Saturday, March 26, 2011

Figuring it out

So a couple of weeks ago I was talking to one of the staff at ANAM about life at ANAM and stuff. She asked how I was going with it all and what not, and I told her my reflections on the first couple of weeks. All good.

She has this theory that it takes people about six months to figure out how to balance the amount of learning, the rate of learning, the learning material and everything else in-between. I have to admit that I was quietly confident that I'd have this down-pat, y'know? I totally did university and so much outside of it, and so much between university. Then I did the intern position last year and also did chamber music, and a job and other freelancing. Piece of cake, right?

Perhaps not.....and it's not that I'm finding it hard per se, but it's challenging and difficult in the best way. I've always been really bad at saying no to stuff (my friends will be the first people to admit for me that I have a nasty habit of saying yes to everything and overcommitting to stuff) and like doing lots of things to keep busy. I'm still learning (obviously VERY slowly) how to prioritise; and this year, I know that study is a serious top priority. I'm chipping away at it, and hopefully making some sort of progress!

Back to the practice room....I'm only one month into the six (and counting) of a steep learning curve....

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