Thursday, January 31, 2008

back in melbourne

so, i got back yesterday.
and still kept flipping out. what am i doing here? why am i by myself? how do i cook?
where do i begin with the unpacking?
what happens if i don't have something?


on tuesday mum and i went to the supermarket to walk through every single aisle, every single bit of the store so that i could learn everything there was to know about everything there.
it was pretty intense.

i still don't know if i've got everything under control.
i know that i haven't yet unpacked everything and it's not motivating me any more! i hate unpacking.. :S

my housemate moved in a couple of days ago, but is away. so that makes it slightly odd but i'm coping. slowly.

and hopefully more people start trickling back to melbourne soon, because i'm starting to get lonely..!

anyway, that's my rambling done.

1 comment:

gina said...

Unfortunately, my mum's in Malaysia. So she can't listen to 3MBS. =P Actually, I'm not sure if my name will get mentioned or not. We'll see! What's the station frequency, anyway? =P