Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Things you may or may not know...

* I was going to skip a year in primary school. But my parents wanted me to remain in my year for my social development.
* My parents used to run a coffee shop.
* I went to Connecticut on exchange in 2002, skipping half of yr10.
* I really wanted to do gymnastics or ballet when I was a little girl. I did neither.
* I really wanted to own a horse at the age of seven. My mum asked where we'd put it.
* The only pets we've ever owned were goldfish. I was so jealous of my cousins - they had mice as well as a hermit crab.
* I used to take swimming lessons when I was in primary school. Like, pre-squad kinda thing. Working on technique. And diving! I was so proud when I learnt to dive over the kickboard that my teacher held out in front of the block.
* I don't enjoy some things such as basketball or gardening or monopoly (or even the subject field of Marketing) because family members of mine are fully into it. I just got turned off!
* I am a hopeless romantic. Flowers bowl me over. So do cards and messages. I just think it's nice. I'm also an idealist much of the time....
* I think I'm quite shy.
* I feel honoured when people ask me to do stuff.
* For high school, I really wanted to go to MLC, because my cousins went there. But I turned out ok from SMAGS...! I really appreciated my time there.
* I am now an incessant email and text message checker. I rely on communication to get me through the day, and I can't go anywhere without my mobile. Sad huh?
* My idea of a good night out is enjoying the company of my friends, possibly listening to some awesome music (of which 'awesome' encompasses a wide range) and generally having a good time of which I remember all of it!
* I'd like to think I am a popular kind of person. I know, big-headed. Anyway, I don't think I am....I think I'm pretty average in most respects.
* This may come as a shock, it may not. And this is really putting myself out there, and oh well....I've never been kissed. I've never been in a relationship. Go figure.
* I think I must have been an ugly/odd looking child, judging by how many specialists I've seen...apart from the doctor, dentist, I've been to the orthodontist, dermatologist, podiatrist and physiotherapist.
* Yep, I was a nerd at school :) I took yr 9 and 10 maths in grade 9, then the hardest yr 11 maths in grade 10, although I couldn't finish it due to going overseas.
* I have vivid recollections of pre-primary, which included bowls of fruit, 'Wombat Stew' as the end of year play, finger painting and Santa coming at Christmas (although I knew my present was from my mum. It was so distinctively her wrapping and the gift, I could just tell, was from her).
* My favourite presents as a kid were things like coloured pencils, textas and crayons. I loved to draw. I used to have a scrapbook when I was 3 and every day I drew a picture of a house in it. Needless to say, my book filled up very quickly while my brother's remained quite empty...

More to follow when they pop up...

1 comment:

gina said...

Me neither. =)
