Saturday, September 26, 2009

How did it get to be halfway through already??

Wow, the first week has gone by so quickly!
'Non-teaching period' just means I don't have to go to my oh-so-strenuous twelve hours of class. That doesn't mean that it's not trying though....which I assure you, some of it is!
I've had some rehearsals, which have been good. I've already watched two trashy chick flicks in boredom. I've cooked a little. I went shopping last weekend with A & E for jeans (successful, yay!) and little else, pity. Oh well.
Had a Quintet Day, which involved a rehearsal, Yum Cha for lunch and an OV concert. It was fun :) The boundaries blur a little with these things - sometimes not a good thing, I suppose in other professions, but perhaps good at this stage??
Sorry if I can't manage to squeeze you in this coming week. Help me out here, it's pretty crazy...

Monday 28th: Morning practice; 2pm Rehearsal; 4pm Play in Horn Masterclass. There's supposed to be three people, but one hasn't contacted me, so I hope she's not expecting me to play for her..

Tuesday 29th: Morning practice; Lunch with my cousin whom I haven't seen for about seven years (!!); Vocal Ensemble rehearsal 3pm; 4.15 meeting with a classmate for a tute presentation; Back at college for 5.30 shift of SCR duty

Wednesday 30th: Trio rehearsal in the morning; Own practice; 3pm Rehearsal at South Melbourne; 4pm Play in horn masterclass. Have to learn 1st movement of Hindemith in four days...eek!! Night: Mnozil Brass concert. If you haven't seen these guys, check it out on YouTube, they're pretty cool! I incidentally also won tickets to another concert on the same night, but unfortunately can't be in two places at the same time. If anybody figures out how, let me know. I would owe you big time.

Thursday 1st: Quintet Day, involving two tutes (eek!), thankfully (hopefully?!) separated by lunch, hopefully followed by Guitar Hero.....supposed to be on duty in the evening too, but desparately trying to swap it!!

Friday 2nd: Morning practice; soundcheck for weekend in the morning; possibly a concert to play in at 12pm; Play in Horn Masterclass (but nobody's contacted me yet, so who knows?!?!)

Saturday 3rd: Trio; 1.30pm Russian concert (some celebratory concert, where we're playing Kurtag, which is possibly the very opposite of celebratory, considering that the last movement of 6mins duration, which is half the piece, is a slow passacaglia of approximately 25-30bars resembling death....) Should be hilariously awkward :P 2pm Engagement Party #1; 7.30pm Engagement Party #2

Sunday 4th: Somebody remind me to change my clock....
MSV Comp 2.30pm We're playing sometime in the concert.....

So sorry if I can't fit you in, I'll try my best...but I'm supposedly also working on two group presentations, preparing accompaniment for possibly two important auditions, doing a few assignments (huh, what??), keeping on top of stuff. No wonder I haven't had time to work on my own solo stuff :( That's ok, something has to give, right?

And if anybody can help me out with why blogger is not in the nice new formatting style that doesn't have this awful old-school font, I would be very appreciative.

Other thoughts have included:
Why am I playing so much 20th/21st century music? And what's with the sharp increase (read, infinity-sized) of Hindemith in the past three weeks? From nothing to two!
And why aren't I going to Tasmania with anybody? Please tell me somebody is going, and I can hang with them?!?! I'm scared..!
Also have not liked thinking about life after this year :( What to do, where to live. It's scary and I don't know.
I adore playing and hanging out with you guys. You're wonderful :)
I miss you guys heaps, I feel like I've lost touch with you because I've been so busy :( How to make it go back to how it was???
I always thought I was one of those people who knew exactly what was going on, and always had a plan. Now I'm not so sure. And I'm not sure if I like it. Nor if I can trust that it's all going to work out nicely.

Found about AYO stuff last week.....and I clicked the green 'Accept' button for 2010 Chamber Music Camp. I'm excited, should be good. Though I'm a little scared, because my wind/brass/percussion friends obviously can't do it. So I hope I know some people, or at least get on really well with the people I'll be playing with *scared smile*

Melbourne's being Melbourne again, of course. A week and a day ago, it was the most beautiful day - ate lunch in the sun and absorbed amounts of Vitamin D. We even went for gelate in the afternoon and B & I stayed out talking in the park till he had to head off. It was great! And then somehow the past few days have turned to winter....*dislike* I don't get it!!

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