Monday, November 13, 2006

my week is filling up quick! get in before time runs out!!!

Yep, it's Monday...and I'm technically, well, -ish, free.
Yet, I find that appointments are cropping up. And it'll be determined by a first-come, first-served basis. Unless it's incredibly urgent.
So, at the moment, it looks like this.....

Wednesday morning - rehearsal with Jacquie and Matt (before Jacquie and I leave town..haha..)
Wednesday afternoon - Tute for Trio Reginae with Mardi
Thursday afternoon - Trev's recital?
Friday afternoon - Chamber music exam
Friday afternoon - Jam with Sam (hehe. that rhymes. I'm not a poet though...!)
Friday night - proposed MSS end-of-exams party at Naughto's
Saturday afternoon - Maybe MSO with Jacquie.
Saturday night - thought about going to free Academy Concert at Iwaki
Saturday night - No, have party at Kristen's

And somewhere in there, I am supposed to fit in:
lunch with Lauren
lunch with Chris
lunch/picnic/get-together with con friends
rehearsals for Trio Reginae (hey, I'm not the one doing it for credit, so I'm not the one that's going to be running around organising rehearsals. It is not high at all on my priority list. Sorry to be harsh, but that's the way it rolls. The person/people concerned should be the ones making the effort - can't expect everybody else to for you.)
dinner with Hilary and Martin
dinner with Xing etc (proposed Thursday or Friday night)

See why it's starting to get busy..?
So, my weekend.
Was relaxing. I slept quite some. Furiously emailled. Particularly to secure a violist for next year :)

On Saturday, played at Em's recital. Was pretty good, she played well.
We played pretty well. Considering we haven't rehearsed in a while.

It'll all be different........we won't lose focus, we will keep enjoying it. And we'll work productively together.....
And we'll eat carrot cake :)

So, all I do is eat and sleep. No wonder I keep feeling sick....probably because I eat too much...junk food. Haha. I keep promising myself that over summer, I'll eat healthy :) And go for walks. Perhaps with mum.....

We played at Jude's last night, it was cool. We (the music team, minus Mel, coz she had an exam) went out after, to University Cafe. Was good. Was very hungry. Ate quickly, felt sick after. Chatted candidly about Gina and pregnancy.....Pete was highly amused. Haha.

worked in the library this morning. productive....there were heaps of books! people finish a subject, they return a whole stack of related books..hehe :P you can see patters in study by looking at patterns of books in/out of the library..
Went to get a whole heap of scores this arvo, decided to drop into the Con (because that's what I do....) and luckily so, because I ran into Matt there..!
it was was kinda like, "hey"..."hey!!!!!!!!! stuff!!"
and i loaded him up with a biullion scores.. :) (well, viola parts. and a billion is too many. try
about 5). and spoke very quickly (as happens when i'm really exicted!) and was like,
"blah blah blah..was going to email you....blah blah blah...went to the library...blah blah blah...
about a rehearsal....blah blah blah....time, longer, place, queen's? you know how to get
there..? blah blah blah...directions....this is my number, call me if you get lost....can you
go to VCA to get bruch? thanks...blah blah blah....."

he probably just heard white noise...oops..! haha. so now that he knows i'm officially crazy....!

Oh well. All good....


loz msn-ed me this arvo and was like, "do you feel like walking in the rain to the con with me to
hand in my final assignments?" so we did :)
because i just go to the con.
we walked round uni a bit, but it was cold and we went back to ormond to hang a bit.
talked a bit to trev.
decided to go out to dinner we're going out...real soon....
just waiting for her call, am expecting it in about 6 mins.....

might not end up reading through trio stuff tonight. oh well. :) i can do it tomorrow.
after i go to the con and berekley to put up posters for the MSS party on friday night..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heya Glads! I thought I'd comment here, just because I can, and you wanted to know in an earlier post who is actualy reading your blog. Um, I don't really have anything to say since I saw you less than 24 hrs ago. Did you sleep well? i actually did, for once, so that was exciting. I have done nothing all day, but it's been great. Anyways, off to do some washing, and clean up my music in the choir room.
Loz :)