Tuesday, February 21, 2006

it is so hot!

for real.
i am dying in the heat. especially upstairs, which does not have air conditioning. My parents should have thought about this before they built the house.

liza, thanx for that comment :P haha. it wasn't a big PAR-TAY!!!

i leave for melbourne on thursday morning....yeah, dead early...like, 6am flight. not good.
so i am frantically trying to complete everything i set out to do this summer. and to pack/clean room/find all my lost items. and watch everything i can for this semester. For example, i only have 12 more episodes of scrubs, season 2 to go. pretty impressive, i say, having already watched season one as well. this is in less than a week, mind you...
i don't think i'm ready to go back to uni yet.....i was two weeks ago, but i'm starting to enjoy home and having nothing to do so much. i just got used to everything, and how comfortable it is. although i should get pumped for 2nd year.

i'm really freaked out. i saw some of those fresher mugshots. they look heaps old. or at least heaps taller than me (not that it's hard...) 2nd year, hey..? i was surfing around on QI (due to mel's reccomendation, thank you!) and saw all those things that made 1st year so awesome. then i was daunted at the prospect of going back. also because i keep myself up at night worrying and stressing about all those things i have to do when i get back to melbourne....so many things to do, so little time (ok, 4 days, but that is not much time at all when you have so many things to do/so many things to buy/so many things to sort out/so many people to see etc.)

i unfortunately haven't caught up with all my friends at home. for that, i apologise. it is partially my fault for being such a lazy bum and not using my summer holidays all that well. i hope to be in touch with you more this year. you should all come and visit me anyway :)

so, time to put aside my inhibitions about going back, and start getting pumped, because the year is what i make it. so here's to making it yet another fabulous year, one to remember and one full of fun, laughs, memories and great friends.

to all my friends, i love you all; physical distance does not and should not break the friendship. i look forward to seeing some of you soon, i'm sad to leave some of you, and to those i haven't seen for a while, i hope it will be soon.... :)


1 comment:

Kim said...

Hi Gladys,
Hope you have a good trip! Today was hot too eh? Spent a couple of hours walking around UWA to see the campus :P
Good luck for the year!