Friday, April 28, 2006

Week 8

It's already week 8?!?! Since when?
And so, it feels like I've been here for AGES....yet, this week has gone by quickly. I think I'm just confused.

The ANZAC day holiday was greatly appreciated, as I got most of the rest of my Music & Ideas essay done. The day was fantastic in its 'feeling'. I suggested this was what living at college if we did distance education would be like. We'd have work to do and all, but we'd be hanging out with each other. I like it. And we wouldn't have to actually go INTO uni for classes, thus the 'distance' part of 'distance education'. I could do that!

We went that evening to Belle, Cathy and Matty J's housewarming in North Carlton. Haha. It's supposed to be close...yet we took a while getting there because we weren't quite sure HOW to get there! We finally did....thankfully! It's a really really nice place! And it was really good to catch up with them. :)

I had a fairly good piano lesson on Wednesday. I think I'm a bit scared of my lessons, because I'm always afraid that I haven't done enough work (def. what I think!). The piece I think to be the hardest was the one that she had the best comments for.....weird........but good....still, weird! Unfortunately, Eran James has not started playing at VicHarbour Restaurant yet, so we didn't go for dinner. Instead, I watched the JCR vs. SCR debate, which had the topic "Australia should become the 51st state of America". It was most entertaining. The SCR definitely deserved to win, in the sense of the debate - definitely more prepared. This is not to say that the JCR debators weren't good, just outclassed on the night. Definitely Ben with his spiel ending with "Australia, I want you!" (complete with the pointed finger, a la Uncle Sam) was the highlight.

Last night was the 1J Corridor Party/Crawl. The theme was Rubick's Cube - the decorations were fantastic (Thanks Judy!) and we were decked out in the oddest assortment of clothes in the six colours prescribed. Balloons, resembling those pits that parents leave their kids in while they go shop, filled part of the corridor. Coloured squares adorned our walls and the ceiling. It looked awesome! Pictures will come later....once I've managed to steal, erm, no....HAVE photos from others :) We played fun games, revealed stuff about ourselves, drank and ate ourselves silly. Danced to music, turned up the music, visited another corridor that had their crawl on as well...and got to bed really late. I'll just say that waking up this morning was not incredibly easy (well, waking up isn't easy at any time, I think...! At least for me...!)

So, what does the weekend hold?

Sunday is the start (again) of choir. While I love singing with the choir, it is a huge time committment...I sometimes wonder how long I can really keep this up for. Still, if I don't sing in the Queen's choir, I won't be singing in anything (just look at my violin playing!)
Tomorrow we're going out for my birthday dinner/dessert/drinks. I'm excited, but also quite anxious...I don't have any idea how it's going to go, so hopefully it's good...! Photos from that will come as soon as I get my hand on some as well!

For now, that's it...I think...!

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