which is not a bad thing, I guess. I already have the plan for what I'm saving up for, which includes a digital camera (of my!) as well as a holiday to Europe and America in the near future. If there is any more I guess it'll go towards spending money in Melbourne, shopping momey, eating out money etc. I guess plans for a new violin are not really on the cards, unless I'm taking up violin more seriously, which isn't at this point in time, but we'll see!
Alrighty, should head off to relax on the couch a bit, watch some tv (because I don't have any study...!!! although I should practice........eek!) and then head to bed, for another long day at work tomorrow! Yep, getting old too fast!

Monday, December 18, 2006

an update

So, during the week, I actually have full access to a very fast computer with very fast internet.
The downside? I hear you ask.
It's at work.
Where I'm not going to blog, nor check my personal emails. Pooh.

Where do you work? I hear you ask another question.

At the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection.
In the Consumer and Industry (or something like that) section. More particularly, in the Building and Tenancy section.

Okay, roll your eyes now. Or laugh.
At least I'm getting paid!
Work is from 8.30 to 5 every day, with a one hour lunch break.
It's a fairly ok environment to work.
And I'm doing a job that is specifically the 'Administration Support Officer'. And my supervisor just told me today that I'm actually kinda important, particularly in relation to opening files (because they aim for a three day turnaround. Pity I haven't had training to use the software yet..I will tomorrow.)
So, I do data entry, type letters (using a template), filing, stuffing envelopes (LOTS of them!) etc. Which is ok.

So yeah, that might explain my downtime here for a while. But you guys can live with that.
I'm supposed to be there till the 29th, but they have somebody else actually to do the job (because I'm a temporary for somebody) on the 10th of Jan, so my supervisor told me that if I want to work till 9th Jan, I can do it. Which is pretty darn cool.
Yay for pay!

Monday, December 11, 2006


Stolen while surfing links on friends' blogs... from

Layer One: On the Outside
Name: Gladys
Birthdate: 21 April 1987
Eye colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Righty/Lefty: Righty, although I'd really love to be ambidextrious
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Layer Two: On the Inside
Your heritage: Chinese
Your fears: Failing
Your weakness: Chocolate, music, ideal romance
Your perfect pizza: is yummy. A chocolate dessert pizza mmm....

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: What is the time? Do I have anything on today?
Your bedtime: is fairly late. Normal is something between 12-2am.
Your most missed memory: Erm, I"m not sure if I have one..!

Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Either. Cola is cola for me, in the greater part.
McDonald's or Burger King: Either. Although I can't confess to liking either too much.
Single or group dates: Well, I don't really have experience in either. But I like the idea of single.
Adidas or Nike: Neither, really..!
Nestea or Lipton: Twinings!
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate. But I wouldn't rule out vanilla either.
Coffee or cappuccino:Well, technically neither. I like the smell of coffee. But I could see myself with a cappuccino much more.

Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: Nup
Curse:Only on the inside
Take a shower: Of course!
Have a crush: Errm.....*blush*
Go to school: Yeah, in terms of 'I go to an educational institution' school.
Want to get married: Yeh, the right guy!
Believe in yourself: Yeah, I guess, most of the time!
Think you're a health freak: Far from it.

Layer Six: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: Maybe a sip?
Gone to the mall: Yep.
Been on stage: Past month..? Yes! Melba Hall!
Eaten sushi:Yup.
Dyed your hair: Nup. Not much really works on my hair (see Layer One)

Layer Seven: Have you Ever?
Played a Stripping game: Nup
Changed who you were to fit in: Yeah, but that didn't really last long. I think I wear y heart on my sleeve sometimes, so it's kinda hard to keep that change up.

Layer Eight:
Age you're hoping to get married: Erm sometimes in my mid-late 20s?

Layer Nine: In a Girl/Guy
Best eye colour: Whatever. As long as they're beguiling!
Best hair colour: Really, whatever. Although I have a track record for blond... :S Although that is by no means an exclusion zone, also demonstrated in the past.
Short or long hair: Preferably kinda short. But short grows long too..

Layer Ten: What were you doing?
1 minute ago: This
1 hour ago: Eating dinner/finishing dinner
5 hours ago: Having a nap :)
1 month ago: Finishing exams. Enjoying Melbourne. 'Schmoozing' with musos
1 year ago: At home. Wondering how first year of uni had passed by so quickly!

Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I love: my friends. Music.
I feel: a bit bored, frankly.
I hate: not having fun. Wanting something I can't have, because it's just physically impossible, or the time has already passed.
I hide: some of my feelings. From people that don't need to know it.
I miss: Melbourne. The con. The craziness that it is.
I need: my piano teacher to ring me back!

Layer Twelve: Tag 5 people
I'm gonna cheat..I'm gonna tag a 6th...Sam :)

Saturday, December 09, 2006


watch out, people...MSO is celebrating 100 years.
so, all next week, In Performance is featuring the orchestra. Cool.

Anyway, so got my results on Thursday.
First up, hope everybody did well or at least ok.
i don't think i'm one to publically share my results. just coz that's not my thing.
but i have to say, i think i have exceedingly high expectations of myself.
my average has dropped a good 4 or 5 per cent since last semester *gasp!*
Oh well, it's still pretty good, although personally, i'm one of those people that expects to get like, exceedingly good grades all the time.
i should put things into perspective.
because although my average has dropped that 4 or 5 per cent, i've had a most amazing semester. i've made lots of uni friends.
i've played lots.
i've performed lots.
i've done stuff i REALLY want to do.
and that counts. :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I just came home from the Julian Rachlin (vln) and Itamar Golan (pno) concert that I won free tickets (through the ABC) to. It was amazing.
I went with Jas, we had really good seats! And I even got a free programme, thus having no need to really fork out anything for the night. Pretty sweet.
It was such a good concert. I think I was speechless for a little while! They played two encores at the end, which were amazing.
It was a good night :)

I went to an employment agency today to register and all.
Apparently my skills tests were really good (well, the results were, anyway). And I did pretty well on the Word and Excel tests, even though I've hardly ever used some of the things they asked me to do. And my alphanumeric skills are like, off the radar of a normal person. Apparently the normal, average person gets something like 600-800 keystrokes per hour. I got 12 300. That is abnormal. Hehe. All good. Probably because I spend wayy too much time at the computer hehe. :P Well, at least all those people I talk to on msn, and write emails too (sometimes very long!) - that has all helped my typing, I assure you!

I also called up Harro today, to ask about the possibility of staging a concert/recital thingy at St Mary's. He said that January or February was a bit too early (sorry, T, D & C)...but was willing to think about the middle of the year. And that we could work on it. And he thinks that Mrs T would be willing to support it. The only thing it'd cost is electricity, so basically at no extra expense to the school...and being an Old Girl and what not...! It would be....wrangled sounds bad, but essentially that's it. But in a good way.
And then Harro suggested perhaps playing at Recital Night. And then I mentioned about a bass who's thinking of coming over. And he said "What about vocal night?" Perhaps Nick could sing at vocal night? Just as like, a guest artist thing..? In addition to his own recital? It'd be kinda cool. :)

Anyway, they're just ideas and potentials at the present moment. As for a recital in Jan/Feb, I'm still looking for a place. It's looking kinda hard, if we don't want to fork out a lot of money. Particularly if my friends are coming over, either by plane, or driving over. It's going to cost a lot there. And I'm not willing to fork out a fortune either.