Friday, May 26, 2006

Meeting New People

is fun.

And my stories aren't that bad, are they?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Nah, my economics major is fine, thank you very much. Management is really not my thing!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The E-word draws near

Yes, week 12. And I have two more tutes, one more concert class and one more lecture to go. ARGH!!!
If you were me, you'd be freaking out too. Because my feeling about my subjects has fluctuated all semester. I started off thinking that my subjects would be ok. Ideas was too fluffy for my liking. Global was interesting. Econometrics was a good mathematical tool. Then Ideas became interesting. Got me thinking - now I can hardly go a day without thinking about other cultures, or thinking "That word is so culturally specific." Sigh. Global just got to one of those subjects that I have to read STACKS for. Econometrics got really hard, the math flying over my head. So, I've been trying to convince myself all semester that my subjects are good, and interesting, and good for me. But now I'm starting to resent them. I'm trying not to say "I hate (insert subject here)!!" with frustration. Just so it's not out in the open. I'm ploughing away but it's such a struggle.
And there's so much at stake, too much to lose...

I can't help it

You strangely intrigue me, beguiling. You don't even know it, you don't give it a second thought. We would never be together: you, in your absorbing corporate world. Miles apart, I hardly belong. Because in the long-term, I'd rather be in my absorbing musical world.
Chalk and cheese.

But unfortunately, it's there, even if it's one-sided. I'm trying not to become obsessive about it all, but there's something interesting about you. Maybe it's because you defied what I expected. Not that I had many, or even positive, expectations. Maybe it was the strong work ethic. Or commitment to completing a task with precision, with excellence.
Only the best will do.

Friday, May 19, 2006

What luck

Maybe I should switch to a marketing major.....
this may be due to the fact that half of my global tute has incredibly good looking guys. Who are so not really my type but you know, eye-candy....?! Hah.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Week 11?!?!?!?!?!?!

Argh!!! Week 11 already!!! This means that exams (*shudder, the E-word..) are upon us very soon.

Needless to say, life has continued busily.

A week and a day ago, on the Saturday, I went to Amy's 21st party. It was just beautiful. She'd decked out the Jude's back hall with fairy lights and small round tables with tall vases of beautiful flowers, and laden with all sorts of sweet culinary delights! And when it said 'formal', it meant formal...I'm glad I chose to wear a dress! It was really nice to see a whole heap of people looking all so dressed up - not that the people aren't beautiful already, but they looked even more so! There were ties to be matched (ahem....), photos to be taken, people to meet. I managed to meet a few new people, including an ex-JCH girl (who got indignant on my part, thank you! Yes, an image of beauty! Haha) and a fellow muso (a 1st year flautist, who should be in my Ideas class..!) Even the following week, as I sat in piano class, I got a "I didn't know you knew Amy Williams" and it was like, "Woah, she's talking to me...who is she???" But this girl recognised me from Amy's party, and possibly has seen me around uni....who knew?

Speaking of seeing me around uni.....and uni things like that...
I have funnily enough been voted as the Combined Degree Representative of the Music Students Society Committee. This is something that really amuses me, because it apparently was the only position that required a vote-off, and I got it somehow! Now, let's consider how many people at the con actually know me. I figure that I can walk through the con and say hi to tops, twenty people, because that's the number of people who would actually know me (and me, them). And at least five of my friends didn't go to the AGM to vote anyway...which leaves about fifteen people. HOW?!?! Oh well, I managed to miss the first meeting last week due to another class (for my COMBINED DEGREE....) but there's another meeting at Naughto's tomorrow night, which I shall be heading to.

The soiree was last Monday, and boy, did it go off!!! There were some stunning acts...I played for two of them (I have seriously run out of my own acts to do...!): two duets, one with Jon & Sally ('A Whole New World' from Aladdin) and one with Bruce & Will (Bruce's non-college friend) ('Lily's Eyes', from The Secret Garden). Bruce & Will were the final act and it seriously went off. I was so proud of them. They seriously brought the house down. The song is absolutely BEAUTIFUL (if any of you haven't heard it, I shall have to play it for you!), and is a stunning display from musical theatre. In true theatre style, the ending lends itself to the audience engulfing the last bars in waves of applause - this is what I expected, but no, QC did not do that. Instead, we actually ended the piece to about two seconds of profound and awestruck silence, before everybody managed to pick up their fallen jaws and applaud enthusiastically. It was amazing.

I taught my first piano lesson last Tuesday, to a fellow collegian. It was a fairly strange, but enjoyable experience. Strange, because I don't feel incredibly confident of my teaching abilities (or lack thereof...) but enjoyable because the student is incredibly enthusiastic about learning and playing the piano! On the subject of the piano, my piano lesson on Wednesday went well. It revolved around my Technical Exam (yes, the exam at the end of semester) and trying to work out a change of holiday plans such that I stay in Melbourne for longer (which I am). I felt kinda good when my teacher said, in response to me expressing concern about the upcoming exam, "Gladys, if you had to do your tech exam today, I wouldn't be worried." Well, I only felt good after I told a few people this and they thought positively of it. I actually didn't really know what to feel!

Anyway, so I am staying in Melbourne till the morning of the 26th. And I'm moving out of college on the 22nd, and hopefully staying at the Vic (pending the ok). So, the weekend I shall be having intensive piano lessons but the rest of the time shall be pretty much free - perhaps time to do some exploring? If anybody is around, let me know, perhaps we shall catch up?

Yesterday was Rowing Day!
The previous night was a Hilda's Open Turn, so I elected to sleep on the other side of J, where being subject to bad music was not possible. Gosh, Wen's doona is so warm! Haha.
However, not being subject to Hilda's makes one subject to the Queen's quad. Which I tell you, at 6am in the morning, is not very conducive to sleep. Yes, I was woken up at 6am to the Last Post (what the?!), Time to Say Goodbye, Bittersweet Symphony and other songs. (At least some of them I'd actually listen to..!) Rowing Day was definitely upon us as we started hearing the yells of "Wake up, Queeners!" and the door-bashing began. *Sigh*

We made it down to the tram stop, down to the Yarra and along the banks for a yummy hot cooked breakfast. The races started! We did very well, winning all our heats and (cutting a long story short), winning the Boys 1st and 2nd VIII (in the finals), coming 3rd in the 2nd Girls VIII and 2nd in the 1st Girls VIII (only to Ormond, but you know, half their crew are state rowers, so we're doing really well) and winning overall. It was a very exciting day, filled with great spirit and fun (although I can see why other colleges hate us..! Haha. We were very well-led by our UPRIC in cheers and other acts of college spirit!)

After it, Kenneth, Jey Han, Sze, Xing and I decided to go for lunch at Singapore Chom Chom rather than stay for yet another barbeque...I had Hainanese Chicken Rice (which they were attempting to teach me to say in chinese...I think I really failed..!) which was delicious! We definitely skipped the pub crawl home, headed home ourselves instead, and crashed into bed!

So that was my week-and-a-bit.

I should really go do something productive.....

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Women's (Real) Prayer

Just for kicks... :)

Now I lay me
Down to sleep.
I pray the Lord
My shape to keep.

Please no wrinkles
Please no bags
And lift my butt
Before it sags.

Please no age spots
Please no grey
And as for my belly,
Please take it away.

Please keep me healthy
Please keep me young,
And thank you Dear Lord
For all that you've done.

Five tips for a woman...

1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.

Send this to five bright, funny women you know and make their day.


Hehe... :P

Ball pictures...(Albert by the Lake, 3 May 2006)


Okay, so Hello isn't working, so I'm just going to have to put some photos up like this....

Photos from the 1J Corridor Party, themed Rubix Cube.
This involved six rooms along the corridor, themed by colour and usually involving a game each room. We all had to dress up in six items, one each of blue, green, yellow, white, red and orange. The aim was to be in one colour by the end of the night, through a process of swapping clothes. Needless to say, most of us were quite unsuccessful, considering about five people were going for green (hey, I thought I was being original!), and the fact that a skirt doesn't really count as an accesory. Nor does a sock...

So, here are some photos...

Our corridor....yay for 1J!

Tom, Jey Han, me, Kenneth, Robyn

Kenneth, Tom, CY, Jey Han, Adrienne, me, Min, Smelta, Nick, Judy

Sorry I can't get pics of everybody....but 'twas a taste of our fun corridor :)

Lily's Eyes

Strangely quiet,
but now the storm simply rests to strike again.

Standing, waiting, I think of her;
I think of her.

Strange this Mary,
She leaves the room, yet remains;
she lingers on.
Something stirs me to think of her.
I think of her.

From death she casts her spell.
All night we hear her sighs.
And now a girl has come who has her eyes.

She has her eyes.
The girl has Lily's hazel eyes.
Those eyes that saw him happy long ago.
Those eyes that gave him life and hope he'd never known.
How can he see the girl and miss thos hazel eyes?

She has her eyes.
The girl has Lily's hazel eyes.
Those eyes that closed and left me all alone.
Those eyes I feel will never ever let me go.
How can I see this girl who has her hazel eyes?

In Lily's eyes a castle this house seemed to be
and I her bravest knight became my lady fair was she.

She has her eyes.
She has my Lily's hazel eyes.
Those eyes that loved my brother, never me.
Those eyes that never saw me never knew I longed to hold her close,
to live at last in Lily's eyes.

Imagine me a lover.
I longed for the day
she'd turn and see me standing there.
Would God had let her stay.

She has her eyes,
She has my Lily's hazel eyes.

Those eyes that saw me happy long ago.
Those eyes that first I loved so.
How can I now forget that once I dared to be in love,
How can I now forget that I dared to be in love,
Alive and whole in Lily's eyes.
In Lily's eyes.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The World in Seven Pictures

Thanks to Rach B for this email...

Only in China...

Only in Hawaii...

Only in Texas...

Only in India...

Only in Mexico...

Only in Thailand...

Only in America...

When you make a realisation, you think about how and why you came to this conclusion.

The people you call your friends, they're the ones that will always be there for you. They're the ones that will listen to you, help you through the times, cry, laugh with you.

Bearing your soul is the hardest thing to do. Becuase it's so difficult, so personal, and so close to everything you believe and trust in and for.

But taking a chance is just a moment of vulnerability.. and if you judge the person you're sharing it with correctly and they do what's right with that bit of your soul, that moment of vulnerability/shame/humiliation might just be worth it.

And if you really trust them, that moment of vulnerability won't be as vulnerable as you think. They may surprise supportive or just appreciate that you shared this with them. Because in the end, all we really want is acceptance and love.

SomedayI'll be brave...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The busy week #427

So, having stressed about the Econometrics assignment since the Easter holidays, it is finally done and handed in. That does not mean that it wasn't stressful right till the point we dropped it in the box!

Jess and I were working on it and this silly computer software programme would not let us conduct a hypothesis test (funky, intelligent way of saying, carrying out the function, or more simply, do what the question asked us to do). We finally figured it out after 4 Online Tutor questions, various complaints to each other and to other friends (which I'm sure some of you can attest to..!), asking the lecturer (who didn't have much to say...), asking a number of other students who take the subject, then finally being shown how to do it (and make sure we don't get an error message) by my uni tutor. There have got to be downsides to not having a college tutor.

Anyway, I was working on the last of that assignment while Queen's Ball 2006: Goat for Pedro pre-drinks were happening. All I cared about was getting that darn thing done so I wouldn't have to worry about it later!

All was well, though.

So, it was time to PAR-TAY!!!

Half the girls on our corridor and some other friends had all, not intentionally nor at the same time, bought dresses in similar colours - think green, blue, aqua and turquoise, as the new black. No kidding (as soon as I get my hands on those photos, they're going up! You all will have to see!) It was an amazing night, to see everybody and catch up with them and to boogie it down and party with 250 of your closest (college) friends! It was heaps of fun - lots of people to meet, to talk to, to take photos with. Again, if you have any photos, please send them to me!! :)

The Queeners, the Wyverns, the friends of aforementioned people, the Randoms (heh) were all there to make the atmosphere awesome. So, I shall let the photos speak for themselves when I get them....

Photos from my birthday dinner...(Hotel Milan, 29 April 2006)

Jacquie, Kate, Jey Han, Min, Judy, Adrienne, me, Gareth Posted by Picasa

Renne & Min...apparently sleeping or something like that... Posted by Picasa

Judy & Adrienne Posted by Picasa

Judy, Min, Adrienne Posted by Picasa

Pete, Sarah, Em Posted by Picasa

Wen & Tom Posted by Picasa

Cece, Gem, Helen, Kelly, me, Sally-Anne, Zoe Posted by Picasa

Gem, Helen, Kelly, me, Min, Sally-Anne, Zoe Posted by Picasa

Mel, Ting, Renee Posted by Picasa

Min & CY Posted by Picasa

Wen, Tom, Sze Posted by Picasa

Gareth Posted by Picasa

Brucey (making a grand entrance..? I dunno..!) Posted by Picasa

Sally-Anne, Kelly, Kate, Alex, Renee Posted by Picasa