Monday, December 11, 2006


Stolen while surfing links on friends' blogs... from

Layer One: On the Outside
Name: Gladys
Birthdate: 21 April 1987
Eye colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Righty/Lefty: Righty, although I'd really love to be ambidextrious
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Layer Two: On the Inside
Your heritage: Chinese
Your fears: Failing
Your weakness: Chocolate, music, ideal romance
Your perfect pizza: is yummy. A chocolate dessert pizza mmm....

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: What is the time? Do I have anything on today?
Your bedtime: is fairly late. Normal is something between 12-2am.
Your most missed memory: Erm, I"m not sure if I have one..!

Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Either. Cola is cola for me, in the greater part.
McDonald's or Burger King: Either. Although I can't confess to liking either too much.
Single or group dates: Well, I don't really have experience in either. But I like the idea of single.
Adidas or Nike: Neither, really..!
Nestea or Lipton: Twinings!
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate. But I wouldn't rule out vanilla either.
Coffee or cappuccino:Well, technically neither. I like the smell of coffee. But I could see myself with a cappuccino much more.

Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: Nup
Curse:Only on the inside
Take a shower: Of course!
Have a crush: Errm.....*blush*
Go to school: Yeah, in terms of 'I go to an educational institution' school.
Want to get married: Yeh, the right guy!
Believe in yourself: Yeah, I guess, most of the time!
Think you're a health freak: Far from it.

Layer Six: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: Maybe a sip?
Gone to the mall: Yep.
Been on stage: Past month..? Yes! Melba Hall!
Eaten sushi:Yup.
Dyed your hair: Nup. Not much really works on my hair (see Layer One)

Layer Seven: Have you Ever?
Played a Stripping game: Nup
Changed who you were to fit in: Yeah, but that didn't really last long. I think I wear y heart on my sleeve sometimes, so it's kinda hard to keep that change up.

Layer Eight:
Age you're hoping to get married: Erm sometimes in my mid-late 20s?

Layer Nine: In a Girl/Guy
Best eye colour: Whatever. As long as they're beguiling!
Best hair colour: Really, whatever. Although I have a track record for blond... :S Although that is by no means an exclusion zone, also demonstrated in the past.
Short or long hair: Preferably kinda short. But short grows long too..

Layer Ten: What were you doing?
1 minute ago: This
1 hour ago: Eating dinner/finishing dinner
5 hours ago: Having a nap :)
1 month ago: Finishing exams. Enjoying Melbourne. 'Schmoozing' with musos
1 year ago: At home. Wondering how first year of uni had passed by so quickly!

Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I love: my friends. Music.
I feel: a bit bored, frankly.
I hate: not having fun. Wanting something I can't have, because it's just physically impossible, or the time has already passed.
I hide: some of my feelings. From people that don't need to know it.
I miss: Melbourne. The con. The craziness that it is.
I need: my piano teacher to ring me back!

Layer Twelve: Tag 5 people
I'm gonna cheat..I'm gonna tag a 6th...Sam :)

1 comment:

gina said...

Hey Gladz,

Thanks for your encouragement. I so can't wait till it's over!
So, what have you been up to lately? Your hols going aight?
