Sunday, February 26, 2006

some photos...

so, i've posted some photos. unfortunately, they didn't come out in the order that i put them. so, go figure them out yourself - pick between Meeting Audra for Waffles of My Brother's 21st with Family.
Wow, those titles sound like those pieces of art in a gallery. Anyway.
I have basically set myself up. I found a new light in my room last night - where did it come from?!?! Haha. oh well.
Got OTH soundtracks - they're really good :)
Jamie Cullum IS coming to melbourne, 12th april at the Palais Theatre, which I will prob. go see. Everybody is moving back today........had most people on my corridor by yesterday but college is def. gonna be pumping!
Anyway, I'm off.....catchas round!

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