Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The E-word draws near

Yes, week 12. And I have two more tutes, one more concert class and one more lecture to go. ARGH!!!
If you were me, you'd be freaking out too. Because my feeling about my subjects has fluctuated all semester. I started off thinking that my subjects would be ok. Ideas was too fluffy for my liking. Global was interesting. Econometrics was a good mathematical tool. Then Ideas became interesting. Got me thinking - now I can hardly go a day without thinking about other cultures, or thinking "That word is so culturally specific." Sigh. Global just got to one of those subjects that I have to read STACKS for. Econometrics got really hard, the math flying over my head. So, I've been trying to convince myself all semester that my subjects are good, and interesting, and good for me. But now I'm starting to resent them. I'm trying not to say "I hate (insert subject here)!!" with frustration. Just so it's not out in the open. I'm ploughing away but it's such a struggle.
And there's so much at stake, too much to lose...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nope, the E3 expo came and went a while ago can't be that E-word *twiddles thumbs*