Sunday, October 04, 2009

Six months

I just want six months to not have an institutionalised schedule (much as it mostly works for me). Six months to sleep a decent number of hours each night. Six months to take time for myself. Six months to keep building relationships, and care more about the ones I have neglected for the past year. Six months of not functioning at 70% every day, and to not be constantly sick. Six months of exploring, learning, developing personally. Six months to be able to say yes to things I'd really like to do. Six months to spend time growing. Six months to see if I'm able to do freelance work (scary thought). Six months of not feeling like I'm always behind. Six months of not feeling under-prepared for so much. Six months of not doing stuff I don't particularly enjoy. Six months of being able to catch up with friends, able to spend time how I want to, and to care more.
I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, nor how I'm able to explain it. But I'm pretty sure I need it.

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