Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm only leaving on Tuesday, but find myself missing things already. Probably because half of my friends will be gone on the weekend.

So, inspired by Mel...

The things I will miss...

*late night chats*looking forward to Sunday nights at Jude's*listening to Switchfoot non-stop for two weeks after the concert - how could I forget such an awesome night?*Bible study on Tuesday nights (the joke-o-meter, the avocado and plane, my reading voice - hah!)*MSN convos when we could call each other for free, or go talk to the person face-to-face!!!*grammar and punctuation lessons from Jon.....!*Fabulous Queen Benny and the Divine Velvet Jets*QCWT in da house!*Ice Ice Baby*People Get Ready*More Switchfoot..*recording and jamming away! (which we are yet to do more of!)*sleeping on other peoples' floors because my room smells/is too noisy/whatever...*seeing my friends everyday....*eating omelette in Kernick*having my proxy family within 100m*computer help at my fingertips :P luv yas tom! eternally grateful!*hot brekkie on tuesdays and thursdays (yes, zoe, it does exist!!! haha :P )*brunch on weekends*random quotes by min*corridor sits*paper aeroplanes that give us much amusement*getting dressed up for so many events..!*dancing as per the instructions of an internet video! :P*breakfast buddies*safeway trips*watching movies/tv shows/getting music from the wonderful queen's network!!*gelate trips*safeway trips (oh too many...)*visiting people - whether they're queeners or wyverns, or otherwise...*catching ANY (yes, ANY) tram to go to the city!!!*random stuff that happens in quad...*swotvac happenings in the library..."please do not eat or drink in the library" hahahahah. :P guess we flaunted that one!!*long discussions over meals in long that we've been asked to leave!*trips to a number of lygon st hangouts - brunetti's, inkari, gelate :P, tiamo, gelatissimo, safeway, lygon court, andrew's bookstore, venom.......*blue train, a standard fave :)*southbank*the arts centre*crown and that long but beautiful walk along southbank....*shopping trips - myer, suit shopping, allan's, 7 angels. all our faves :P*soirees and the talent that queen's produces*too many things......

the countless moments i've shared with all my friends. i love you all. i couldn't have done this year without your laughs, tears, advice, downright randomness (!), care, concern, smiling faces, the "how's it going?", msn convos just to say hi or ask a question, enthusiasm, vivacity, humour and most of all, love. Becuase love conquers all. Because the greatest thing is to love and be loved in return.

i'm glad to have shared my year with you. i couldn't think of better people to have done it with. i've found lifelong friends and myself. the photos are a testament to the awesome year i've had. i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. i thank God for giving me such beautiful friends, for the joy, happiness and memories that 2005 has brought.

melxingzoegem petejontybennyalovichchrisericatim megtomwenspecKnikhil judyadrienne sarahcecejessnickting mintrevszeJHCYem eliserachrachsamginagowrimagsmichaelamelia annehelensealseddie
and to so many others here and at home....

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