Monday, June 19, 2006

home stretch

ok, so i've just done my first, well, what you'd call a written exam. (although a listening test was kinda written exam....that's not the point).
i trooped to REB, exam-style. and i always forget how beautiful that place is. or how BIG it is, and how many students it can hold!!!

well, i'd studied all weekend for econometrics. sigh. we did practice exams, we revised and revised, we read over and over the notes. i did all my tute questions again. etc. sigh.

and now it's all packed up. 'tis time to move onto Global...!

mel moved out on thursday. sniff. ben went home on friday. adrienne and her mum and all of about seven suitcases made it home on saturday. saw jonty on sunday, but he too, headed home. xing went home sunday afternoon.
everybody's leaving. that is the saddest thing about end of semesters. exams aren't sad, they're just kinda inconvenient sometimes..!

the corridor is starting to feel somewhat empty. by the middle of the week, it shall be even emptier. i sometimes wish that i stayed in melbourne over breaks and that, because this city has so much to do. but then i realise, it wouldn't be half the fun that i anticipate, because there'd be no one to do it with. while there is much to do in melbourne, half the fun is created by who you do it with.

anyway, i am feeling quite relieved that intro econometrics is over. i'm just hoping it went well. i think it went ok. so oh well..can't change it now. but i'd hate to repeat it. or fail it. or come close to it. heck, i put hard demands on myself...i want a H1 in this!!! (heck, i want a H1 in everything..! no...that's not hard or anything....!)

so, two days to study. and pack up my room. completely. urgh. i hate packing with a passion. especially packing my room up. that has got to be the worst bit.
while i'm only going home next monday morning, i'm still under time pressures! always!

things to do before I go:
buy some pressies
buy a few things from koko black and other cool shops
go dfo shopping (hopefully on friday with wen)
meet up with steph
see erica before she leaves
give martin a ring
go to myer
have two piano lessons
go out for dinner with judy/sze after exams
consume all opened food
wash dishes
go to the office RE payment
see mso? or jim's 21st??
return books to libraries
pack up room
pack suitcase to go home/live out of for five days
oh, and that exam.....


Anonymous said...

You should walk around College - there are plenty of people still around - you just have to find them - it's like an Easter Egg hunt :)

glady_4 said...

dear anonymous commenter,
please reveal yourself!! or at least some clue....? (you didn't happen to be an anonymous commenter a little while back, did you?) i'm assuming you are at college (mine, in fact..), so there aren't THAT many choices (i think?!) an easter egg hunt, hey? i like that.... :)

Anonymous said...

A clue? Hmm .. tall, dark, handsome ...

glady_4 said...

hmm...well, RE: Tall. if this is in comparison to me, it could be ANYBODY. almost. so, that's not very clue-y. Dark. This is in comparison to what..? In terms of hair colour..? Or eyes? Or skin tone in relation to mine? And Handsome, hey? That is a matter of opinion, surely I'd be the one to be the judge of that?
So, anonymous commenter, you really haven't given me a clue at all!
Hey, what about I try guess who you are..? Starting with... DO YOU LIVE IN KERNICK?!?! (during the university semester, of course..)