Friday, October 03, 2008

Holidays....or not?

Since the last update, there have been some exciting things going on.
Had a 21st to go to, so had to go shopping for a group present. Having gone shopping for J's, I was keen to be the shopper (or one of them!). Plus, I hadn't really been shopping for a while, so I pretty excited. So, shopping day came. It was exciting. There were delays, text messages flying back and forth, some bad news, some assurance and finally, two surprises. It was great to get out and do some walking of this city, in and out of here and there, with two friends that I don't really spend that much time with outside of the usual contexts. So it was fun to hang out with them then. It took about five hours to shop for the present (!!) and we finally decided on a couple of things that we thought would go down well (on behalf of the group). Oh, and there were obviously the obligatory lunch and coffee breaks, as well as the visit-person-you-know-is-working-in-the-city-to-get-his-opinion break. It was very good.
So, what did I learn on that shopping trip?
Girls who wear strapless dresses can expect to be hitching their dress up all night.

Which is what I did that night at the party. Hah. Oh well.
It was a fun night, speeches were great, enjoyment was had. Funny/possibly inappropriate photos (which were not intended to be so) were taken, awkward moments ensued....all in great fun.

And that was to kick the two week mid-semester 'holiday' off. It was a great start.
To that 'holiday' (otherwise known as 'non-teaching period' - where students are still expected to do assignments, homework, study............hah)
Had fairly busy first few days of rehearsals, practice and general figuring out what work I actually needed to do. Then it was off to Ballarat I was! Was going to visit P (crossover a day with A), and then stay with P while Apollo Camp was also there. It was a most relaxing five days - took a bit of work up with me to try get a bit done. Of course, I didn't do any hehe. Instead, I slept quite a lot, watched movies with the girls, ate so very well, played games, went on a picnic, went on a drive to Daylesford where we spent a beautiful afternoon wandering in the shops and having chocolate sensations. Apollo did well - successful rehearsals, fun times, and a good concert. Now onto Pops.....

Coming back from Ballarat was a bit of a 'back to the smoky haze' experience - jumped on an earlier train so I could make it back in time for music that night; on the way, had to stop by the Con to pick up some new music to learn for the following week, stop by home to dump my stuff and grab a fiddle, then off to Jude's. All in an hour. Of course, the train was a little delayed. As were the trams. And then running into church like a headless chicken...yeah, good look.. :S It was a great session that night, particularly enjoyed playing the organ :D

So, this music I had to learn for that week that I picked up on Sunday night......
well, it was very much "back to business", hit the ground running style. Had an interview for NMC Arts Admin programme last week (I thought it went weirdly; they called about 20mins late, that can't be a good sign....., then had some curvy questions that I wasn't really sure about...anyway..) and I found out the results of all AYO programmes last week while I was in Ballarat. Let's say there was some nervous waiting (I'm glad we went to Daylesford that day!), frantic jumping around, furious forwarding of emails, answering phone calls etc.
And also I'd gotten calls to accompany for some masterclasses during MIFB. Which I agreed to, not knowing what I was getting myself into. I got myself into some hard music (only some, some easy), very quick learning, and playing with instruments I haven't before played with, and playing for some very esteemed musicians. It was cool.

So, this week, I've been doing four to five hour sessions every morning (from breakfast to lunch) of practice in the basement...quite bliss! Except for the whole 'basement' factor - no windows, no sunlight, just a piano and me. And then I found out last night that my exam isn't for another two whole MONTHS. I can afford to take a holiday between now and then! Anyway, there was much trombone music to learn! I don't think I've ever learnt so much (not necessarily easy) music in such short notice for such an event. Anyway, masterclasses were cool - didn't play my best in all of them, but it happens. I get over it, move on, keep going. Met some cool people, particularly the teachers who were all really nice (apparently that is the common theme with them all, apart from them being AWESOME!). Went to a Wycliffe Gordon jazz concert last night - totally HOT!!! It was probably one of the concerts I'll be raving about for a long time. I'm not sure if I can really express in the written word just how awesome it was; it probably needs some action and crazy hand movements and very fast talking on my part to capture maybe about half the excitement and awesome-ness that it was! Go on youtube to find some stuff of him. Totally cool.

Also had a half-birthday picnic yesterday in the Botanic Gardens. I hadn't ever been before, and they were just STUNNING. It was a perfect day for a picnic yesterday, the weather was gorgeous and it felt like a holiday. A few people came by at some point to join us, which was lots of fun. Definitely a really good excuse for a picnic. And a really good time at it!

So, it'll be back to semester again once this weekend is over...where did my holidays go? I felt like this week was very go-go-go (well, it was....) and I haven't rested quite so well. I did while I was away, but it's amazing what I push myself to once I'm back in the city. I think I need another holiday...

Anyway, some things are looking great, some other things are looking a little shaky. And some things we just have to wait and see what happens...

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