Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Well, you see, procrastination is the term associated with SWOTVAC, when all one has to do is study, really. But seeing as the exam period has already started, the term has now fallen by the wayside, as we all have to "study".

What happened over SWOTVAC?
I was on MSN. Yay.
I studied. Yes, I actually did! After a few days, I realised that being in my room was not conducive to study, as there were distractions in my room (eg. the internet, msn, cleaning my room, the internet, the network, TV shows - a la House - msn, photos on my computer, iTunes....I love how more than half of these relate to me using my computer.) Couple those personal distractions with music blasting from the 2J bathroom, from across the hallway, people running up and down as if there's no tomorrow, and music blasting from either my radio or computer in the attempt to cover up all that noise! Therefore, the set-up in the library was necessary to my "study".

So, the big move. Only to find that joining my friends meant scrambling for a table :P and the occassional distraction (I should have expected this!). True, we all do different subjects, but what did I find? That Wen n I have done basically done the same unit - statistics. Yes, almost the same subject material. How does that happen? We are doing different course (she does Pharmacy, need I even state what I do, it's not incredibly forgettable!) and attend different institutions!!! Yet we wound up talking about Confidence Intervals and z-scores as if we had been in every single class together! Talk about quirky! But tres cool!

So, my SWOTVAC was spent piano practising and studying for Macroeconomics. Yes, one week's worth. I gotta feel sorry for Gem, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday....but then she's home on the weekend! I dunno...there are up and down sides. Managing to summarise all 24 lectures of Macro into 56 or so pages was an effort - so was trying to learn it all! That took wayyyy too long. Then the prac questions didn't...so it seemed kinda weird....

During the week some exciting events happened:

Wednesday night: Christmas Dinner at Queen's! :) This was exciting. The college had a KrisKringle (read: Secret Sanata....what's with the terms they use in Victoria?????) It was loads of fun :) Mind you, it had been a very hot day (and the previous few days...I am sooo going to swelter in Perth...I thought 32 was hot! argh!) and so everybody was in a very relaxed mood. The choir sang some carols, all a capella... :) The tree at the front of Eakins was neither big, or grand, but the sight of about 200 presents underneath was magnificent. We could sit with our friends, pull crackers, wear Christmas hats and enjoy a really great tasting dinner! :) The handing out of presents was greatly anticipated. And I gotta say, I personally think I received the best one of all...addressed to Gladys, the Groovy Mule. hah :P And boy, was it the most beautiful thing I've ever seen....an awesome collage of photos from throughout the year. Xing, you truly are not only the best proxy mum I've ever had, but also the best KrisKringle. :)

Friday was my Aural written exam. Wayyyy too much time! The memorisation of the first canon to transpose was easy enough....transposing was easy enough....and I had enough time to write it out four times, each time in a different clef and key. Yeah, that's a lot of time! Anyway, fairly painless. Which was good. We had a rehearsal for our oral Aural exam....that went quite well. She had better like it! Haha. Mind you, we do have Bach up our sleeves, but I'd personally rather be impressed by a jazzy, contemporary, complex-harmonied piece than a Bach chorale by Con students. Actually, I can't make a judgement. But I'd like this to go off well!

Then, on Friday night, I met up with two family friends (ie. from the generation above mine...! Parents' friends...!) for dinner. Boy, was that good or what??? We went to Crown, ended up going to Margos, this restaurant that's actually inside the Casino. Good thing we turned back for my ID. Yes, at every point, they asked for a check. Do I really look that young??? Anyway, dinner was sooo good. I ate so well - wok-seared salmon. Mmmmmmm......! *drool* Then we walked through all the bits of Crown - how nice is the hotel??? and the Palladium. Ok, I didn't actually walk into the Palladium, coz there was a function, but everything up to it was beautiful! So this is why Law Ball was so good, hey girls? :P We walked along Southbank and stuff...watched the fire show. As always, it was amazing! then got home to study some more....wasn't even hungry, but my friends were, so we were like, "Let's get Red Rock pizza!" Haha. We were stuffed...but oh-so-satisfied!

So, my piano practice has taken a battering this week. Anne keeps telling me that I'll be right...but I don't think I have that much confidence in myself.

The Macro exam went quite well....too short a time...Well, I thought I was going well whent the multi choice took a maximum of 15 mins, and I'm thinking "yep, right on track! Plenty of time!" only to keep going overtime in each subsequent section...and rushing right at the end, writing right till the very end! I seriously didn't think that I'd absorbed all that information, but hey! Pity about sore arm..! Haha. Oh well...

Ok I really should go now. I've been listening to the Mozart Symph. 38 (prague) that was on our listening list last semester, as well as a recording (re-issue) of Allegri's Miserere by the Tallise Scholars (one of my all-time fave pieces!) and procrastinating the start of my day to do I-don't-know-what! I think I shall start some work....can't be completely lax! Haha. :P

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