Friday, September 29, 2006

The collation

From June 2006:

Anonymous commenter: You should walk around College - there are plenty of people still around - you just have to find them - it's like an Easter Egg hunt :) 10:40 AM

glady_4: dear anonymous commenter,
please reveal yourself!! or at least some clue....? (you didn't happen to be an anonymous commenter a little while back, did you?) i'm assuming you are at college (mine, in fact..), so there aren't THAT many choices (i think?!) an easter egg hunt, hey? i like that.... :)

Anonymous commenter: A clue? Hmm .. tall, dark, handsome ...12:19 PM

glady_4: hmm...well, RE: Tall. if this is in comparison to me, it could be ANYBODY. almost. so, that's not very clue-y. Dark. This is in comparison to what..? In terms of hair colour..? Or eyes? Or skin tone in relation to mine? And Handsome, hey? That is a matter of opinion, surely I'd be the one to be the judge of that?
So, anonymous commenter, you really haven't given me a clue at all!
Hey, what about I try guess who you are..? Starting with... DO YOU LIVE IN KERNICK?!?! (during the university semester, of course..)

Anonymous commenter: Hey you didn't blog about the Queen's Revue! 1:19 PM

glady_4: oh, so i didn't! i shall have to...did i put photos from it..? maybe i'll just write a little spiel. but now i have to run to an exam.
and YOU didn't answer any of my questions!!!

Anonymous commenter: Hope your exam went well :) 6:53 PM

dear anonymous commenter

it is with great amusement that i think i may never figure out who you are. although i'm quite determined to figure it out. really.
please, more clues would be helpful. at least answer my ONE question!!
so, in response to you pointing out that i haven't blogged about the revue, i shall include photos..i'll do that now..!
yours truly,
gladys (the blogger..)

dear anonymous commenter #2

could you please leave more clues? an easter egg hunt?

Anonymous commenter: Clues .. hmmm .. I've been to your corridor several times ... other than that - i think it's more amusing (for me) to remain anonymous :P 1:33 PM

dear anonymous commenter #3

reveal reveal!!!!!!!!!
you've visited my corridor several times?
1) do you live on my corridor...????? (that could be very annoying)
2) which corridor/building do you live on/at?
3) why would it be funner, or 'more amusing' for you to remain anonymous? i think you should start revealing more..
o, what we've established:
1) this is like an easter egg hunt
2) you, my anonymous commenter, uses emoticons
3) i must know you. (yes, steph, this person well and truly knows me..! and i don't think it's a secret admirer...sigh! how exciting would that be?!? haha)
4) you've been to my corridor several times. (or more than several??)
5) you're tall, dark and handsome. this lends itself to a male anonymous commenter. but like i said, tall is really not good..i'm short, so tall is anything, really. dark is like..what? dark skin, dark hair, dark what? and handsome, well, that's a matter of opinoin. help me help you help me help you help me help you.
6) you find this amusing.

Oh, and there was another one.....when I wrote about somebody commenting that Queen's people and Ormond people were similar, I got an anonymous commenter: That's lucky considering they were going to merge.

From September 2006:
Anonymous commenter: HAHAHA
2:46 PM (in response to "ahem")

glady_4: that who i think it is...? or is that the return of my actual anonymous commenter (the tall, dark and handsome one?!) ?

Anonymous commenter: OMG - that blue text hurts my eyes - my eyes my eyes. And no, I'm the tall dark handsome one - that other person is an imposter. 12:14 AM

Anonymous commenter: Okay - another clue - I'm taller than you. 6:27 PM

So, the verdict? What does one make of this?

This person is most definitely a Queen's person. Who else could have known about the Revue? The Ormond-Queen's merger, my corridor, my blog (the least substantal argument here, but still...)

I need some concrete clues. "Tall, dark, handsome" unfortunately does not cut it. (As I said, tall isn't very hard to accomplish over me, even YOU know that! Dark, well, are you at night..?!?! Or otherwise? And what is dark? Your hair? Your eyes? Your skin tone? See? Inconclusive! And sorry, handsome is a matter of opinion. Perhpas if you revealed yourself to me, I could determine and pass judgement on whether handsome really applies to you or not. Note: I may be more likely to say you are if you actually revealed yourself to me...I really can't determine so if I have no physical reference..!)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

you don't say...

To the dark, tall and handsome anonymous commenter...

You don't happen to perhaps be the person I am supposed to marry as per the "ahem" post..? (to marry, so that I can be your brother's sister-in-law...)
This means that you have to have a brother I know. You don't say you are the same?

Thank you kindly.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


At the 2006 ExxonMobil Dean's Presentation Ceremony, Mr James Hunsaker, Director of Gas & Power Marketing at ExxonMobil, said:

"Normally when we talk about climate change, we talk over a very long time period, perhaps hundreds of years. But climate change in Melbourne occurs every fifteen minutes."


Monday, September 25, 2006


"Gladys needs a boyfriend."

"And he needs a girlfriend."

"What are you implying...?"

"Well, you guys can get married, and then you can be my sister-in-law."

"Ah, sole purpose. Nothing about love or anything. It's all about in-laws."

"Clearly......sole purpose, I see...."

Hah. Remember, water-person. Or there with the orange slices.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

not-so-dead-or-dying elephant

I'm really getting into this horn thing.
I played for Nat the other day, through a voice conversation on MSN. (I thought you had to have skype or something like that for it to happen!). She said it actually sounded like a french horn! Go figure..!
I'd like to keep it up, but it'd be hard.
Considering that minor prac on violin is in the very back of my head. Not sure how viable that is. And horn..?!?!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

something different...

"When are you going to play horn in Sinfonia? Then we could have a full horn section!"
Perhaps not, Phoebe...or maybe the last week. When it's alright to make a complete fool of myself :P


it's like i'm on the sidelines permanently.
one day i'll get to take centre stage.
maybe the crowds will roar. and maybe the other players will look around and ask why it's never happen before.

Friday, September 22, 2006

every time

every time i hear it, i think of you.
every time i start singing, i think of you.
and i smile.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


So, heartiest congratulations of all sorts to CAMERON HILL. Okay, so I don't personally know the guy, but I know of him.
And I can boast that I went to uni with him. And I know people who know him.
So that counts!
Anyway, so Cameron won the YPA 2006, playing Stravinsky's Violin Concerto in D.
Well done to the other two finalists - they are phenomenal musicians in their own right, and the judge's choice was incredibly hard.

The Con will have a field month. I know I will...I am thinking of having a party in his honour, just coz. I think it'd be fun.

So, CONGRATULATIONS again. Because he definitely deserves it; from all I know about him, this rising star is phenomenal, totally amazing. If you don't already know of him, look out..!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


so, it's the holidays now......

i was at uni for AGES on thursday and friday....
thursday...think about 9am-7pm.
Darn...i think i have blogged this, but it didn't save....! What's the go?!?!

Anyway, so Friday I had this recording thingo.
Thanks to sam for helping out.
monique did really well. We did like, ten songs....intense!!

And so, coincidentally, some guy came in and sat in the recording session. He didn't say a word, didn't make a sound, didn't interrupt or anything.
Turns out he's an Italian conductor. And he's played horn with some big names and met some famous people and all. Conversing with him was quite hard...lucky monique knew some italian..! (His english was fairly broken..!) Wow, they had like, a full-on talk. hehe

missed the Caltex dude, at the expense of sitting in the con foyer :) (a pastime I know enjoy quite regularly..!) Had a rehearsal on friday arvo/evening for TRIO REGINAE. (Did i unveil that already..?) Jazz and wyvern was that night. Managed to have beer spilt all over me, have yet more scratches from heels and the like courtesy of other people; I always go to turns and stuff and come back with battle scars.

got up late on the weekends...gosh, haven't been able to do that in a VERY long time! felt so good! had jude's music prac on saturday...that went well :) we played on sunday (obviously..) we rocked....maybe not as much as we could have if ben were there, though..!
Went to inkari on saturday and sunday nights..!
Saturday was to listen to the live latin band :) totally cool. the band really liked us (probably because we were a group of people, rather than just like, two people..) the guitarist even came out and said hi to all of us...making sure he shook everybody's hand! hehe :P When we tried to go (xing was getting a takeaway coffee), one of the guys, i think the string bass player was like, "takeaway?! No! No takeaway!"
"oh, sorry, i have to deliver this coffee..I'll come back next week!"
"you break my heart..!"
hehe. Too cute.

then went again on sunday night coz it was a lygon st night. we were supposed to split up into groups and stuff, but it ended up being one MASSIVE group at inkari; we took up the entire outside, and half the inside! hehe. :P (splitting the bill was a nightmare though, and a huge headache ensued...!) good times, good times :)

monday i had a piano lesson. then had sushi for lunch :)
the lesson went well, which was great. lots to work on, lots of work to do..! but at least i know where i am at the moment! i've put my name down to play the first day back in a masterclass with stephen mcintyre. i am really shocked i did that. but i've been dying to play for him. but i'm not sure if i'm ready or not..! argh!

the ACO concert broadcast on monday night was wonderful. they played beethoven 5, in the midst of a bunch of things. but they were using this urtext version that had beethoven's tempi. and how sprightly it was!!!

"so what are you doing for the rest of the day?"
"wishing that somebody (read: interesting man of some description) will ring me up and ask me to dinner :P"

tuesday night (last night), i went and saw the st lawrence string quartet play at hamer hall as part of the musica viva series. it was a great concert. i went with mel (thanks a bunch!!! i hope you had as much fun as i did!) after alex pulled out, and i messaged/emailled a bunch of people, it turned out to be just me and mel :) it was great. :) i'd forgotten how beautiful hamer hall is!

cameron hill is now playing the stravinsky violin concerto in the final of the young performer's award.

Concerts I have missed:
Friday night: VCA plays Mahler 5; muco at St Paul's.
Saturday: Girton college cambridge choir at Trinity College. (Also, trinity college choir)
Sunday: MYO plays tchaikovsky
Monday: ACO Concert (didn't actually see it)
Tuseady: lucky i finally went to a concert. but i missed an Impressaria concert.
Tonight: seeing the YPA final at hamer hall. i am listning to it, but perhaps I shoulda gone to see Cameron (and the other two talented soloists).....I woulda run into a zillion con students!
Upcoming concerts: thursday - The Stiletto Sisters (I have no idea, i got a flyer; looked interesting...). Friday: Spring Early Music Festival: Melbourne Collegium @ Newman College Chapel.

"look at you, all social!"
"wow, am i a gig-freak or what?"

"interested in seeing the st lawrence st.qt tonight@hamer hall? student rush $15, 7.30pm. i'm going with a coupla friends, need a muso friend too!"
"sorry mate i have to work tonight :-( good luck finding a muso! Hava good night, bless ya"

Lack of $.
Want to go out.
The social life of a musician...?!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

multi faceted

little in life is ever a single dimension. it's usually multi-faceted.
which is my angst at the moment.
leaving or staying.
i'm probably staying, it's just that sometimes i wonder whether i could really hack it again.
i'm sure i could, just distancing myself has been one of the wonders of this semester.
it has been an amazing time to get to know new people, especially people who are so passionate about the same things as me.

don't get me wrong, the people here are lots of fun, and are all unique. i'm sick of the fact that I can't talk about the things i'm really interested in without the other person really understanding, i'm tired of the crap that goes on. my idea of fun is clearly something quite different. it would perhaps be very prudent of me to say that i have matured much faster than a lot of them. but it feels that way in many instances.
I definitely identify with them all - we're all here. but sometimes i have to wonder if that's the only thing.
no common interests, no anything else, really. it's just the place that brings us together.
of course, identifying with a place is a strong thing, but is it enough?
is that what i define myself by?

no. i define myself in a number of ways. you may call it multifaceted.

i'm like one of those bouncy rubber balls. i'll spring back up again.
it's just i'm having one of those lows where i'm deluded by it all.

i feel apathetic towards it all.
after being deluded by it.
and perhaps what i don't know, i just don't care about. not that everything is like that, but such frivolity really doesn't matter to me anymore.

Monday, September 11, 2006

what up

i shoulda gone on church camp. it sounds like it was a really really good camp.
oh well.

thursday was long. though. just tiring. lucky i didn't go to cloudstreet that night, i would have got home at about 10.30-11 or something crazy like that.

our new OB lecturer is really cool. ok, sure she doesn't have scott's cool accent, but she sure is enthusiastic, and definitely will not take No for an answer!

got a message on friday night:
"Ok guys get ur diaries and turn to october 14. Scribble out anything that is written there, and write the words 'duckdive gig at the evelyn' Easy!"

Haha. i felt compelled to send one back about Cloudstreet.

went to cloudstreet on saturday night. phenomenal. long (about 3.5hrs) but it was so worth it. excellent acting. they did a marvellous job. and i know the places they talk about in this..!
crawley, freo, subiaco, shenton park, nedlands...i even went to school in nedlands..go figure!

sang a whole mass in chapel on sunday. wow. was that hard or what...! (and exhausting..) plus, it was michael's last service with us (for something like three years..) this is a very sad ocassion :(

monday again had its good moments. below are the some of the highlights...

Nick: What happened to the zing guy?
Tim: Would it be a breach of privacy to say that he's close to failing?

woodwind students. (half of the class)
Nick and I sit there going..."yeah....." [Nick: I'm a singer and viola player...I have no idea what they're going on about...]

Mischa: Tim, why did you waste my paper?
Tim: Mischa, you made me give you a grade and waste your paper!

Tim: Carl's manuscript? There should be something called Tim's manuscript! Then I could set it as a prescribed text and charge three dollars a sheet!

Ed: What do you mean by new and improved manuscript? How is it new and improved?
Gladys: Well, perhaps the lines are half a millimetre further apart. Then you could fit all of your bigger notes in!

Nick: Can I please share your book?

Nick: Ooh, nice chord! Can I plagarise?

Tim: I'm a genius! now, I'm going to tell you all, so don't steal my idea. There should be a function on your email inbox that allows you to bounce emails back. Then if you got an email from somebody that you really didn't like or didn't want to know about, you could keep bouncing it back!
Sam: I think the university has something like it.....
Tim: No, melbourne uni is one of the pioneers of uni email.....they can't have created it, and it can't exist now because it's dishonest!

Ed: There's another Ed Ferris walking around on campus.....
Nick: I'm unique! No one else with my name! No, actually, my uncle is Nick too.
Darn it, I'm not unique...

Tim: Can I borrow some manuscript? I want to keep my exercise for posterity's sake.

Tim: Gonna write the inner parts in less than a minute! can't have been more than ten per cent over time!

Tim: Are you a piano player? Good, you should play what you've written because it's beautiful.
Sam/Nick: Yeah! Play it, Gladys!
Gladys: No, I'll be right...
Tim: Right, I'll play it!
[plays it]
Class: Awww.....

Good times, good times. We should keep the quotes from this class, like...
"M & E are letting you guys down, only getting A+!"
"Next week we're going to get S! Come on, we're the best class, remember?"

Thursday, September 07, 2006


today in sinfonia, i got to play parts of pretrouchka and dvorak 5!
suddenly, dvorak and tchaikovsky don't seem so hard any more, not after stravinsky...!

dvorak 5 iv is awesome! lots of fun. a winner, i tell you!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

how odd

before the weekend, i was feeling so under the pump about getting this OB group assignment bit done. I did, but very rushed. Ok, there were still some loose ends.

Then on monday, i felt like we were going well. Then last night (tuesday night), i started freaking out because it was like "ah! tomorrow is wednesday and it's the day before it's due and it's not finished! argh!"

tuesday was alright. it was jac's birthday, which was exciting.
we booked idea of north tickets yesterday (not really related to jac's birthday...). had a bit of a hitch trying to get xing (which we didn't), but we have it all sorted out. i've never been in charge of so much money in my entire life. well, money that's not mine..! do not worry, friends, the money has been passed on to the appropriate person, and our tickets have been booked. We shall collect them on the night. we have a very very large group booking (something in excess of 22 people....!)
i was waiting out the back of the con when this conversation took place:

"hi, how's it going?"
"yeah, good. yourself?"
"yeah, good. i see you have your horn!"
"yes, brass class later.."
"ooh, well, play something for me!"
"no! I sound terrible!" (and also, the other person is a brass embarrassing..!)
"oh no, you have to play for me!"
"no no no...!!! Really. I have just learnt to stick my hand into the bell, and I haven't been able to get a nice sound out! tuning? what's that? i'm a pianist! i just press keys!"
(laughs) "ok. i have a class that i'm late for, but next time i see you, you have to play something for me, ok?"

so, people went out for jac's birthday dinner. i didn't make it to dinner, but managed, along with ace and sal, to make it to lygon st to join them. i was supposed to go to ormond to do a dinner announcement, but that fell through because jesse (who is the QCS&SC President 2007!!! Congratulations!!!) couldn't get in touch with their pres. pooh. oh well. helen, ace, steph and sal and i went and got gelate from freddo's after that :) yum.
came home at about 10. thought "it's too late to practice". well, at least i had done some that afternoon. spent about an hour talking to helen. then had to do work (techs, OB etc.)
went to bed at 2. woke up at 8.
this is quite unhealthy, is it not..? and this is not the first time it's happened. well, i think 6hrs is the least i've got but it often verges somewhere between 6 and 7.25hrs. i will definitely come crashing down in a little while..i can feel it in my bones..!

so, today, although i didn't have uni, it was pretty busy.
had to hand in techs assignment. had trio rehearsal.

within about three days, several performance opportunities have arisen:
*from dylan, who was replying to an email of mine, mentioned that the ICO is probably going to be put on hold for the rest of the year, because it's getting really difficult to arrange the stuff before any sort of concert. but we're still having a concert..! 20 October, i think....called Chamber Music in the Chapel at Newman College Chapel. I will confirm that later..!
and he was like, "there's going to be a string orchestra playing a piece by yours truly and tchaikovsky. do you want to play in it?" HECK YES!!
and he was like, "perhaps this is an opportunity to play a piano solo?" heck yes! any performance opportunity!!! wow. i love this guy for creating opportunities.

*also, the con is having its annual Chamber music competition. and we thought it'd be good for our trio to at least enter it. we'll put down that we're playing mozart (tbc..) but it'd be really good. experience, exposure. it's cool.

*em is giving a recital towards the end of the year and she wants us (the trio) to play in it! how cool is that?

perhaps our trio can play in the chamber music concert? this is fantastic! since when did i do chamber music? not that i'm complaining, but it's suddenly all come up. which is really cool!

i'm so excited about these performance opportunities. every musician is always looking for them. so, please come to these. i'll confirm these dates and times later on, when they're set in concrete and stuff...

then did paid work, worked on OB. it's like, DONE!!!
okay, so now i kinda feel liberated, but i know it's not going to be...!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday mornings

I love my Monday mornings, I think.
I'll tell you why. Because I usually have a good Sunday night (although it is often very busy). Then i do this early morning thing to practice. And ther'es nothing quitelike having music as your first thing for the day. (Although this morning I started getting really hungry in the middle of Ravel...)
Then I go for my 10am Techniques 1-2 tute. Of so many classes I have taken, this is definitely one of my favourites.
I'll tell you why.
I have cool people in my tute. Tim is an awesome lecturer and tutor, we have awesome students in my tute. Not just students who really get what they're doing, but students who are lots of fun.
For example, we have established that monday 10am is the best tute. Although apparently we're being let down by people who are getting only A+, rather than S (the highest grade for an assignment). but they're totally capable of it.
then we talk about random stuff. them boys have so many random stories. for example, i learnt about stuffing a bird into a blazer pocket.....then the teacher having a heart attack. who knew?
(poor bird..)
and then there's the constant "we're the best class!" and then encouraging each other on. and then the random discussions about other random stuff..
all this while being productive, no kidding. it's fantastic.
and the time between 10am and 11am class (let's call it 10.55-11.05) is the perfect time to be around in the con on a monday morning, because i run into a whole heap of musos that i know. it's wonderful. my entire con social life could possibly be carried out on a monday morning! brilliant!
i'll tell you, i'll really miss this class after i'm done with it; i'm that attached to it..

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Musical Terms

In order to keep you abreast of the ever-developing world
of musical terminology, we provide herewith the latest
additions to the esteemed Harvard Dictionary of Music:

When you're 16 bars into the piece and realize you took
too fast a tempo

To play with a divinely beefy tone

Accompanied by knee-slapping

A composition that you regret playing

A series of notes not intended by the composer, yet
played with an "I meant to do that" attitude

A musical entrance that is somewhere in the vicinity
of the correct pitch

A composition incorporating many people with chest

A large, multi-movement work from Beethoven's
Caribbean Period

An exceedingly small wind instrument that plays
only sour notes

A note held over and over and over and over and...

A note of dubious value held for indefinite length

Grumpy string players

Those tiny mosquitos that bother musicians on outdoor

A sensible and inexpensive brass instrument

A French horn player

The title bestowed upon the monk who can hold a note
the longest

Someone who takes control of the repeated bassline
and won't let anyone else play it

A faux tenor

A sudden burst of music from the Guy Lombardo band

Manifesto of the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Violists

An indication to string instruments to produce a
bright and bubbly sound

What an elementary school orchestra is having when
it's not following the conductor (also common in
municipal bands and community orchestras)

Any clef one can't read: e.g. alto clef for pianists

An indication to build up to a fiery conclusion

Child prodigy son of the concertmaster

And here are the latest and most up-to-date
definitions of traditional musical terms:

A tempo that's infernally slow

Referring to the prohibition of cell phones in
the concert hall

What musicians form after the concert

When musicians are still fishing long after the
legal season has ended

First cousin of the second trombonist

Something that happens when you forget what the
composer wrote

To achieve a complaining sound, as if you have a
sour stomach

An indication to cellists to hold on tight with
their lower extremities

An indication to string players to bow in a
slashing, rapier motion

Used to indicate permission to take a coffee break

An indication to play listlessly; e.g. as if
you don't care

A person who, standing in front of the orchestra
and/or chorus, is able to follow them precisely

Musical stage production performed by nudists

The beverage to drink in the country when listening
to Beethoven with a member of the clergy

An effect distinctly non-upper-class

Too much coffee -- time to take a break

A cross between a rhubarb and a tomato

An unpleasant effect produced by the violin
section when it doesn't use vibrato


"I sometimes feel like the Ormond people and the Queen's people are very similar."

the questions:
#1. the validity of this statement.
#2. do you agree with this?
#3. why or why not?

any comments appreciated.


it really has been!
friday was a fairly early start, although i didn't get as much work as i intended to do done before i had a class at 10am. it was unfortuantely the last lecture we have with our cool american lecturer, scott (well, he's american. and he's got a cool american accent. he's totally cool.)
then i tried to go to the con to read the concert reports from several weeks ago to see what people had written when i played. but i got told something i really didn't understand. oh well. perhaps i'll try again next week.
then we had lunch, and spent ages talking to sam and xing and then tried to do work after that. was feeling a bit unmotivated to practice piano. i unfortunately have to feel it, and to feel it, i have to feel like i have a good amount of time, not under pressure. so it hasn't happened yet, because i have felt really really busy.

then i had commerce dinner. it was good. unfortunately, jeff borland couldn't come because he had a stomach bug or something. and i was supposed to sit next to him so that i could talk economics with him. rather unfortunate that he wasn't there, really. i was really looking forward to getting to know the head of the economics department, you know, nice and chummy. perhaps my ticket to honours..?!? oh well, the dinner went quite well. it was a nice event to get all dressed up for :) dinner was delicious, the speaker, Dr David Cousins, was good, and the conversation we had was good. i then nicked off to go to girls' night at the vic. i didn't even bother getting changed out of my dress, i stuck a coat on top, and walked over at about 11pm! i didn't care, i had promised that i was going to make it to girls' night and i wasn't about to not fulfill that promise!

i arrived just in time to start The Notebook. I really wish i had my pjs instead (everybody else looked, and i bet, was, really comfy!) yep, so what happens when you watch The Notebook with nine other girls, who are basically all as weepy as me? Yes, it was emotional. we had the toilet roll out, honking our way through it; it was soo sad!! but so good! (why do us girls put ourselves through such emotional trauma quite willingly?!) we all agreed that we wouldn't turn on the lights well after the movie, for fear of looking like absolute train wrecks..! (I assure you i was; i'm one of those people that when i cry, i look absolutely terrible - you can tell when i cry. my eyes are all puffy, red, and my nose goes bright red and doesn't un-red itself for a while). well, it was a late night, i got home at about 2am, went to bed at 2.30.

so this morning, i got up at 8.30, because i was meeting lauren at 10am, and i kinda wanted to get a bit of work done. yep, 6 hrs sleep is not very much. it's quite unfortunate that i have been very close to this quite often recently. i will seriously crash on the holidays. as long as i can hold out for about two weeks longer...
we went to piano landmarks this morning, saw Stefan play Satie, and Stephen McIntyre play Debussy. It was a good concert! loz met her friend marina in the city, and i had to head home after it because i had a bunch of work to do!

things i missed out on today:
michael's farewell (I feel really bad about this one. considering he's going for three years...)
the icac art exhibition (i really wanted to see this. it's always interesting to see this! and go poke around another college. it's kinda fun..!)
the CU ball (i really wanted to go to this too. amy was telling me i HAD to go.......i feel bad for her..!)
this monash uni orchestra concert at melba hall (with four soloists playing....stuff...)
treas' birthday bbq
the rest of the piano landmarks concerts. because i wanted to go to all four, because there was at least one thing in each that i really wanted to see, either a certain person who was playing, or the piece that they were playing. pooh. and ondine was being played by ke lin (who incidentally, first studied commerce. i tell you, the number of musicians, especially pianists, mostly male actually...who did commerce first. or are doing commerce too..........the odds are up..!)

mind you, i went to Youth Alive tonight with loz, sam, and two other ormondians.
the quirky bits first...
one of them is steph, who is incidentally a friend of li's. and who went to College. and so she knows a whole heap of queeners. totally cool!
the other one was chloe. who is a music student. who incidentally comes from perth. who knew sof (flutes at uwa...). and she went to penrhos. she knew amy twining. and apparently she goes to subi as well..! (except she goes to the evening service...when i go back, i shall have to see her there..!) how quirky is that?!?!

anyway, youth alive was at rod laver arena. it was such an amazing night.
it was so amazing and encouraging to see so many young people expressing their love for God. something like 12 000 people. Not kidding. it was HUGE. totally amazing. there was a band, some skateboarders, preston - this dude who delivered a testimony (a truly amazing one, i tell you!) and a speaker, Reggie (he was totally cool). it was a truly AMAZING night.
rod laver is totally cool too :)
the walk there and back from the flinders st/swanston st station was just beautiful. it was just such a beautiful day and night out today (and tonight!) - it was cold, not too windy. it was just beautiful. surely we are so blessed.
we went out after to get some gelate. we talked. it was nice.
it was a truly excellent day. just that work unfortunately doesn't do itself for me. this is a great pity, in my opinion.

so, on that note, i should get back to it....(i'll go to sleep soon, i promise..!)

Friday, September 01, 2006


haha. definitely the year for musos.
(brass variety?!)


why has nobody else updated their blog?
why do i keep incessantly checking my email/who's online/who's commented/who's updated their facebook profile?
why has nobody written comments for my blog? (okay, i take some of that back. perhaps the question should be why haven't more people commented on my blog?!?!)

out today from 9.45-11.30am, 12.40-10.30pm. no wonder i'm trying to desparately get some work done now (despite talking about it right now, right here....)

went for dinner with rellies on tuesday night. i ate so well - seafood and nice salad (ie. not the weeds..). got some stuff from the parents that i'd asked to send over, plus you know, a care package type thing. plus extra care package type things from aunt and uncle. awesome to see them in melbourne again! pity they didn't get to drop by queen's again.

piano lesson. almost completely lost it. don't want to end up crying in lesson. feeling quite frustrated and a bit lost, really. this is terrible. but i don't want it to be a shambles, so i'll do it the only way i know how: keep persisting with the work, keep pushing through it all. keep filling myself up with stuff to keep me busy, and to keep working. that's the only i know how to do it, and it has somehow sustained me so far. i don't know how feasible it really is.
did lose it on the phone with mum last night. am not going home for september break. that's ok. will give me a chance to chilax...catch up on piano lessons, work some more (ie. more study), and to perhaps visit some friends round here.

tom's birthday today. happy birthday tom. finally 19 yay!

went to CU public meeting today. it was good. v. interesting. and it's nice to see so many other uni Christians. some from jude's some not, but all is good. and lots of musos, apparently.
hung out in the con for an hour between history and sinfonia. tried to do OB work (isn't working now either..). talked to rob (about cloudstreet, jazz and wyvern, other random qc stuff..). talked to rowan about i don't know what. oh well. tim was being....tim. brass boy. well, they all are... go figure....

had dinner with flick and erica along with lauren tonight. so much fun. ate so well! love the girls :) busy-ness (as opposed to business).
can't make deadlines argh!

friday plan:
sleep a bit...OB lecture....lunch, piano practice, other study, commerce dinner, girl's night.

Saturday plan:
piano landmarks concert with lauren 11am (pre-concert talk at 10.40). will see stefan and stephen (i desparately want to actually meet and introduce myself to stephen). come home. do work/study. Youth alive with lauren, sam and other ppl. (am a bit nervous, don't know what to expect, but am quite excited about it). it is dubbed lauren-saturday.
am unfortunately going to have to miss michael's farewell, probably the ICAC art exhibition (pity, it is usually good), moash uni orchestra at melba hall, treas' birthday bash (my friends are starting to get old, not kidding......def. past the big 2-1. over the hill, i tell you!), the CU ball ( year, i tell you, next year) and the other landmarks concerts. pooh.

had letter from ex-piano teacher this week. totally cute. totally cool.

sunday: choir.

i think i'm going to fall off my chair. or compeltely lose my head. eyes about to pop out of my head and i am about to slump onto the floor. this is not healthy..............