Wednesday, January 06, 2010

How strage

So my academic transcript arrived in the mail yesterday. It was pretty exciting to see the culmination of it all. Until I got to the bottom:

Course(s) completed:
Bachelor of Commerce
with a major in: Economics

Well, that was all good, except for the glaringly obvious ommission. Where is my Bachelor of Music? I had a panic attack for about five minutes as I went to calculate that I had completed enough points. Affirmative. Phew.
Now I just have to figure out this pesky thing.

Our Christmas tree is still up, I have a pile of books to read, a few more operas-on-dvds to watch, and have been relaxing muchly - 'tis a sweet life! But it has been hot and a little uncomfortable at times. I've been shopping a bit in the post-Christmas sales, with the unsurprising result of not having bought anything in the Christmas to New Year period. But don't worry, I redeemed myself by spending a bit more in recent days (hah!).

This year has taken a bit more shape, which is exciting. I'm no longer a full-time member of the 'I Don't Know' Club; I now belong in the 'This is What I'm Doing' Club. In quick summary, this is a brief list of what is to happen in 2010:
The Opera School
Queen's stuff
Chiasma Trio
Another trio (!) - yet un-named
Other chamber music stuffs? Other projects
Stuff at Jude's (yay!)
Work will hopefully be made up of gigs, accompanying, other music-y stuffs
Chamber Camp in September (the only thing that was in pen in my diary for a while!)

And I was worried about it being empty....I don't think so anymore!

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