Thursday, October 19, 2006


So, I went to the orchestra concert on MOnday night. I unfortunately had to miss the last queen's soiree of the year, but i figured, oh well. And i would have been so upset if i had missed the orchestra concert.

It was FANTASTIC!!!!
martin gave us (me, sam and loz) a lift in his car (bertie) to hawthorn town hall. i mean, he came with us too.
and seriously, almost everybody in the con went! the atmosphere was amazing. everywhere i turned, it was like, "hey! how's it going?" i love that feeling and the fact that i can do that in my faculty! even peter, the technician dude/instrument loans dude came! so did vistara, the office lady. the usual people were there :) excellent.

Stefan Cassomenos was the soloist in Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2, while the 2nd half was rimsky-korsakov's Scheherazade.

The orchestra was great! Stefan played really well! considering he's been hideously overworked (and I thought i was busy? I'vce got nothing on him.....!) Well, i mean, he played very well.
the orchestra shone in the 2nd half, particularly. the solos were just beautiful. Michael brooks-reid was the violin soloist, ewen was the cello soloist. misha's oboe solos were beautiful. (i'm totally in love in misha, in a completely platonic way. you just have to hear him play, and be in the same class as him. you will understand then! he is totally amazing.) it was such a great concert!

wow wow. and it's cool, i knew so many people in the orchestra...i didn't think that i did...until i kept seeing performers. or went through the orchestra list. haha. :) i love the con :)

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