The ingredients...

Cooking the filling....
Is this what it's supposed to look like...? The finished product..!!
So, as I said, I finished work on Tuesday. And I got some flowers from the Building and Tenancy Branch, where I was working. How beautiful are they?! Now of course, I have to look after the plant....(which could prove a bit more difficult than just admiring the flowers haha!) I have to say, it felt a bit weird coming home with this plant, walking through the city, through the arcades and malls, particularly when I stopped by a shop to buy a top (haha), and also as I got on the train and all, complete with flowers. :P
I've got a job lined up for this Tuesday, stuffing envelopes/packages for the main university in WA; offer letters for anticipating uni-students-to-be.
Also, I had this other random epiphany the other night...I was in bed thinking (as I do), and I thought about how awesome it was that I enjoyed the research I did about politics and music in Bulgaria. And it got me thinking about how music and politics has often been intertwined. I mean, we even learnt about it in Russia. Now, this is where the epiphany bit came cool could it be to do a whole heap of reserach (even though not terribly deep, I'm afraid) about music and politics on a whole heap of countries? Particularly lesser-known ones. I was reading (very briefly) about Fado singers from Portugal. And I'm still hankering to find out for Xing why it's called Afro-Cuban music....
See, there are heaps of possibilities!
And on another note, an unshamed plug for a radio programme...
Listen next Saturday night (the 20th Jan) at 8pm on ABC Classic FM (go to to find the local frequency guide) to listen to a broadcast of the concert from the 2007 Australian National Music Camp. This camp is something I've heard about for a while, and I wish that I'd applied this year. But alas, I'm going to try make it a resolution to apply, or at least find out more about the programme for next year. Apparently it's just such an amazing thing, and I'm sure I'll have heaps of friends who are going. If any of you guys are thinking about it, make sure you get me on your bandwagon, and bug me about it!
your pics didn't come get posted...
sounds yummy though...
so, now i know you can cook, when can i expect some eggtarts? =)
you made EGGTARTS? you GENIUS YOU!!
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