Wednesday, June 06, 2007

what it'll be like - as i imagine

*oriental lillies
*the first dance at the reception will be with my husband. and he will look into my eyes like never before. because he can't take his eyes off me. don't worry, it's not all about me. i will stare into his too!
*he'll be able to dance. Probably because I make him take dance lesson with me first. I have to do a proper wedding waltz.
*he's gotta have asked my parents first. the first thing i will say after being asked is "have you asked my parents?"
*it can't be a public proposal. i don't want to have my face on a big screen only to have to kiss him and then whisper "can we talk about this later?".....all on big screen.
*if he's smart, he would have scrounged around for the perfect ring, and possibly have gotten my friends involved in planning the perfect way to propose. which has got to be romantic. remember: big screens are NOT romantic. nor are words tickering across a screen. it's gotta at least encompass a down-on-one-knee thing!
*i will probably cry at my own wedding. which is bad, because i look HORRIBLE when i cry.
*if he cries, i will cry too. so hopefully he doesn't cry too easily. but if he does shed a tear or two, that'd be really cute :)
*my family has to love him. and i his family. and just love all round!
*no flowergirls or pageboys. urgh, i don't need cute little children stealing any spotlight!
*drinks in the dusk sounds beautiful
*one of the readings will be the one about love, from 1 corinthians. cliched and over-used, but i think there is a reason for's beautiful!
*i will eat at the reception. i expect that if i pick the food, i get to eat it too!
*there will be lots of photos! a professional photographer, plus lots of cameras from friends and family. i will keep posing, i promise! hehe. and do my 'photo smile' all day if i have to!
*wedding cake: not fruit cake. perhpas chocolate. i don't want a cake i don't like..! what a silly idea!

i guess seeing as i've planned half of the wedding, i had better hope my future husband likes it all. and hopefully cares enough to have a look too. none of this "whatever" stuff..! now i guess i just have to wait for him to waltz in and sweep me off my feet.....(cue: Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, that famous variation). i dunno. i might know him already. then again, i might not..! who knows...
i know, it seems too early to be thinking about all this kind of stuff. but every girl dreams of it, don't they? and i'm an idealist. and a hopeless romantic. that's why.


gina said...

Nah, it's never too early to plan your wedding! (Elliot from Scubrs would probably agree. Hehe..)

That was a very sweet post. =)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, you haven't planned the guestlist or the bridesmaids hun!!!! (which thinking back to our discussion on the subject last year, I completely understand!! Tis the hardest part to plan!!!) Apart from that you also will have to let Mel and I know who is giving speeches so we can feed them with lots of....stuff.....hehehehe...Oh and future hubby must have girlfriends' approval!!! MUST!!!

gina said...

Amen to that, sister! ;)