Monday, July 31, 2006

Photos from Lauren's 21st

Nice pic of Chris & me (she was all ready to poke her tongue out at me!)

Tongues out! (Sam in the background on the left. The green in the background is Trev.)

Cheesy grins! (mine clearly more cheesy..! Hah)

Gina & me

Gowri, Nat, me, Mags

Mags, me, Tim, Nat, Gowri and Gina with Lauren


oh,forgot to writethisbit.
iplayedinsinfonia on thursdayafternoon/evening.thiswasafterfourhours ofotherclasses...thursdays areincrediblylongdays (7 hoursofunievery 2ndweek!!argh!)
anyway,weread throughDvoraksymph#6andthefirst movt ofthe Tchaikovsky Symphony#4. thatisreallyhard..!!! AndI wasplayingfirstviolin,so thejobwasn'tmadeany easier...!

right,gonnaput somephotosup..

Week 1

So, itwas really hectic.
And myspace baronlydecides to worksometimes. I think ithastodowith where exactly Ipress it.So,it'sa bit of a gamblesometimes.

So, what hashappened?

Therecap.I'vebeentoall myclasses now(includingtoday,whereIhad musictutes atuni.)
OrganisationalBehaviouristaught forthe1sthalfofsemester by thisAmericandude.I love his accent..! WegottowatchpartofaCharlie Chaplin movieinclass,whichdemonstrateda conceptquite well.
Anditwas a2hrlecture, so we gotalittlebreak inthemiddle.

The IntercollegiateOrchestra starteditslifeon FridayafternoonatNewmanCollege.
Iwasleadingtheorchestra,eep!Butit was lotsoffun!We sight-read through Bizet'sCarmen Suite1 (someofit), DvorakSlavonicDance#8,part ofSaint-Saen's CarnivaloftheAnimals.Itwas lotsof fun!Anditsounded quite good!Well,considering mostpeople have heardthemusic,but were sight-readingit!
There were quitealot ofvioliniststhere, so thatwas verypromising. We arelacking cellos though, andsomelower brass/woodwind. I'msure we'll getthere!
The boysdidreallywell,I wassoproud ofthem!

According totheir little slipofpaper,
"We don't mind if you can't make it all the rehearsals; if youdon't feel like coming oncein a whileyou don't havetomake up some pettyexcuseabout contracting anthrax or helping your mother'sfriend's colleague's second-cousinonceremoved to shiftfurniture.
We'rea bitshortonmusic stands,sobringone(orsome) torehearsal ifyoucan.
We'reabit short onstringplayers,sobring one(orsome) torehearsalifyoucan. (Seriously,help ustorecruit more strings -tell youfriendsaboutthe Orchestra!Bribe them!Blackmailthem!)
Feelfree to compliment the conductors andband managersonhowpretty theylook."

Hah. Goodtimes.

OnFriday night,therewassupposedtobeameeting kindaaboutConnectthissemester,butthere were only going tobetwoofus there, soI headed to theVicanywayand haddinnerwiththeYoungsiblings.It was reallynicejusttogetoutandnothavecollege food! Funtimes:)

Saturdaywas busy....wentdowntouni inthemorningtobuymyOBtextbook.Ihad 70pagesofreading todo!argh! Ifiguredthatif Ireallycouldn't finishonSaturday, Istillhadsometime onSundaytodoit.
Hadafewmeetings, felt reallytired andsick,hadanap.AndthenLauren's21st was on!

AftersomedresstipsfromMel,I was readyto head out!ImetMags and Liz on Elgin/Lygon andwe allheadeddowntoBirraBella (Lygs).Allinall,itwasagreatparty. There weresome peopleIknew(like, themusicgirls,Chris,Flick,Anna,and some Ormond kids (surprisinglyenough..!)- Trev (Ididn'texpectto seehimthere,that waskindacool!), Sam, Tamsin (whoIincidentallywenttoPRIMARYschool with...gofigure!).And Igotto meet awholebunchof Lauren's otherfriendsfrom allwalksoflife!Itwaspretty amazing.

Haha.Those Ormond kids....too funny.They remindme ofthequirkyQueen'sfriendsIhave.A bunchofthemwalkedmehome(thanxguys!)becauseit wasdeemedunsafe forme towalkalong themain road bymyselfat about12.20am. So, theywalked merightuptothebackgate,anddidn'tmove offuntil thegatewasshutbehindme!Itwascute. What waseven quirkierwasthatthreeof them(whoareall musiciansof sorts)started singingonthewayhome. Yes, youguessright, in harmony.Itreminded me so muchofthetimes we'dwalked toandfromJude'swiththeboyssinging.Itwasjustlikethat,justwitha differentbunch ofboys. Plusthechickwhowaslookingjust asbaffledasme. Butinside,IwassecretlygrinningaVERYLARGE grin.Especiallywhentheystartedsinging"Awhim-a-way,awhim-a-way" Yep,broughtbackthoughtsofTheJungleRemix.Haha

(sorrythe formattingisso dodgy!)

So,I gotmyhorn thismorning.It'sveryexciting...I'm notquite surewhat todowithitatthepresentmoment.Also, themore I think aboutit,thecrazier Iam.I'mdoingpianoat uni, playingviolinintwo orchestras(of sorts),learningthehorn.Halfmy subjects/activitiesare based aroundpractical musicmaking(read:havingtoplayinstrument/s), andI'm onabout three committees,tryingto balancework, study, sociallife etc.Thisisreallyhard!Somuchwork...huge semester,here Iam..!

Okay, backtosomethingmoreproductive..(?)LikelisteningtotheTchaik 4 to listento howit'sreallysuppsoedtosound..!

Saturday, July 29, 2006


ifihitthespacebarseveraltimes(examplehere) it does work,but it's fairly temperamental.

Friday, July 28, 2006

stupid stupid me

ok, briefly, my computer is munted because i spilt water on the keybaord. i hope i haven't lost anything. i'm currently in the college library carrying out my internet work.
this puts me in a very bad position. why? you ask?
well, i'm not on msn.
sorry guys...!
and all my personal files and documents are on that computer. i have backed up some stuff, but not all of it. ARGH!!! stupid me, i should have done it in the holidays, but i didn't (i spent my time sleeping..)
so, the keys don't work, and consequently, i can't really use it. this sucks also because a lot of my uni work is online. not all of it, thankfully, but some of it. which makes it very hard to work.
i really don't feel like doing work atm. but oh well, i will get to it in about two minutes, i'll do about half and hour's worth..(that's about all i've done all week eep! here's to a very busy weekend!)

so, if you want to get in contact with me, email me. you guys should know my email, those who would be contacting me anyway.
i still haven't managed to get all my textbooks as yet (thus, the very heavy workload i shall be having on the weekend)
right, i should better get moving and do some reading before it all comes down on me.

have an intercollegiate orchestra rehearsal starting in an's to a productive semester!!!!

(i am HIDEOUSLY busy!!!! argh!!!)

Monday, July 24, 2006

uni starts

i really am crazy. i'm taking six subjects this semester. But officially, i am still only doing 50 points.
my subjects are as follows:
*Practical study 2-2 (you know, piano playing)
*Organisational Behaviour (this is compulsory for me..)
*Music Techniques 1-2 (harmony, theory etc.)
*Ensemble 1-2, for which I am going to play in Sinfonia (the faculty 2nd orchestra, whch concentrates on reading through large amounts of repertoire)
*Group Music skills, for which I am in a Brass Class, and I'm learning the french horn! (i'm really excited, i just got my form today for the hiring of an instrument, i just need a few signatures and stuff, then pay the money, and then i get the instrument!! i've been telling everybody that i'm learning a new instrument haha!)
* impressionism to post-modernism. i'm taking this class not-for-credit. it's a core music history subject for regular bmus students, just not me....(combined degree...) and i think it'll be really interesting, which is why i'm taking it anyway.

i still have about 16 contact hours, which is less than some people. i technically have wednesdays off, but my piano lesson will probably be on that day. oh well. pity about no actual days off! i can cope, i think!

plus, i'll be playing in the Inter-Collegiate orchestra, the first rehearsal is this friday afternoon. i'm excited and a bit nervous, because i'm leading it (at least for this rehearsal...eep!)

i haven't gotten all my books quite yet...

i'm not really sure what to expect and all, but hopefully it'll all go well..*fingers crossed!*

Saturday, July 22, 2006

live from melbourne

yep, that's right. i'm back in melbourne, with high-speed internet.
and there was great rejoicing!

so, thank you to all the well-wishers of a safe journey and 'study hard!'-s!

i finally managed to swap into that one tute. (thanks to everybody who wished me luck with that! hehe!). and we've managed to rig it such that my two friends are also in this tute, so all our group work should be a bit easier! on wednesday i had an ortho appointment, i drove myself down. eep! it's been such a long time since i drove just by myself, yep, without anybody else in the car to help me out (especially parking!). that didn't take long (the appointment) and then i went to nedlands to a cafe to go meet up with this friend from primary school.

he's now at UIllinois, but was back in perth for his summer holiday. it was great to catch up with him. it's kinda quirky too, because it's been a good six-and-a-half years since we were really in any sort of contact. there were lots of differences, our lives had taken very different paths, but there were some similarities, you know? it was a nice time catching up and talking about stuff, including where all our ex-schoolmates had gone and what they had done, where we were at individually and the like.

then i rushed home, only to rush off again to our cousin's place because we were going to Little Caesar's, this apparently world-famous pizza place in Mundairing. let me now stress how FAR mundairing is from the city! it took about an hour to drive out there. and it was worth it! it was really good. the trip out there was also nice, because i was in a carload of cousins, you know, US 5. it's one of those few times that we're just together, all of us. (i know, i keep stressing the five of us. but it's soo nice. we used to hang out all the time, just us five, but since our earlier childhood, have now gone separate ways, and are now quite geographically distant!). we had GREAT pizza! yum....jane's addiction, nate&nat's (i think..!) and an eskimo joe. then we had two dessert pizzas, including a mudhoney pizza. omg. soo good...!!!! think: pizza base (kinda sweetened..?), chocolate sauce, chocolate buttons (which were melting!! yummy!!) and honey icing sugar! just divine!! unfortunately, i have no pictures of the pizzas! oh well, i shall just have to go again some other time! and unfortunately, the place was just kinda out-of-place, because it's along a busy main road, and it was cute and all, you know, tables outside, gas heaters a la Lygon St, but it was the only one along the road which looked like that!

on thursday, mum and i went shopping at harbour town (this factory direct kinda place, like DFO). seriously, it was a GREAT day!! ok, so we only went in the afternoon, and spent about $50 in total, including the parking fee, getting some toilet paper, tissue boxes, croissants, a pair of pants (from $70 down to $10, no kidding!), and two pairs of shoes!! mum managed to alter the pants very quickly on friday (i'm wearing them now!). i tried on heaps of pairs of jeans, but none were just right. very disappointing about the jeans (am still looking for a nice pair of blue jeans....i think trying on too many pairs and them not fitting in the all the right places is the kick i need to make me exercise and lose weight!!!!) but a very good shopping day generally!

packed on friday and hung out at home. you know, as you do. no, well, my family and i did go out for dinner on friday night. we had sambal kan kong (can't spell, but you get the idea), the baked flounder (with salty, spicy seasoning) and hainanese chicken. yum! pity about two of the dishes being incredibly spicy, but it was sooo tasty!! yummy!! (the chicken acted as the cooling agent!) it was a good dinner!

so, my flight over was ok. probably not my preferred time. i know, it leaves at about 11.30, which means i could sleep in, and it got into melbourne just before 5pm. but it kinda annoys me because at either destination half a day is kinda wasted, you know? i initially sat next to a lady with a very cute baby called Noah. but i moved, in order to give her an extra seat. the lady next to the seat i ended up in was very obliging, didn't mind and really chatty! she turned out to be a sapphire level frequent flyer, which was kinda cool, because she, the lady with the baby and I kinda talked heaps to one of the air stewards. which was really cool. he treated us really well. talked heaps to us, including topics about his job, his past etc. and even gave us chocolates from business class (macadamia in white chocolate), yes, just us three! i kinda felt very special! i watched 'keeping mum' on the plane too....the lady apparently thinks that to enjoy the film you kinda gotta have a warped sense of humour. maybe i have a warped sense of humour, but i thought it was an alright film! chris picked me up from the airport (my hero, she is!) and we got my stuff from the vic as well. i went over for dinner (pizza from red rock! yum! i don't think my stomach is just quite ready to launch into greasy college food...until tomorrow morning!) and we watched an episode of scrubs, along with pete. fun times, fun times.

i've managed to unpack most of my stuff, but i still have heaps of stuff in other people's rooms (mostly xing's..!) but xing has gone to sydney for the weekend..! but i think i have done pretty well! ow come it takes so much shorter to unpack than it does to pack! it took me about a week to pack up my entire room, and i've taken about half a day to unpack it all! like, what the..?!?!
oh well, in order to regularise myself with time differences, i'm gonna go to bed now...
it's just past midnight, melbourne time,which is about right to go to sleep normally, so you know, i'm gonna try get to sleep although i kinda feel dizzy atm...and REALLY HUNGRY!! (it's been about 5.5 hrs since i last ate. that is too long ago....!!!)

right, adios!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

three more days (not including today)

yep, in three days time i will be back in melbourne.
where did these holidays go?

so, first up, i apologise most profusely to the people i said i was going to catch up with, and never did. and apologies also to the people i would have liked to see a bit more but didn't.
this always happens. i guess it's sometimes a matter of whether availability matches up, and the urgency of some other things. please don't feel like you've been shunted or anything. because that is clearly not what i tried to do. it just kinda happened. so, we shall say "next time".

SIS opened. there is a mad rush of tute swapping. it's horrible. even though i added my two cents worth. i'm trying to get into this ONE tute. and i have a pretty crap one on offer. hopefully some pity-ing person will pity me or something and swap with me. that would be really nice.

ok, and we are trying to rig our times so that they are all the same. this is cause the subject has assessments which are all group work. and you know, having some friends to do group work would be nice. not that meeting other people isn't a good experience or anything, but if the whole semester is group work with your elected group, i had better hope i have some good group members!

we (mum and i) went to see one of my old piano teachers yesterday. it was really really nice! ok, so my playing has declined since my exam (wow, who knew?!). and her house is so english!!! (well, her husband is) the garden is like a cute little english garden. Sigh. maybe that's what i should have in my future house! :P it was really nice. ok. getting off that now...

then last night my brother and i went to see pirates2 with two of our cousins. it's been a really long while since we saw a movie int he cinema with our cuzs, so that was really nice. i think when cousins are around, we hang out heaps with them, because otherwise, we don't see each other hardly at all! so, it was a really good movie. i won't do a spoiler thing nor review in full, but i will say that i really enjoyed the movie. there was so much to it! and it was clever, full of action and witty. it was great that they could use material from the first movie too, rather intelligently, which was good. i'm really looking forward to the third one now!

so yeah, now i am frantically trying to change my timetable. the tute time i've been given really doesn't work for me...i have sinfonia at that time! and of course, the music faculty is hideously old-school and more than half my subjects don't actually appear on SIS. so my timetable according to the central system makes it look like i have four hours of uni. hah. really, i have more. and *shock horror!* i think i have to go to uni five days a week. yuck. i don't think there is much possibility of escaping it this semester. it tends to happen with second semesters..perhaps there is a trend (you know, based on the grand total of two examples!) i don't think two days off a week is going to happen ever again..i really should have savoured 1st sem, 1st year. nice and easy, i'd say!
right, i'm gonna see what else i'm going to be able to change......argh!

Monday, July 17, 2006

The last week approaches

So, a few friends have completed their traipse-ing around the world, visiting family and friends at home, and visiting family and friends elsewhere around the world. When I think about it, my friends come from a vast number of countries, regions, backgrounds. Everything, really.

Right, so I did go to New Norcia last Wednesday with Gareth, Tamzin, my brother and Gareth's mum. The last time Ernest and I went, we were kinda forced into going. This time was much better - the company wasn't forced upon us, which is always a good thing! Heck, I have to say I haven't woken up that early these holidays, really! Haha. :P Anyway, it was a good day. The place is so interesting. There's so much history to New Norcia. And considering that it's the only (surviving) Benedictine, let alone, monastic, town in Australia and it's out in the middle of the bush! So, we took a guided tour around the town, which is kinda the only way that you can get access to most buildings. Then we also had a look in the art gallery after lunch. Lunch was a splendid affair. What was supposed to be 'a snack' turned into a beautiful lunch. There was bread from the museum store, cheeses, fruits, dips, the like. bon apetit!

I was supposed to go out and meet an old friend on Thursday, but he had to cancel because of something urgent. That's ok. I think we'll meet up sometime this week? This is a friend I went to primary school with, parted ways at high school, thought I saw at SAT testing at the end of yr12/beginning of the next year, then suddenly was in contact with again earlier this year. I tell you, it's all about the power of technology and the internet. Oh, and a fairly alright memory too!

On Friday, dad, Ernest and I went out for lunch. You know, a very casual affair. But we ran into a couple of people we knew. We had to do all these errands too. Which I might add, we didn't get half of them done! We were supposed to go to Karrinyup, but we never got there. The market was busy, my brother and I picked out apples and mushrooms. Then stopped by the supermarket to get what was cheaper there than at the markets. Then we figured that we wouldn't make it to Karrinyup on time, so we went to the Asian grocery store in the city. That took a while...!! So many aisles of much that I didn't know and probably don't want to know about! My cousin called, and told us that the rest of her family weren't coming back on Saturday, as planned, but early on Sunday morning. Then she asked if we could come by her office to help her take some flowers (that her boyfriend had sent) home to her place. (She couldn't manage it by herself). So we had to do this artful dart about the city to stop by QV1, where PWC is, go to their place, drop her stuff off, go back to QV1 and give her back her keys. Then try to head home! All while all the shopping is in the boot, and dad stressing that the frozen stuff is going to thaw!

Friday night I went out with nat to see WASO in their 'Espana' concert at the PCH. It was a pretty good concert :) We sat in the choir stalls (as students do!) and made comments (as you do!). We were going to go to the cafe after, but it was hideously busy, so we headed to Oriel's in Subi instead. Note: 'we' here also refers to four other friends of nat's, who are all musos at uwa. anyway, Oriel's is very nice. I have heard many good things about it, so it definitely was time to check it out! It's a restaurant/bar/cafe thingo..(kinda like Milan, really, although much bigger!) that is open 24hrs! How excellent is that?!? Anyway, we mostly ordered (variations of) coffee and cake. I had this Jaffa cheesecake, which unfortunately made me feel very sick. I'll tell you though, it was SO worth it! It was a HUMUNGOUS slice (rather too adventurous for me!) and it was very tall. There was a layer of chocolate on the top, a STACK of cheesecake in-between, all on a biscuit base, with three jaffas adorning the top. It was very delicious, just very sweet and very rich. Then on Friday night, I went back to my cousin's place to stay the night (with my brother too). We had a grand night!

Right, this cousin is like, 24, works at pwc and although would be a great mum, isn't my mum. So, you know, watching Scrubs till about 3am while dining on chips and lollies, all washed down with Coke zero, tucked away in bed, is not an issue! Much fun. We had to pick watches (Gucci or Kenneth Cole). Look at photos. Read magazines. You know, other random stuff. And what happens when you stay up till 3am watching Scrubs?

You find yourself awake at 7.30 in the morning for no apparent reason. (You are still incredibly tired, but surprisingly find yourself quite awake. Go figure!)
You are awoken by a phone call at about 8am.
You are awoken again by the cleaning lady calling at 8.30 to come upstairs. (They live in an apartment where you have to call before you can get upstairs in the lift..)
Your alarm goes off at 9am to tell you that dad's birthday is today.
Your alarm goes off at 9.30am to tell you to wake up. You hit snooze a few times.
Then you figure that snooze is just going to keep interrupting you at 5-minute intervals, so you might as well turn your alarm off, considering your cousin said that the plan was probably to get up sometime around 10 or 11 anyway.You drift in and out of sleep until the cleaning lady comes into the room so that she can clean the bathroom. You decide that 11 may be a good time to get out of bed. Finally.

We seriously lazed about for SOOO long! It was so good. We ate muffins (which I had made a few days before. Not the best of ideas, because I definitely didn't put as much lemon in as I should have. And we didn't have poppyseeds. Which was a pity, because I was going to make lemon and poppyseed muffins. Oh well.) We talked, we.....I dunno.

We finally got out of the house at about 2.50 to get some lunch...! We went to Taka, this place on the cnr of William and Murray Sts in the city. It's a good place - Japanese cuisine, and not expensive either! Then we walked around for a bit trying to find a cake to get for dad. We finally got a Black Forest cake from Miss Maud, which was a good choice in the end, because it was a tasty cake! (And not too dry). We had a look at the Kenneth Cole watch in Myer, because the photo of it didn't do it justice. Then we headed to Subi to get some bread (which incidentally, was from the New Norcia bakery), although they didn't have any of the sort my cousin wanted to get, so we headed to Cold Rock, this ice-cream place. Very cool. It's kinda like, you pick your ice-cream base flavour, then you choose your mix-ins, like brownies, maltesers, gummi bears, oreos etc. Then they mix it for you, and you have this personalised ice-cream (flavour)! Tres cool. Then we headed to the market. Yes, 2nd time in two days! My brother kinda put it like this:
"it's like penance"
my cuz: "Yeah, that's what my mum would say. So would your mum too, probably!"

We made it quick, we picked apples, other fruits and the like. We stopped by the bakery to get some breads and other pastry things. A fairly successful day at the markets/doing other errands. We headed back 'home' after that, but we all had to go out soon. We all had dinner appointments of some description.

So, on Saturday night, my brother and I did go back home. So a few things I have learnt from sleeping at my cuz's:
My cousins' bed is much higher than mine. Her bed is also much more bouncy than mine. And a double bed has LOTS of room to spread out. Bliss!

So, my cousins (all), plus their parents came back yesterday. We had them round for dinner last night, which was really cool. This is the first time in about....AGES....that just us nine have been together. And it's not going to be for much longer either. One of my cousins has got a job in London, probably starting next year, at BCG. The other one (the one at pwc) has applied to transfer to london and if she's going, will be going in a few month's time. The other one is at ormond, so, melbourne. i think my brother feels a bit left behind in perth! I told him he should travel, or go places. That would be really cool.

Randomly, I was thinking about cities I could see myself in.
I think I could really do Manchester, UK, or Boston. I don't know why. I'd definitely like to visit places like New York and London, but living for a long-term-ish thing? Maybe a bit too hectic. Outer suburbs maybe. Or maybe inner for a stint, because it seems exciting. But Manchester and Boston. They just seem like cool places I could really go for and do!

Anyway, I am pretty much busy all week. I have appointments to go for and ppl to see. The holidays aren't completely relaxing...oh well! Right, I should be off...adios!

p.s. oh, and i learnt how to play texas hold'em poker. i think i could really get into that. maybe that's a bad thing...?!?!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Handy Hint for today

Always ask a guy whether they are gay or not before developing feelings for him. If it is impossible, awkward or otherwise difficult to ask him, find out from a friend or someone else who would know.

You know, topical or not. Whatever.

Now, to the Life Update...

my brother got back from melbourne on sunday night. it was kinda cool because he told me the places he went and all. i knew some of the places, he told me of some other places, like where i can eat as much as i like (you know, within reason, and within what's offered...) at this food place in the city. gotta find it now....[me and food.....yummm!!!]

What else? well, i stayed up on sunday night to watch that world cup final. heck, france played so well, especially in the 2nd half and in extra time. what a pity they couldn't really cash in on that great playing, and silly zidane for head-butting the other guy. like, he played really well during the tournament. it's just a pity that he goes out of professional sport as a player like that. pity, i say.

but italy also did very well. heck, they won! maybe it's alright then, if australia lost to the eventual winners. kinda doesn't make australia look completely crap haha! just think, if lucas neill wasn't penalised for that dubious call. would have been a totally different story! but alas, it all unfolded as it did. when italy won, i could just imagine lygon st in carlton going absolutely NUTS. it would have been ELECTRIC!!! pity i wasn't there, but oh well!

so, gareth rang me up and wanted to know if i wanted to go with him and tamzin and maybe justin to new norcia tomorrow. i think i might go. because it'll be fun. and although i've been there before, that time i went with family (including grandparents) and i was dragged along there. which was a pity. i think it'd be interesting.

right, i think that's' my spiel for today. i live a very boring life at the moment. of course, i'm going to run out of time to organise to meet everybody. for this, my deepest apologies. you should just come to melbourne and par-tay with me.. :P

Sunday, July 09, 2006


so, the weekend.

i got my hair cut. i'm not sure if i like it, but hey, you can only cut hair, can't add more on (you know, short of extensions, which are fake and all. i mean you can't add real hair you know, realistically. ok, i'm gonna shut up now...)

lazed about. that's definitely what holidays are for!

didn't practice as much as i hoped to.....this is fairly disappointing.
well, i am sight-reading quite a, through Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, Volume II.
I thinnk it's a fair effort! but you know, i'm not really practicing the stuff i really ought to be...!

so, the plan for next semester:
play lots. play in concert class. i think i'm gonna work up the guts to play in the 1st yrs concert class, 4th week back. if i'm game, it'll be 2nd yrs concert class. but i just gotta find some pieces and get them up to scratch. and then playing in concert class will be an exercise of performing.

playing in 2 orchestras, i think. i'm still deciding on what ensemble i should take, but i think i'd like to play in sinfonia, because that ensemble reads through quite some tough material, and very absorbing material too. even if it's not a performing ensemble, i think i'll have a fun time playing through lots of stuff.

yeah, and working really hard on prac.

and having awesome times at 21sts :) part-tay here we come!!!! haha. no, 'twill be lots of fun :)

right, what else?
my brother comes back from melbourne tongiht. really, i'm killing time now till he comes home so we can gossip about melbourne. i'm pretty sure he won't have gossip. but you know, whatever.

ok, gonna post this now. so that you can, you know, comment or whatever.
i'm so tempted to take a photo of the shoes and ask for opinions.....

Thursday, July 06, 2006

the two-day update

And I was afriad I was going to fail BIGE.
So I was pleasantly surprised to find something very different! Which you know, is all good and all!
And thank goodness for my Music & Ideas mark, which significantly improves my average!

So, the two-day update.

Had an appointment today with the doctor's. (No, not the men in white coats, this is a dermatologist, and she's a very nice lady! With no white coat. She had pearls though, which were very pretty. I should have said something complimentary to her about them, but alas, I didn't. Oh well.) Then went shopping with mum. Got some sneakers; I was debating between two pairs. Maybe I should have bought them both. Then taken some digital pictures of them and sent them round for opinions. I know I shouldn't care too much about what other people think, but I do. I think it's a human complex. And I sometimes like other people's opinions, they give interesting insights that often I wouldn't have thought of.

So, I don't have a picture of my shoes at the present moment. But hopefully I like them enough! I've gone kinda left-field. I know I wanted Converse-styld sneakers, you know, old-school style. I think that should be my style. You know, Old-School meets trendy and hip today. Classic with a modern twist. That should be my motto. That should extend to all areas of clothes, I think...! (You know, dress up, the elegant thing....!?! I could do an Audrey Hepburn, you know....? And in our stupid college photo, a couple of my friends said that our funeral procession was incredibly sombre, but that I looked like I was from Paris, you know, whimsical black and all. I like that.) So, these shoes are kinda football (soccer)-lookin' sneakers, obviously without the studs. I know a friend who would wear these kinda shoes, I like them....
So hopefully they turn out ok...!
Don't get me wrong, I am the last person you'd see on a football pitch. Or ground. Or whatever you call it. But you know, to go with my jeans and the like, they should do just fine.

Just more stuff to get:
black shoes, jeans (gah! I hate going jeans-shopping!!!!! They just never fit right in all the places. This includes the length, even if I get short-length jeans. Darn it!!!), a dress (anybody got a colour suggestion? I'm open to ideas at the moment!), a blazer (preferably pin-stripe). I can already see it, me buying my first power-suit...haha!

And, I got my invite to Lauren's 21st! I'm so excited about it!!! It says 'smart casual'. And we all know I like my dress-codes. But you know, WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!?! Haha. I always have to plan this out. I know, casual, but I'd like to wear a skirt and some nice shoes. :) I'm thinking that black skirt and a black top, you know. And nice jewellery to top it off. Classy. All back to elegance, I tell you. What say-eth you?

And, if anybody has the High School Musical soundtrack, please tell me..!!! I'd really like to get my hands on a copy..! And perhaps tell me before I go rush off to buy it! How much do you think it'd cost? (And what about at Borders? I have some Borders money to spend...)

So, I'm kinda rushing towards my 2nd half of my winter break. Four weeks sounds like ages, but it's really not. I've hardly met up with some people that I intended to catch up with. Hopefully I'll see two more friends next week, one more the following week (all school friends of sorts). Plus other people....lots of people, I tell you! Hmm....maybe I should go do some piano practice..? It's taken a bit of a battering this week. I know Caroline said to have a break, which I am. But I also feel a great need to at least get an hour of piano in a day. Just so that it doesn't really stop...!

Oh, and Martin came over today. I know, you're thinking, "But he's your tutor!" Never fear, he IS my tutor, but he's also a friend from choir. It's kinda strange seeing people you know from the other side of the country in 'your' space. But it's also kinda nice :) So, he came over for a bit of tea (I apologised profusely that it was 'instant' tea, you know, unlike tea leaves and stuff. It's ok..) He's on the way back to Melbourne this afternoon after a stint at New Norcia.

Talking about WA places, I've been reading Cloudstreet. If you don't know:
Cloudstreet is written by Tim Winton, a prolific WA writer
It has been adapted for stage and will be our (read: Queen's) production for semester 2.

I'm very excited about this book, primarily because it's quite fascinating, and the places that are mentioned I recognise! An astonishing amount I know about. And it's quite fascinating, because it's set in like, 1940s, 1950s and stuff. And to think and imagine what Perth would have been like in that time. I know I've seen some pictures of stuff from back then, it's still interesting to think about them now and either think "Wow, so much has changed!" or "Wow! That's still there today!" or think about how it's somewhere in-between. And it's just SO Western Australian. The things that they do, the attitudes they have, what they say. Ok, it might be AUSTRALIAN, and I'm clearly not Anglo-Saxon Australian born-and-bred, but I do identify with it.

Ok, I'm done raving.
My brother comes back to Perth soon. I should better soak up the only-child thing, or free-reign-of-the-bathroom thing for a few days as much as I can! My two brothers (one blood, one proxy) are meeting on Saturday, I think. I hope the room doesn't explode. Although it had been suggested at one time that should my proxy brother, Mel and I be in the same room at a given time, the roof may collapse. This was the theory that was based on a photo which refused to stay up on my wall. This has also occurred with other photos, namely the ones of Mel and me with various people (a la Ben, Pete and Jonty). The world hasn't collapsed yet; well, no roofs have yet. That's a promising sign.

Right, maybe I should actually go some dishes to do, clothes to do. I could never be a housewife. Hah.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Quotable Quote: "I love to eat."

So, my brother headed to Melbourne on Sunday night. He's there for a week at the Australian Law Students Association Annual Conference, presenting some paper on something, I don't know what. But he gets a holiday in Melbourne, I wouldn't be complaining!

It's a pity he's there while I'm not there. Although I managed to draw him up a not-to-scale map of Lygon St outlining the best places to go, including Lygon Court, gelate places, Inkari, Koko Black, Brunetti's, the various restaurants and the like. Hopefully he uses it...?!

So, I'm an only child for a week. I'm not sure if I like it. The attention is kinda full-on, but even I'm not sure I like it. Okay, the bathroom is mine for a week, which is nice. But there isn't anybody to talk to and stuff.....

So, my Monday. This was quite a day! I dubbed it Felicity-Monday.
She came over at about 11am. We hung out for about twelve hours in total. We shared stories and the like. We went out to Karrinyup for lunch, bumping into Parisse and Lauren from SMAGS. We are HORRIBLE decision makers, but we know this. It took ages for us to figure out what we were doing for lunch, where we were going, what we were going to eat. Sigh. That's ok. We sat eating our lunch and talked for AGES (because, you know, we hadn't talked at all...?! haha) Then we thought we should go somewhere else, and proceded to plonk ourselves down at The Coffee Club (where Dome used to be, in the middle) and had hot chocolate/coffee, a Jaffa Slice and a Chunky Chocolate Cheesecake. Wow. I was so full. We kept talking all through this. Flick then remembered she had to get her sister a present, so we went to Myer to get her a photo album, where we spent a little while picking out which one to get her. [There were many considerations, like price, how many photos, writing space, the design etc.] We stopped by the bank, the supermarket (to get lollies... :P ) then headed back to my place. I swapped bags (to accommodate packets to stuff we were going to smuggle in...!) and then we headed to her place to hang for a little while.

We hung out, talked to her parents, she made a few phone calls. Then we headed off to Innaloo to meet Rekha at Retro Betty's. None of us unfortunately could stomach a burger, but we did get crinkly chips. (Just the way to do it...!) We talked, we saw photos (me, for the million-th time, although I don't think I'll get sick of them... :P ) and chatted and chatted. Then we decided that it was time for our movie, so we got tickets to see Just My Luck. It was really cute.

And it's all about the eyes, a la Chris Pine. Really. We failed to comprehend how he was going to look cute at first, but take away those horrible thick-rimmed glasses that didn't suit him, spruce him up a bit, add a suit, stare into his eyes...yep, you've got him. Haha. It really was a cute movie :) And I always make the realisation that I don't go and see movies in Melbourne. Which is kinda strange, coz it's much much cheaper, well, you know, if we go on the right days. But $5!!

That was my day of eating and talking. Seriously, I came home and felt so bloated. I think I should be standing all day today, going for a run, going to the gym (with no gym membership, what the, but at least the intent is there!) or just eating healthy for the rest of the week! But it was really really really nice to catch up with two old friends!

Oh, and on Saturday my brother and I watched High School Musical. Too cute. Totally. And the four lead roles in that, yep, they're all attached to the Disney Channel. I should so be there. Haha. Anyway, the chick that played Gabriella is absolutely gorgeous, and she's only like, 18. And Zac Efron (Troy), is like, 19. And get this, the actors playing Sharpay and Ryan Evans are 21 and 22 respectively. Who would have guessed? I think I'm going to have to buy the soundtrack, because the show was way too cute and the songs were just too catchy! Haha. My seal of approval.

Talking about seals of approvals, I understand that cute blond guys apparently get it. Haha. And so do guys with nice eyes. Anonymous commenter: do you fit any of these two categories?

So, other movies to see would include Pirates of the Carribean 2, some other left-ish kinda movies, you know, interesting ones with interesting plots. And people to catch up with: Kavin. Because it will definitely be interesting! :) So, does anybody know good hot spots to go? I really don't really live here anymore, and definitely don't know the hot spots to hang, so some feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Right, I'm buddies and other attached-to-Melbourne-people, I miss all you guys...the eating (hah!), the chillin'! See you soon...for another exciting semester: Music Ball, hangin', eating (what we do best), more birthdays.....!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

a quickie

i'm bored. officially.
i think i should practice everytime i'm bored. i'd be so good by the end of four weeks.
dear anonymous commenter #4: please reveal yourself. even if you email me :)
right, ppl, get back to me about meeting up..!!! argh!
right, i gotta go.
let me peruse my timetable for next semester (yeah, no fridays off this time, pooh!!!)
and send me some pics from sem1, ok? :)
and contemplate my future studies....winging on the fact that i don't fail Business in the Global Economy this semester urgh..!