Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's a different life (also another old post that should've gone up a while ago)

And my holidays at home went *just like that*!
Highlights included:
summer reading
watching much TV (especially summer sport) on a new, very large, digital TV (so many channels!)
chilling out with the family
playing some games (especially Boggle, where I beat dad - I've never before beat dad!)
home-cooked food!
a very well-stocked fridge and pantry
not being worried about mice
everything being super-clean
going for walks
eating ice-cream (and also hearing the ice-cream truck around our street)
the very random discussions with family (eg. What meat/animal would you not eat? What do you like to order when you go out for a meal?)
being able to borrow a very large amount of books from the music library owing to the fact that mum is a staff member at the uni :P
catching up with a couple of friends

And although I love being in Melbourne, and there are so many friends and wonderful things to do, I really also enjoy being at home. I love being able to relax and completely chill out. Being in the city compels me to be productive, to do something with my time, to fill my time with activities or work.

I had a very strange flight back though. It was delayed by a lot - thanks E for waiting for the longest time!! So patient...
And then there were two failed attempts at landing, because the plane was trying to land at the same time as the large southerly passing through the city. It was very bumpy...but at least I got some food on the plane. Yes, it is plane food, but it is exciting to get it after travelling lots on budget airlines where you have to pay for it separately.
And Qantas is now seriously cutting down on their staff: now not only do you check yourself in at the kiosk, you also print your baggage tags, and also affix them all yourself, and then bag drop by yourself! I was not particularly enthused...

There are boxes still in the living room, much to my disgust (at myself, that is). I felt unsettled for a few days, but am beginning to enjoy it more now that there is somebody else around!

All good things must come to an end, so I guess I should stop hoping that I will suddenly have the chance to have a big new TV in the lounge, that the pantry and fridge will be magically (!) restocked by my parents, that things will just be clean because mum works so hard to do it, or that the summer will last forever. My final year at university was spent wondering where the time had gone, and feeling unsettled about how the year had started without me, even in May and even in October. It's time to get a grip and get aboard the rollercoaster ride that will be 2011!

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