Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Something different

Two days of uni done. Not too many hours, but it's been strange. Not because I haven't had that much uni and have been around for long hours. That would be expected.
No, something quite different....
I technically only have three hours of music classes this semester. This makes me very upset. I'm taking three commerce classes - this makes me really scared.....
So that leaves little music, which has been so unlike anything else I've done for the past four and a half years. Hence the difference.
But being me, I'm trying to do as much music as I can fit in - so this means extra chamber music (ie. more than required), accompanying where I can, being involved in all sorts of projects (think: opera, vocal fun, other collaborations. Wow, I love collaborations).

Am taking things that could either sound terribly dry or interesting, depending on which way you look at it:
* Accounting Reports and Analysis. Unfortunately, I think this sits squarely in the dry category. I'm hoping that I understand Accounting...it's a 1st year subject, and hopefully having tackled things like Econometrics, I will already have learnt the value of persistance and hard work and apply that to Accounting.
* Australian Economic History. I've always been quite interested in history, just never really done it at all. But I just started reading a book "A Concise History of Australia" tonight. It's a weird sensation.....
There is much reading for this subject - two whole readers! I've never done this much reading for any single subject haha. But I'm taking it because Jeff Borland is teaching it. Hopefully it's interesting.
* Experimental Economics. So far the most interesting class - the first class of the week is spent doing an experiment that simulates a famous economic experiment. The second class is devoted discussing the results and explaining theory and how it works or fails. It is the most interesting, for several reasons. Firstly, the subject material, I think. And the way the class works. Sometimes we'll do an experiment with no idea what theory we are considering. Secondly, the class is small (rare in my experience of the Eco & Comm fac); about 15-20 students. And there are postgrad students, and PhD students. Eek! I feel really young, and seriously dumb already! Thirdly, one randomly selected student in the class each week will receive the earnings he/she earns in the experiment from the lecturer. Yes, that's right - apart from the intrinsic interest we all should have to attend the class, there is also an incentive!

So, at the moment I'm feeling a little intimidated by what it means to be a commerce student. Of course, my usual lifestyle equates to much music-king, inside and outside of uni requirements. I suppose now there will be much more attributed to the 'outside' argument! I'm supposedly preparing for an audition in a month's time (EEEK!!!!!); thankfully I've already done my AYO audition (not sure about how that went, but oh well....can't do much about that now). I heard back from AISOI, with a positive response - now I'm just getting a bit frustrated with the fact that they aren't replying to me hopefully regarding reduced costs associated with reduced programme length for me as a pianist (not required 2nd week). But I think I'm keen to do the programme, it looks exciting, and will be a good opportunity. I would just be sad if my friends aren't going too...I know, kinda sounds like a dumb reason, but I do care (yes, I'm human!).

Trying to get on top of assessment dates and the like (eek, scary commerce subjects!), and sorting out my life at present. Hopefully it works out soon enough.....

Will be playing in the 3rd MYO concert this year (hehe...I've managed to be playing in MYO for the majority of this year!), Rachmaninoff Symphonic Dances - great piano part! Unfortunately, Uni Orchestra has no orchestral keyboard stuff, so our grand vision of "How awesome would it be if we were all principal in the final orchestra concert of uni???" isn't going to happen with all of us :( I wonder why I picked a non-orchestral instrument......!

It's all getting a bit busy at the present - weekend plans may have to be dampened to get all this work done! Hopefully I'll get on top of it. I'll try to keep being the bubbly person I am, apologies if I can't all the time - please be patient with me, because I'm not sure if I'll enjoy this semester as much as I normally do.

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