Thursday, May 08, 2008

A Closed Chapter

As of this afternoon, after the Music Students' Society AGM, I am no longer the Vice-President of the MSS. This is a decision I came to a while ago, that I would not run again for office. Essentially, I have little time as it is, and feel that these positions require time to dedicate to ensure the club runs successfuly. Today represents the end of two years on the MSS committee, a time I have greatly enjoyed. I started as the Combined Degrees Representative in the 2006-2007 term, after which the positions were constitutionally altered, and served as Vice-President in the 2007-2008 term. The most recent committee was one I enjoyed the most, with a healthy mix of mostly combined degree students who quickly became friends (if they weren't already).
This committee were enthusiastic, had ideas, ran events successfully and were incredibly active in promoting the presence of the student society throughout the faculty. It has maintained the strong financial position that it was left in (even better?!) and increased membership and awareness.
To all who formed the committee for 2007-2008, I am grateful for your friendship, and you have been wonderful to work with. I appreciate your enthusiasm, your organisation, willingness and sense of fun. I will miss the 'mofo', feeling popular with emails from various committee members replying all, knowing almost everything ;), cooking sausages, sitting in on things and learning the ins and outs of what's going on. I will smile at the memories - short meetings, feeling popular, buying $$$ of stuff, carting watermelons, wearing cool t-shirts, standing behind the BBQ, handing out pizza, knowing stuff.

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