Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I should be studying...

but instead, I am doing this quiz....

Seven (highly avoidable but always overlooked) Sins.


1. Do you think you eat more than you should?
Oh yes. I like food.....and I always grew up having to eat everything on my plate.

2. What is your favorite meal?
All of them! Wow, gluttony already at #2....

3. What did you have for dinner today (or yesterday)?
Pasta that I cooked (out of a packet) because Eakins dinner was bad.

4. What is your favorite dessert?
Anything chocolate...? I like dessert very much.....lemon tart wouldn't go awry either..

5. Can you cook well?
Not really, but muffins I can do. As well as that pasta...and those brownies...

6. Are you a fruit or veggie person?
Mmm, probably rather veggies. I'm such a picky (and very limited) fruit eater...

7. What is your favorite restaurant to go to?
Depends on what I feel like, and who I'm with...

8. Do you feel comfortable with your weight?
Mmm, not bad. Could possibly do with a bit less, but you know...

9. Are you vegetarian or vegan?
I'm a Queen's vegetarian some days....but I do like my meat
(I just don't particularly like preparing it)

10. Describe your normal eating habits.
Breakfast, morning tea/snack, lunch, afternoon snack,
dinner, supper...


1. How much do you find yourself thinking about sex?
Errr.....not much at all, thank you very much!

2. Are you a virgin?
I'll go with Gina on this one: "Who wants to know?"

3. If not, who did you lose your virginity to and when?
See Q2

4. Do you believe you should be in love to have sex?
You bet!

5. Have you ever cheated on your significant other?
Erm, no. If you know me, you'd know why :)

6. What the first thing you look for in a boy/girl?
Honesty and integrity. My bad, that's two. Surely we all look
at more than one thing first up?!

7. Do you have any special fantasies?
Erm...about what..? The rest of my life?

8. Have you been in lust more than love?
Not really sure...

9. Would you have sex with more than one person?
No diddly way! Err...husband..?!?!

10. Who have you lust for?
Jamie Cullum. Hah. Just kidding. I don't know.


1. What do you want more than anything right now?

2. Does money play an important part of your life?
Yeah, it's important to be able to support yourself financially,
but it's not the most important thing.

3. What are your goals for the future?
Oh, there are so many. Did you mean the realistic ones?

4. Do you think money is more important than love?
I'm with Gina on this one. Definitely not. Love is greatest.

5. If you were given one million dollars right now, what would you do with it?
Spend it on my family and friends. Save a large proportion of it...

6. Has anyone ever called you spoiled or greedy?
Spoiled, due to the collection of presents in my room.

7. Do your parents have a lot of money?
Yes and no. (2nd that, Gina)

8. How much money do you spend in one week?
Depends which week. And how busy it is...

9. Do/would you share with people that are less fortunate?

10. Have you ever robbed someone?
Erm, no. I don't usually undertake such petty (or possibly violent) crimes...


1. Have many people called you lazy?
Not many. Mostly me.

2. How much sleep do you get at night?
During semester, usually about 5.5-6hrs. On the holidays, depending on what's
going on, possibly up to 10..?

3. Do you often take naps in the middle of the day?
Ooh yes! That's how I keep going!

4. What was the most depressing time of your life?
Err, probably teenage years? Those times..!

5. What is the best way to relax?
Spend it with friends doing things you enjoy. Oh, and treating self, such as massage, or a nice bath. Or sleeping :)

6. Would you consider yourself more of a follower or leader?
Mmm, it depends. Both, in different situations. I still, however,
maintain that I am a highly independant person. I think that can work
in either a follower or leader position...

7. Would you consider yourself a caring person?
Yep - well, at least I try to be!

8. What time do you go to bed at night?
I aim for about midnight latest. Often that time is violated...

9. What do you waste most of your time doing?
These sorts of quizzes. Facebooking people. Looking at my photos. Sorting out music.

10. Would you rather go out somewhere or stay home?
Depends on the mood, the people who I'm with, my energy levels..


1. Who was the last person you were upset with?
Probably myself.

2. Do you hate anyone?
Mmm, don't think so. Hate is a very strong word.
Dislike strongly - yes.

3. Are you angry a lot?
I'd like to think not. However, I get annoyed quite often.

4. What was the last thing that made you mad?
Mad? That's extreme...can't remember...

5. Have you even been in a physical fight with someone?
Yeah, my brother when we were little...

6. Has there been a time that you wanted to seek revenge?
Yeah, for sure.

7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Biggest? Well, I have several. Yeah, hypocrites.
And inconsistency (particularly to do with character).
And bad manners/social graces.
Oh, and people that stop in the middle of streets/pathways
when there is a flow of traffic behind them. That's right - you're in the way!
It's not very hard to move to the side to talk to the person
you just saw, or to veer towards the side so that you
can stop! Or people that don't keep to the left when going slowly
(come on, gotta leave room for people to overtake!)
Mind you, this is mostly in reference to walking...

8. How do you express your anger and frustration?
Rant to a friend (sorry..!) or put it away.

9. Is it easy for you to forgive?
I suppose it depends on what. I try to forgive as much as I would like to be
forgiven myself, because I know I'm not perfect. And also because
I know I've been forgiven for the biggest screw-ups I've ever done, and will ever do.

1. Who are you most jealous of?
Ah, many people for many different reasons.

2. What is something you want that your best friend has?
Erm, not really sure. I suppose I'd have to define 'best friend' first, hey..?

3. What is one thing you think you are lacking in life?
Sufficient sleep

4. Do you think of yourself as an envious person?
Yes, to a certain extent.

5. How would you consider yourself lucky?
Mmm, I don't think I consider it luck. Again, thanks Gina, 'blessed'. Very much so.

6. Unlucky?
Not at all.

7. Have you ever felt sorry for yourself?
Yes, hasn't everybody?

8. Overall, do you think you have everything you need?
Materially? Yes. Otherwise? In theory, yes. In reality, not quite yet....

9. Is there anyone that has been envious of you?
I don's see any reason why so!

10. Do you want a better life than what you have?
I think we all dream about that. That's what dreams are, yes?
But who are we to keep dreaming and not living the life we have been given?


1. What is your best physical feature?
A consistent photo smile. Haha.

2. What do you like most about your personality?
I'm incredibly persistent, and also have this quirk called "organisational freakism".
It puts me in fairly good stead when doing a million
and one things simultaneously.

3. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?
Including a shower and breakfast, and a sleep in...
could be as short as half an hour.

4. Do you wear a lot of make-up?
Not really. Most of it comes out when I have some reason for it, such as
going out or being photographed... :P

5. How often do you go shopping?
Grocery shopping? About once every two weeks? Perhaps
interspersed when something I need runs out...

6. Are your looks very important to you?
Yes, but only to a certain extent.
Of course, the minimum is to look presentable and decent!

7. Would you ever like to be a model?
No way.

8. What could be improved about your body?
Get some height. Reallocation of some

9. Do you think that you’re better than others?
In general? No. At a few things (eg. playing the piano? Over some ppl, for
example, those who aren't learning or haven't learnt, then yes.)

10. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Oh, there are a few, but definitely not hideously embarrassing, I think.
Highlights include...
crying in class in Grade 4 after being told off
and being so embarrassed in yr 7 during debating that I blushed
through the entire thing.

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