Friday, April 06, 2007

what a busy day!

I did cheat today....even though i said id be at uni all day, i actually came home for a little while!
and listened to my lecture (was planning to do that at uni though) and also managed to have a little nap! (could not have done that at uni).
but it was a busy was the first day i'd been into the giblin library! and managed to find some books that were relevant to my proposed essay topic. there are HEAPS of books in there!!! wow!!!
we got to play more tchaikovsky in sinfonia today - it was cool :)

then (the real reason for this post!), we went to see the Jude's musical One Man Dies.
It was sooo good! Wow, it was done soooo well!

if you do read this, do see if you can get along tomorrow night - it's the last night that it's on!

sam was awesome in his portrayal of jesus, the characters of matthew, sarah and lazarus i thought were highlights. but no doubt, they were all totally awesome!!!!
i think i should go tomorrow night as well. i really don't mind paying another $12 to see my friends perform and be reminded again of the easter story.

so, while i didn't get almost any work done today, i felt in other ways, it was productive.
i guess it's a pity that i often equate productivity with work. ergh!

wow wow wow. i am so impressed with it!
kudos particularly to ben and sam, who get my votes as heroes for today!

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