Wednesday, November 16, 2005

still two more to go...

so, I'm still killing time.
i've had a number of rehearsals for a friend's VCA performance recital exam thingo. it's kinda cool going "i have a rehearsal at vca"...sounds really pro. haha :P

had choir rehearsal and concert on sat and sun at OLV, camberwell, which is a basilica. not that i'm catholic or anything..but it is interesting knowing all about it! it's very pretty, and it's really nice as a space to sing in...the sound just echoes when one sings at the front, underneath the dome. And the rachmaninoff was just SOOO beautiful..when the altos came in with that duet melody thing!!! *sigh*. and the josquin was just marvellous.

Haha...imagine this:
sunday, getting picked up from vca after a rehearsal for percussionist, to go to camberwell. i'm getting picked up by michael in his little car. so, michael's driving. he's tall...his head practically touches the roof. enter matthew, who's sitting in the front, who is also touching the roof (he's taller than michael..). remember...we're on our way to a concert, so everybody is dressed in black and the whole shh-bang. then there's martin on one side in the back. then grantley on the other side. and me, squished in the middle. can't say it was the most comfortable position to be assuming. but oh so amusing. as michael's little car goes chug-chug-chugging away! Most amusing...

i say, what a busy sunday. music lesson in the morning, rehearsal after lunch, concert after that. sigh!!! too tiring!

monday wasn't too much better. more rehearsals for choir and percussionist, spoke a little spiel at the jude's agm...was hideously nervous...stuffed up but that's ok....

yesterday had early morning piano lesson (8.30!!), aural exam for rach then tute at night.

today had rehearsal this morning for percussionist...his exam is tomorrow! :) which is kinda scary but exciting! i went shopping down the street for some Christmas pressies...i havne't got them all, but yeah, it takes time! and i had to get some things from melbourne. even though they're not incredibly melbourne-ish.....but oh well...

tomorrow is elise's aural exam in the morning, percussion recital in the evening, possible dinner and drinks after that. oh, and exam preparation...!

oh, and friday is my qm exam!!!! argh!!!!!!!!!! and i'm supposed to go to a birthday dinner on friday night for seal's 20-something. not sure if i'm making it....there is also a piano recital on friday night as a farewell concert. don't think i'm making it to that....i am so bummed out from over committing myself.

Saturday sees choir rehearsal and sunday is the advent service. and people are leaving soon!!! sigh....*cries...*

and i'm supposed to pack up my room for most stuff to be picked up on saturday....yeah...... how hard is that proving to be???? i can't do that, let alone study... :S urgh.

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