Furthermore, I'm listening to The Idea of North at the present moment, and it makes me feel like talking all about it!
So here it is....
A little group of us met at Queen's...hehe. I didn't realise how varied my little sub-group was because I walked into the arch with Penny and was like, "Hi Min!", "Hi Emma!", "Hi Ed!", "Hi Anna!" in this amazing succession and also noticed that all the people who were supposed to meet were all there, but they weren't talking to each other because they didn't know each other - they're all from different walks of my life hehe!
Alas, we got to the tramstop, picked up a few extra people, and met Gina and part of her massive group.
We got to Flinders and I was a bit paranoid that the #72 wasn't going to come for a long time.
But alas, we did get it, and in good time too!
We got to the venue 20 mins before it started! This is an amazing achivement for us. Apart from the very first time when Sam and I went to the concert at Collins St Baptist Church, we have been cutting it very very fine at Chapel off Chapel twice already (due to mishaps with trams...)
Wow. We walked in and I must have recognised about half the people already there - this really is a testament to how big our group was! Haha. It was fantastic seeing so many people I knew there! We even spotted a few teachers from the con, including a lecturer (for the subject that Ed takes that he was writing an assignment on this concert for! Hehe..!), as well as two promiment figures in the Early Music Studio! (This is perhaps quite far from early music....oh well!)
[wow, this is totally following Gina's format exactly..I'm sorry girl, you've done yours so well! Haha...I'll persist...]
To tell you the truth, I was a bit apprehensive about Trish not being there! (Trish is on maternity leave! Which is totally exciting for her and all her family and friends! But kinda sad for us too...) So, filling in for Trish was Sally Cameron on soprano. She did a wonderful job - apparently she's learnt about 35 songs since December. This is a tough ask...! Considering how hard some of the songs are (I would particularly note 'Just Kidding' and the saxaphone song..!) Of course, she's not Trish - their voices are quite different, but she fitted in quite well!
The concert opened with Mas Que Nada. There have been lots of renditions of this hit song (Anna particularly likes The Black Eyed Peas version. I have to agree with her, it's so funky, it makes you feel like dancing!) This was so much fun :) Everytime I go to a TION concert and it starts out with something so cool, I just know that it will be a fantastic night!
Marie was next, where a dear old lady, Judy, was serenaded by Nick (awww..!) Haha. I love how this song becomes a running joke through the entire concert!
Sting's Fields of Gold was a new addition to the set - but totally a worthy addition. So too was the Aretha Franklin song. In this, plus Revelation I think Sally's voice suited very well. She has a different sort of power and tone to her voice that really does these songs justice.
To tell you the truth, I was a bit apprehensive about Trish not being there! (Trish is on maternity leave! Which is totally exciting for her and all her family and friends! But kinda sad for us too...) So, filling in for Trish was Sally Cameron on soprano. She did a wonderful job - apparently she's learnt about 35 songs since December. This is a tough ask...! Considering how hard some of the songs are (I would particularly note 'Just Kidding' and the saxaphone song..!) Of course, she's not Trish - their voices are quite different, but she fitted in quite well!
The concert opened with Mas Que Nada. There have been lots of renditions of this hit song (Anna particularly likes The Black Eyed Peas version. I have to agree with her, it's so funky, it makes you feel like dancing!) This was so much fun :) Everytime I go to a TION concert and it starts out with something so cool, I just know that it will be a fantastic night!
Marie was next, where a dear old lady, Judy, was serenaded by Nick (awww..!) Haha. I love how this song becomes a running joke through the entire concert!
Sting's Fields of Gold was a new addition to the set - but totally a worthy addition. So too was the Aretha Franklin song. In this, plus Revelation I think Sally's voice suited very well. She has a different sort of power and tone to her voice that really does these songs justice.
The German folksong unfortunately has never been one of my favourites on the CDs but seeing it live did it much more justice! I have greater appreciation for this song now! Hehe. It is so funny seeing it live; the stage presence and actions are just perfect! And who would have thought about replacing words with random noises..? Woof, hee-haw, others...hehe :P
The Chicken Song also featured. Hehe! This song is so fantastic live. I think Sally characterised the chicken very well in this. Trish's chicken is a more lovable fluffy thing while Sally's is a bit more blonde :) (I mean that in the nicest possible way!)
They did People Get Ready ('a classic Curtis Mayfield song')...I was wondering how they were going to do it considering that on The Gospel Project they do it with backing. But this was just beautiful :) Andrew doing his percussion thing...! Let It Ring, also from TGP was there...this is such a beautiful song; Nick really does Michael Leunig well! And they sang my SHOWER SONG! (But Not For Me, the Gershwin classic). I love this song! The reason it's my shower song is because I sing it in the shower and it fits into my vocal range that early in the morning.. :P Also because it's totally cool and Naomi gets the awesome solo (yay altos!)
The chaser for the end of the first set was hilarious. It has totally escaped me what the tune for this was, but it was familiar. Apart from you know, the change of words, imploring the audience to come back after interval :) Typical Idea of North... :P
Bach's Fugue in c minor from The WTC was performed on kazoos...just to prove that TION are not cover bands! In the middle of it, they launched into a jazz number, before the closing of the fugue! The subjects and entries were very clearly defined, the piano staff at the Con would be proud! Hehe. :P Nick made this awesome dig at cover bands (despite you know, respecting them and all...)....I mean, Melbourne has its fair share.....take the MSO for example.......HAHAHAH. [I had seriously just commented to Ed, "Well, we are all classical musicians, you know, we play in symphony orchestras...."!] This of course raises up interesting points and could launch into a full-scale debate about originality in (classical) music....oh well. This is not the time nor place......but I thought this was MOST ironic considering that Vivien and John (the two Early Music Studio people mentioned before) were in the audience!!! Hahaha.
Just Kidding was awesome too. That is so hard!!!! Chuck that in with No More Blues and I think you've got a beautiful little display of TION's virtuosity. But put Jackie in....! This song was originally a jazz piece, for solo saxaphone (and band behind it, I guess...) And then somebody went nuts and put words to the solo bits. It's absolutely crazy!!! ('I saw a mouse...' hehe!) The solos by all four of the singers were totally awesome. (One of those times Ed would have needed the "yeah" nodding look or the "no no no! You did not just do that!" shaking of the head...all in that jazz style..! Haha..)
Rachel, Trish's beautiful song was performed; so too was Fragile, much to the pleasure of Kenneth! That is a song that's beautiful live too. :) (Perhaps I'm just listening to some too often haha!) There was even the Ugly Woman song. I love this one. Haha. Don't worry Nick, I'm not sure if this has ever happened in real life, but none of us could ever imagine this! After one of Nick's solos, I commented to Ed, "And that's probably why every woman here would want to marry him (hehe!)" and Ed said, "Ooh, and me!" (don't worry, he has a girlfriend, but I think that just must be a testament to how awesome Nick is..!)
And they ended with Isn't She Lovely. Which was totally awesome. I know all the words don't really make sense...but this is a song I want at my wedding reception..! (Perhaps they could come do it for me....with some words altered..? Surely it's possible...! Hehe) And we all got to sing bits too :) We did sound pretty good, so much that Nick asked, "Are you guys are choir or something?" (somebody, Vivien, I read, said quite emphatically, "yes!"...haha). Well, considering that half of our massive group are musos.....
The encore was (read: WAS) a hymn (before Idea got to it..and did funny cool things!): Just a Closer Walk With Thee. I don't actually think I can remember how the original goes now! Haha. It was wonderful...Emma and I really wanted to sing along to it all..complete with harmonies! Hehe....(music nerrrrds..!)
It was a wonderful concert! Of course, things are a little different with Sally instead of Trish - there are only a few issues that you listen and think, "hmm.." but considering it's her fourth gig...it's pretty darn amazing! Again, it was filled with fun, humour, long rambling introductions by Nick, telling Nick off (hehe), cool solos (particularly percussion ones!), odd instruments and awesome awesome music!
We stayed around after to meet and greet them.....of course :P Sorry to my friends who wanted to go home earlier.....be warned: I do this! Haha. Unfortunately Sam went home early (of all people!! Haha) We got our obligatory photos....
We talked to Naomi and did confirm that her uncle is Jeffrey Crellin, oboist with MSO. Naomi was like, "He's freakishly musical, it's amazing." I so wanted to say, "Naomi, so are you!!" Haha. Having said that, I am in total respect of freakishly musical people, of which I know a few!
We had photos taken.
We talked to Nick, we told him the website is awesome (check it out at www.idea.com.au)
and generally had an amazing night.
(Hah. Nick, when we were talking to him made a reference to stumbling across Gina's blog which was pretty cool!)
Anyway, I have a few photos from the night that are currently posted on facebook
so look for them there. There are also two below......if you'd like the photos, please feel free to save them yourself. If you want me to send them to you, please ask too :)
Wow, that was my amazingly long review.
Which has gotten me out of doing my microeconomics assignment for about 45 mins. I wish my life was about singing! Or hey, perhaps playing piano...!
set lists - we had to take a photo because ed needs it for his Music In Australia assignment. We seriously contemplated taking them, but I pointed out they were doing another concert the following night. Imagine all the things that could have gone wrong...."What are we singing next..?!"
Your review - yay! It's always nice to read someone else's account of the same experience. And thanks too for referencing my blog! Hehe.. And have you read Sam's email? She linked both our blogs! How sweet is that?? Hehe..
Can't wait till next time..!
chaser, did you mean the intro/end bits? that was "It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing"
though there was a bit of a bridge in the middle, if i'm remembering correctly. though i may not be.
Yeah, wouldn't it be great if we could all work together to organize for tion to perform at melba? That would be awesome-as!!
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