Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First-world problems

So many times I want to complain: Why can't it be like THIS? Why did they do THAT? WHAT is going on? Why does the good stuff have to end? Why are so many things vying for my time and effort?

Jealousy is one of those first-world problems I suffer from. People have nicer stuff than me. People have more time to do stuff than me. People look like they have better relationships with others around them than me. People have the means to go do exciting overseas holidays. People have their life-plan worked out.
Among many other things.

But you know what? I've had a most wonderful long weekend.
I got to celebrate my birthday. Many children (who grow to be adults, or don't....) don't make it to this age. And many that do don't have the luxury of celebrating it with friends. I was blessed to be surrounded by friends who care enough to send me some well wishes and love.
I got to go to church and hear some truths about the reason we celebrate Easter. I got to hear about suffering and sacrifice and about resurrection and hope.
I got to go to see one of my favourite bands play a gig. I got to catch up with a few old friends.
I had time to practice. Admittedly, probably not as much as hoped or intended, but I did. And I got to have a few rehearsals with some friends in preparation for things coming up.
I got to play music in a style that I don't get to every day.
I got to hang out with some friends being myself, without pretension and purely for the enjoyment of each others' company.
I got to catch up with several friends today. I got to eat yummy food cooked by them, gorge myself on chocolate (yum!), ride out on a tram to a nice part of town, have coffee with another friend, have another one come over for a bit and catch up, and celebrate another friend's birthday.

I have so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful that I am able to live in a such a free country.
I am thankful that I can practice my faith without persecution.
I am thankful that I can hear, listen to music, and play music.
I am thankful for family and friends.
I am thankful for the money that I have.
I am thankful for a healthy body that can walk, dance, run (if really required....), feel and see the sunshine, taste food and drink.
I am thankful for the sacrifice made for me.
Among many things.

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