Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So, term 4 really hit the ground running.
First day back, 8am tute. Nice. Lots of music-king, and I mean lots. In one day. Possibly 8am-4pm. Intense.
Rehearsals filled most of the first week, although it didn't feel like that many.
Didn't go to lots of other things, but probably a good thing.

Went for a long-awaited massage at the city baths on Saturday, courtesy of a bunch of friends who had pooled together for a very large group present (which amounted to a number of things including a couple of vouchers for massages at the baths) for my 21st birthday earlier this year. To sum it up, I was very loose but sore the next day.

This last week has been a week of soreness - apart from my back (which has been slowly recovering, though not all the knots are out...there's still some large ones!), a sore heel from practicing piano barefoot on a hard floor. That's my own fault. And the recovering wrist from an arm wrestle (silly idea on my part) which the massage did some good for. And a wonky knee on the other leg. I have to learn to take better care of myself. Particularly my back, which I neglect significantly.....

Had actually gone to the markets at 7am on Saturday morning - it was nice! Much fun. But I also kinda realised that I like going shopping by myself, largely. Or at least be at leisure to browse a bit. Didn't manage to go to the Chamber Music Australia/Melb Festival concert at BMW Edge that night, but I heard that it went well. Instead, at that time, I was at my own rehearsal, which was quite fun. Ended up eating dinner at about 8.20pm, and hung out with A, which was cool. Then came home to apparently work on my assignment. Which didn't work. I had done some work for it though, and J and I worked on it the next day. And admittedly, spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights working on it too, till late hours....which is why I really should be in bed now...haha

Anyway, this week has been (and is going to be, as it's not done!) a massive playing week. Played in Piano Class on Monday - I signed myself up about three weeks ago, because I was told that my pieces were well and truly ready to be masterclassed - my teacher gave me heaps of confidence when she said that. So, it was good to play for R, as he's very nice, and very helpful. It went ok - ppl told me afterwards that it sounded good, which I was a little surprised about, because I was so nervous! Oh well. The 3rd movt raced like anything, but that's why I have time before my exam to fix it, yeah?

More rehearsals this week, performances today in the Chamber Music comp - they both went ok - but approached from different sides for both trios. Oh well, we'll just see what happens. It was good to do, at the very least - getting performance practice, which is always a good thing. And an opportunity to work with some friends, which is often an enjoyable experience. Playing in Concert Class tomorrow - probably my last CC solo performance, and also with Kairos trio. I'm quite nervous about the Chopin, despite my teacher's reassurances (I asked if I could play it to her on Tuesday, but our times didn't match up, and she looked at me strangely and asked why I was so worried about it. Hah.) I'm a nervous solo hopefully there'll be lots of kind support tomorrow! It'll be the first time in 2 years that I've played solo in this class, but I am looking forward to it all. And that will be all the playing in Concert's kinda bittersweet!

K asked me last night "How are you going?" and as usual, I replied "Busy". But was there more to the question? She's very good at making me articulate things. And I realised that in the past two weeks, I didn't really spend time with anybody to just catch up. When I did, it was part of something else - mostly music rehearsals. I hope this is just a busy time and not a more regularly occurrence than occasionally - although I have a sneaking suspicion that it is more regular than I'd like to think. :(
This makes me sad. I do really love my friends' company - I suppose I have just been extra snowed under at the moment and so find it tight to do everything. But I think a lot about them, and often don't know how to just randomly, out of the blue, ask how it is all going without sounding so strange. But it's something I should endeavour to do more.
So, please forgive me for my absence of late, and if it seems like I haven't got time for you. I assure you that I haven't forgotten about you.
And please keep encouraging me re. relationships, and Strong Strong Love. Now there's something to be so thankful for!

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