Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Some of these are,
some aren't.
Go nuts. Be amused.


Want to marry a Scottish guy so I can have a wedding on a hill on Scotland, where he'll wear his clan's tartan, and have bagpipes to walk up a hill to. Hahahaha.

Enjoy my music degree much more than I thought I would.

Don't enjoy my commerce degree as much as I thought I would.

Wished I didn't look so retarded when playing (social!) soccer...

Once wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, marine biologist or architect.
Or a lecturer in something at a top uni like Cambridge, Harvard or Oxford.
[that is essentially quoted from the age of 12, my primary school year book..]

Wished I kept playing violin.

Have a really weird body shape. I think so anyway.
Which surprisingly, doesn't include hollow legs. Well, I don't think so anyway...

Often feel disillusioned with lots of things.

Sometimes wonder why I'm doing what I'm doing. And whether it's all worth it.
Or whether I'm only doing it because I don't know what else to do. Or because I think I might be ok at it.
Because I fear that I won't be good at anything else.

Sometimes wish I smiled more just because. Not because I had something happen to me that made me smile, even though I appreciate those so much.

Worry a lot about that I don't think my life will ever take a path that I would like to imagine.

Love everything life is throwing at me.
But sometimes wish I could trade it in for somebody else's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the note about Frances' dress. Really looking fwd to Pen's party.