Sunday, March 09, 2008

too long...

okay, the main reason there hasn't been any activity here is because my laptop's AC adaptor has busted, it doesn't work, and my laptop battery isn't functioning either, so essentially i don't have a computer in my room. which makes for a bit of a hassle, but at the same time, makes me actually have to study. and i don't waste hours each night online, or facebooking hah.
but anyway...
uni has started.
since i last wrote, there have been many things going on. you know, o'week organisation, meetings, practice, catching up with some people, a few rehearsals here and there. it's been busy.
and then uni started. and i think i nearly died, i was ready for a holiday at the end of my long summer. go figure.
but nevertheless uni started. the first two days were ridiculously hectic. and then it settled down a bit for the rest of the week but this is not to say it wasn't busy.
it looks like it's going to be a hard semester - many assignments, many bits and pieces. exams that are worth lots (by that i mean about 70%), and there will be many things to do.
oh well, like much has changed anyway..!
i'm doing ok with this whole living situation at the moment...learning how to balance the uni with college with my life in a flat. furthermore, my flatmate has just left for mexico for about four weeks, so it's the whole place to myself at the moment, which is a little freaky at times, but i also know that from here on in, everything is my responsibility. which is a good thing, i think. i hope anyway.
i baked muffins last week for some friends, which was incredibly fun. i didn't make that many though, so there'll have to be more batches to come!

anyway...i'm still waiting for P to ring me to pick me up for breakfast, but i'm not sure what's happening...oh well. i'll keep waiting...adios.

1 comment:

gina said...

Me - maybe respond? MAYBE?? I always respond to your emails! *wounded look* lol. That was a good procrastinating email. =)

See you at piano class later. Save me a seat!
