Monday, February 11, 2008

seven random things

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

I suppose I'll just do A....

1. Much as I love having my friends around me, I sometimes need me-time. Everybody does, but I think mine may often be quite pronounced in the way I act and if I voluntarily choose to decline invitations and the like. Which, if you know me, can be incredibly hard because I have a problem with saying 'no'.

2. I usually get quite irked by people who have bad English grammar and spelling. This of course doesn't usually apply to text messaging or online conversations. I don't mind it in some emails too, because I know I'm guilty of it at times. But it's when almost everything gets replaced by the shortened form.

3. By no means am I a sporty person. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching sports. You may or may not know that I enjoy watching the following sports (I've included only those that may surprise you): cricket, soccer, tennis and rugby union.

4. I'm an incredibly picky fruit eater. It's basically limited to: apples, pears (only good ones, not really soft ones), oranges, watermelon, grapefruit, rockmelon, grapes (the pureple seedless ones are my pick). See? No stone fruit. Although apparently it takes about 10 times before your tastebuds adapt - we'll see how those peaches go!

5. Yeah, I can be really girly and love romantic comedies. But I'd be equally likely (I think anyway!) to choose a drama or action movie. Or an offbeat indie flick (of course, if it catches my fancy). I like the fast cars, I really do!

6. Despite my life being on-the-go for much of the semester, I really appreciate being at home over the winter and summer holidays and being away from Melbourne (much as I love the city!). It gives me a chance to physcially and emotionally get away from the busy-ness of it all. I really appreciated going to Bendigo to be away from business (of course, I almost regretted coming back on Friday because things had piled up!). And as much as I love my friends very much, sometimes it's good to take a little break, I think it makes me appreciate them more.

7. I worry that I won't have direction in my life once I finish uni. I have dreams of ideals, but let's be realistic here. And even though I love Melbourne and that, I'd like to move on too, I think. I have picked out my ideal cities: Boston, Chicago, Manchester or San Francisco. I have no idea really...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nyahahahaha, you got this meme off me! :D Hey were you at the free MSO concert tonight? I was and smsed you but I didn't see you there!