Monday, April 03, 2006


I approach my 19th Birthday. That's scary. Almost two decades. Anyway, if anybody knows any funky bars/restaurants in Melbourne that can fit a significant number of people in (especially if we can have a section...) please let me know.

Wanted: "A nice, charming boy" to take with me to help me stake out places. The rationale is that schmoozing to get a good deal requires one of each sex so that it makes the gender thing balanced. Or something like that.

I initiated my nice new white bowl last night with noodles. While I completed my Global assignment. I said I'd go to bed by midnight. Of course, I'm always out of whack, so it was a 1am bedtime for me. Why am I not surprised?

Have finished two assignments, I think...
Have not practiced for three days and feel HORRIBLE!!!

Want to go to Planetarium at ScienceWorks. Just to see those stars :)
Got invited to another 21st! Yay!!!

back to my soup and global textbook... :S

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gladys,
thought i mite leave a msg!!! :)
wow, 19 soon! thats kinda old :P hehe, well, its lyk 3 yrs til im 19 so yeah!
havent seen u in ages, since u live across the other side of oz. i see ur having a gd time, which is of course gd.
perths weather (yes...) is really yuck atm. its all cold and then suddenly hot, or mayb thats just me playing up!
skl is cool, sorta, and not.
i hate lit and tried 2 change 2 english but dr p is suddenly all lyk, oh, u shuld stay rarr rarr and mrs haak is gonna arrange a tute time with her for me during my PRIVATE STUDY! (NOOOOO..) and that means i gotta read the text.. urgh
anyway, orchestra is ok. adrian is annoying lol and bec smith swapped 2 vla and is co-lead and yeah, nothing much happening here!
oh, chosen riley house song!
seasons of love from the musical (and now movie, rent). wadda u think?
anyway, i beta go, physics study 2 do... (not that itll make much difference but at least its a time waster.......)
luv, stefi! :) xo
p.s. any new fotos? i'll go check in a mo! i love lookin at fotos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!