Thursday, June 08, 2006

one down, more to go...

I was all pumped up for yesterday's exam.
After handing in my final Music & Ideas essay (sigh, what a magnum opus that was..! I mean like:
[describing what it was about to my brother]: Oh, I'm looking at the history and the political changes in Bulgaria and how this affected music. Music was recontextualised in two waves over the last one hundred years.
Ernest: ......Woah....this sounds very complex for a second year subject.....
Me: Oh, no, it's a first-year subject!)
Anyway, this listening test...I got so many people to test me, I wrote the notes out again, I listened to the tracks over and over again..

I was so pumped.
And at least the exam justified some of my study. I seriously think I could have written about all ten tracks that we had to learn about. I'm always disappointed with listening tests. Maybe I shouldn't study so much for them so that I'll feel all relieved once they're over.

Had a music lesson on Tuesday. That went well.
My next exam is on Tuesday, my piano technical exam. Eep! Especially when my examiner is the Head of Keyboard...eep! And I don't think my technical work is great....although I want it to be! Well, my teacher thinks I'm going well, so hopefully she's got the right idea..!

So, I'm kinda killing time right now. I'm so bored that I've started studying for my 3rd-week exams already! I have summarised all the notes for Introductory Econometrics as well as Business in the Global Economy. I haven't done questions or fully read the textbook yet though..I shall have to do that. Sometimes I think I have lots of time, but then I think, "Eek! Only one and a half weeks to go! EEEEEKKKK!!!" I'm a bit muddled...!

So, it's feeling pretty cruisy at the moment. Which shouldn't be the case. I have to's my motivation factor. I'm trying to psyche myself's the way I'll be thoroughly prepared.

However, it's pretty hard, as I try to organise my social life in this period...
I still have to work (need the ca$h.....), I need to have final tutes (make sure I know my stuff..), I need to catch up with some people I haven't seen almost all semester, meetings (business!) regarding (mostly musical) events happening next semester, birthdays to celebrate (lots of them, I'll tell you..! LOTS!!!), friends to see and show around Melbourne, end-of-exams celebration parties to attend (even if I haven't finished exams...), concerts to go to, packing up my room, oh...and did I mention I still have EXAMS...????

Life just doesn't get easier as the semester rolls along...quite the opposite....why now, oh why?!?!

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