Friday, September 29, 2006

The collation

From June 2006:

Anonymous commenter: You should walk around College - there are plenty of people still around - you just have to find them - it's like an Easter Egg hunt :) 10:40 AM

glady_4: dear anonymous commenter,
please reveal yourself!! or at least some clue....? (you didn't happen to be an anonymous commenter a little while back, did you?) i'm assuming you are at college (mine, in fact..), so there aren't THAT many choices (i think?!) an easter egg hunt, hey? i like that.... :)

Anonymous commenter: A clue? Hmm .. tall, dark, handsome ...12:19 PM

glady_4: hmm...well, RE: Tall. if this is in comparison to me, it could be ANYBODY. almost. so, that's not very clue-y. Dark. This is in comparison to what..? In terms of hair colour..? Or eyes? Or skin tone in relation to mine? And Handsome, hey? That is a matter of opinion, surely I'd be the one to be the judge of that?
So, anonymous commenter, you really haven't given me a clue at all!
Hey, what about I try guess who you are..? Starting with... DO YOU LIVE IN KERNICK?!?! (during the university semester, of course..)

Anonymous commenter: Hey you didn't blog about the Queen's Revue! 1:19 PM

glady_4: oh, so i didn't! i shall have to...did i put photos from it..? maybe i'll just write a little spiel. but now i have to run to an exam.
and YOU didn't answer any of my questions!!!

Anonymous commenter: Hope your exam went well :) 6:53 PM

dear anonymous commenter

it is with great amusement that i think i may never figure out who you are. although i'm quite determined to figure it out. really.
please, more clues would be helpful. at least answer my ONE question!!
so, in response to you pointing out that i haven't blogged about the revue, i shall include photos..i'll do that now..!
yours truly,
gladys (the blogger..)

dear anonymous commenter #2

could you please leave more clues? an easter egg hunt?

Anonymous commenter: Clues .. hmmm .. I've been to your corridor several times ... other than that - i think it's more amusing (for me) to remain anonymous :P 1:33 PM

dear anonymous commenter #3

reveal reveal!!!!!!!!!
you've visited my corridor several times?
1) do you live on my corridor...????? (that could be very annoying)
2) which corridor/building do you live on/at?
3) why would it be funner, or 'more amusing' for you to remain anonymous? i think you should start revealing more..
o, what we've established:
1) this is like an easter egg hunt
2) you, my anonymous commenter, uses emoticons
3) i must know you. (yes, steph, this person well and truly knows me..! and i don't think it's a secret admirer...sigh! how exciting would that be?!? haha)
4) you've been to my corridor several times. (or more than several??)
5) you're tall, dark and handsome. this lends itself to a male anonymous commenter. but like i said, tall is really not good..i'm short, so tall is anything, really. dark is like..what? dark skin, dark hair, dark what? and handsome, well, that's a matter of opinoin. help me help you help me help you help me help you.
6) you find this amusing.

Oh, and there was another one.....when I wrote about somebody commenting that Queen's people and Ormond people were similar, I got an anonymous commenter: That's lucky considering they were going to merge.

From September 2006:
Anonymous commenter: HAHAHA
2:46 PM (in response to "ahem")

glady_4: that who i think it is...? or is that the return of my actual anonymous commenter (the tall, dark and handsome one?!) ?

Anonymous commenter: OMG - that blue text hurts my eyes - my eyes my eyes. And no, I'm the tall dark handsome one - that other person is an imposter. 12:14 AM

Anonymous commenter: Okay - another clue - I'm taller than you. 6:27 PM

So, the verdict? What does one make of this?

This person is most definitely a Queen's person. Who else could have known about the Revue? The Ormond-Queen's merger, my corridor, my blog (the least substantal argument here, but still...)

I need some concrete clues. "Tall, dark, handsome" unfortunately does not cut it. (As I said, tall isn't very hard to accomplish over me, even YOU know that! Dark, well, are you at night..?!?! Or otherwise? And what is dark? Your hair? Your eyes? Your skin tone? See? Inconclusive! And sorry, handsome is a matter of opinion. Perhpas if you revealed yourself to me, I could determine and pass judgement on whether handsome really applies to you or not. Note: I may be more likely to say you are if you actually revealed yourself to me...I really can't determine so if I have no physical reference..!)


Anonymous said...

haha, hi Glady! :)

wow, u and ur anonymous commenter are still commenting away. man, i wuld find it frustrating to not kno who it is.

so wats new?

i just had my last mox exam -music. it was ok, except for insulting our musical intelligence. it was (literally) completely abt finding string techniques and compositional techniques. CANT WE JUST ANALYSE THE EXCERPT(ie themes, motifs, chord analysis)?! i culd've done that. i was annoyed:)

anyways, hols now.
u comin bak 2 perth in the nxt 2 wks?


JC said...

Aww... lookie this, I think lil Glady has gone and gotten herself a stalker... now ain't that cute... =D

Oh, heya stephie, do I know you? Oh well, just thought I'd say hi anyway!

JC bounces away... Whee! One more week! BOING!