Saturday, April 08, 2006

Good music!

I just went to see The Idea of North at Chapel off Chapel tonight.
Oh My Gosh.

So, I know they're good. I keep telling all you guys that! And their music on their CDs is totally awesome!

But when it comes to live performances, these guys are the most amazing thing I've seen in a while. The visual performance is just as engaging. And the way their show runs is just classy as. I can't even begin to describe what an awesome night I had - the vibe was just electric!

So, of course I had to buy Evidence (Nat, I know you gave me a copy, but I seem to have lost it...and it's definitely one of my I had to have it.....! *sheepish look now...* But it is signed again!)

We also got to meet Trish, Naomi, Nick and Andrew....talked to them all, got some photos (yay! Gina, you happy-snapper!) and talked heaps especially to Nick, who talked a lot! So, if they're in Perth (which they will be....check out their website at please please please go see them. You will not regret it, I promise! Their shows are just the most amazing thing to watch. You have to trust me on this one! I think I'd take mum to go see them!

Right.....I rave on for too long.

Week involved handing in two assignments, and the realisation that my next assignment is only due after Easter. However, I will of course will be working on it very soon and over the holidays. Really looking forward to the holidays, where my agenda is as such:
Sleep, eat, piano practice, writing essay and general bumming! Definitely rest alternated with frantic fits of work!

Okay, as I listen to Evidence, I shall continue my tute work....

1 comment:

gina said...

Yeahhhh.. weren't they fatabulous??? *sigh* I wanna go see them again!!! :D