does everybody get asked as many questions about it as me?
because it feels like a lot of people ask me!
eg. when is it due?
what key is it in?
can the second episode be the same as the first episode?
why is there a middle entry?
how long is your episode?
what bar do we have to write up to?
what key is the second entry in?
can it just be free material?
et cetera.
now, my real wondering is:
1) does everybody get asked these questions?
2) if not, why does everybody ask me?
it's not that i don't appreciate them. it actually makes me learn a bit better.
but i'm just wondering why.
any comments/opinions/thoughts appreciated!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
the sky cloudless
the wind blowing my hair
on a beach that looked like home
the sea sparkling
the sand dazzling white
someone urged us to run along the beach
we ran along the broadwalk instead.
i feel the wooden planks underfoot
when our eyes meet
we throw our heads back in amusement
when we realise
how silly it must all look.
we're joined at the hand
in reassurance and gentleness
we meet a mutual friend
whom we have to pretend like
nothing's happening
it feels so secret
yet so big inside.
the wind blowing my hair
on a beach that looked like home
the sea sparkling
the sand dazzling white
someone urged us to run along the beach
we ran along the broadwalk instead.
i feel the wooden planks underfoot
when our eyes meet
we throw our heads back in amusement
when we realise
how silly it must all look.
we're joined at the hand
in reassurance and gentleness
we meet a mutual friend
whom we have to pretend like
nothing's happening
it feels so secret
yet so big inside.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
8.5: the number of hours of Urinetown auditions I sat through.
3: the number of hours we spent casting and trying to figure out roles for the auditionees.
75: the number of emails I have received from various people (mostly committee members) about MSS matters.
16: the number of days this new committee has been together. Yes, that's just over two weeks. An average of 4.6875 emails a day.
7: the number of hours I didn't check my email for on Thursday.
19: the number of emails I received in the aforementioned 7 hours.
5: the number of productive actions the MSS has taken so far. (I think.)
2: the number of meetings I had on Monday: Apollo and Melbourne Welcome.
4: the number of third year girls doing Melbourne Welcome. This is also equal to the number of second year boys doing Melbourne Welcome.
4: the number of Melbourne Welcome girls who are single and going to fight over English boys.
1: the number of Melbourne Welcome boys who are single and aren't going to be fighting over any of the girls.
3: the number of times I booked myself in for practice in the Basement.
9: the number of choristers who showed up to rehearsal on Tuesday.
2 3/4: the number of hours of the first read-through of Urinetown on Tuesday night.
1: the number of days before a concert I was asked to play for. (Don't worry, it went quite well :) )
1: the number of internationally-renowned economists I had formal dinner with at Fellow's Dinner. Who, I might add, we didn't have a great chance to talk to.
1: the number of internationally-renowned economists I now have to set up lunch with!
2: the number of QOTs I have administered in class this week.
13: the number of hours I was on-the-go on Thursday. It was a very long day...
2: the number of french horn boys I walked home with after the MUCO concert.
23987: the number of times I have checked Facebook in procrastination (of my essay).
5: the number of actual parts for the Urinetown orchestra.
1: the number of shocks about friends going to London I've had this week.
2: the number placing after playing the Strauss.
391757: the number of things I have to do this week!!!!
3: the number of hours we spent casting and trying to figure out roles for the auditionees.
75: the number of emails I have received from various people (mostly committee members) about MSS matters.
16: the number of days this new committee has been together. Yes, that's just over two weeks. An average of 4.6875 emails a day.
7: the number of hours I didn't check my email for on Thursday.
19: the number of emails I received in the aforementioned 7 hours.
5: the number of productive actions the MSS has taken so far. (I think.)
2: the number of meetings I had on Monday: Apollo and Melbourne Welcome.
4: the number of third year girls doing Melbourne Welcome. This is also equal to the number of second year boys doing Melbourne Welcome.
4: the number of Melbourne Welcome girls who are single and going to fight over English boys.
1: the number of Melbourne Welcome boys who are single and aren't going to be fighting over any of the girls.
3: the number of times I booked myself in for practice in the Basement.
9: the number of choristers who showed up to rehearsal on Tuesday.
2 3/4: the number of hours of the first read-through of Urinetown on Tuesday night.
1: the number of days before a concert I was asked to play for. (Don't worry, it went quite well :) )
1: the number of internationally-renowned economists I had formal dinner with at Fellow's Dinner. Who, I might add, we didn't have a great chance to talk to.
1: the number of internationally-renowned economists I now have to set up lunch with!
2: the number of QOTs I have administered in class this week.
13: the number of hours I was on-the-go on Thursday. It was a very long day...
2: the number of french horn boys I walked home with after the MUCO concert.
23987: the number of times I have checked Facebook in procrastination (of my essay).
5: the number of actual parts for the Urinetown orchestra.
1: the number of shocks about friends going to London I've had this week.
2: the number placing after playing the Strauss.
391757: the number of things I have to do this week!!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Things you may or may not know...
* I was going to skip a year in primary school. But my parents wanted me to remain in my year for my social development.
* My parents used to run a coffee shop.
* I went to Connecticut on exchange in 2002, skipping half of yr10.
* I really wanted to do gymnastics or ballet when I was a little girl. I did neither.
* I really wanted to own a horse at the age of seven. My mum asked where we'd put it.
* The only pets we've ever owned were goldfish. I was so jealous of my cousins - they had mice as well as a hermit crab.
* I used to take swimming lessons when I was in primary school. Like, pre-squad kinda thing. Working on technique. And diving! I was so proud when I learnt to dive over the kickboard that my teacher held out in front of the block.
* I don't enjoy some things such as basketball or gardening or monopoly (or even the subject field of Marketing) because family members of mine are fully into it. I just got turned off!
* I am a hopeless romantic. Flowers bowl me over. So do cards and messages. I just think it's nice. I'm also an idealist much of the time....
* I think I'm quite shy.
* I feel honoured when people ask me to do stuff.
* For high school, I really wanted to go to MLC, because my cousins went there. But I turned out ok from SMAGS...! I really appreciated my time there.
* I am now an incessant email and text message checker. I rely on communication to get me through the day, and I can't go anywhere without my mobile. Sad huh?
* My idea of a good night out is enjoying the company of my friends, possibly listening to some awesome music (of which 'awesome' encompasses a wide range) and generally having a good time of which I remember all of it!
* I'd like to think I am a popular kind of person. I know, big-headed. Anyway, I don't think I am....I think I'm pretty average in most respects.
* This may come as a shock, it may not. And this is really putting myself out there, and oh well....I've never been kissed. I've never been in a relationship. Go figure.
* I think I must have been an ugly/odd looking child, judging by how many specialists I've seen...apart from the doctor, dentist, I've been to the orthodontist, dermatologist, podiatrist and physiotherapist.
* Yep, I was a nerd at school :) I took yr 9 and 10 maths in grade 9, then the hardest yr 11 maths in grade 10, although I couldn't finish it due to going overseas.
* I have vivid recollections of pre-primary, which included bowls of fruit, 'Wombat Stew' as the end of year play, finger painting and Santa coming at Christmas (although I knew my present was from my mum. It was so distinctively her wrapping and the gift, I could just tell, was from her).
* My favourite presents as a kid were things like coloured pencils, textas and crayons. I loved to draw. I used to have a scrapbook when I was 3 and every day I drew a picture of a house in it. Needless to say, my book filled up very quickly while my brother's remained quite empty...
More to follow when they pop up...
* My parents used to run a coffee shop.
* I went to Connecticut on exchange in 2002, skipping half of yr10.
* I really wanted to do gymnastics or ballet when I was a little girl. I did neither.
* I really wanted to own a horse at the age of seven. My mum asked where we'd put it.
* The only pets we've ever owned were goldfish. I was so jealous of my cousins - they had mice as well as a hermit crab.
* I used to take swimming lessons when I was in primary school. Like, pre-squad kinda thing. Working on technique. And diving! I was so proud when I learnt to dive over the kickboard that my teacher held out in front of the block.
* I don't enjoy some things such as basketball or gardening or monopoly (or even the subject field of Marketing) because family members of mine are fully into it. I just got turned off!
* I am a hopeless romantic. Flowers bowl me over. So do cards and messages. I just think it's nice. I'm also an idealist much of the time....
* I think I'm quite shy.
* I feel honoured when people ask me to do stuff.
* For high school, I really wanted to go to MLC, because my cousins went there. But I turned out ok from SMAGS...! I really appreciated my time there.
* I am now an incessant email and text message checker. I rely on communication to get me through the day, and I can't go anywhere without my mobile. Sad huh?
* My idea of a good night out is enjoying the company of my friends, possibly listening to some awesome music (of which 'awesome' encompasses a wide range) and generally having a good time of which I remember all of it!
* I'd like to think I am a popular kind of person. I know, big-headed. Anyway, I don't think I am....I think I'm pretty average in most respects.
* This may come as a shock, it may not. And this is really putting myself out there, and oh well....I've never been kissed. I've never been in a relationship. Go figure.
* I think I must have been an ugly/odd looking child, judging by how many specialists I've seen...apart from the doctor, dentist, I've been to the orthodontist, dermatologist, podiatrist and physiotherapist.
* Yep, I was a nerd at school :) I took yr 9 and 10 maths in grade 9, then the hardest yr 11 maths in grade 10, although I couldn't finish it due to going overseas.
* I have vivid recollections of pre-primary, which included bowls of fruit, 'Wombat Stew' as the end of year play, finger painting and Santa coming at Christmas (although I knew my present was from my mum. It was so distinctively her wrapping and the gift, I could just tell, was from her).
* My favourite presents as a kid were things like coloured pencils, textas and crayons. I loved to draw. I used to have a scrapbook when I was 3 and every day I drew a picture of a house in it. Needless to say, my book filled up very quickly while my brother's remained quite empty...
More to follow when they pop up...
Monday, May 14, 2007
now i get it!
why i'm so busy...!
because i'm overloading by 6.25pts this semester!
which is only 2hrs extra a week, but is an afternoon/evening that i don't have to myself.
ahhh! now i get it!!!
wow. i had totally forgotten about that.
why i'm so busy...!
because i'm overloading by 6.25pts this semester!
which is only 2hrs extra a week, but is an afternoon/evening that i don't have to myself.
ahhh! now i get it!!!
wow. i had totally forgotten about that.
Friday, May 11, 2007
stuff that's happened
today on the way to class i saw the IH girls soccer team walking back and saw ling. which was nice - i haven't seen her for ages.
after class i had to go to the shops, and cutting through uni, i ran into two girls i know, but can't remember where from! weird...i think one was from JCH and the other said hi, but i've totally forgotten and i feel terrible for not remembering!! :)
while walking down lygs there was dawn, sitting out on the pavement at a cafe. had a little chat to her! then walking out of lygon court, i ran into gene, whom i haven't talked to in a very long time.
so that was a very exciting morning all round because i bumped into people i don't normally do and had a chat with most of them! very nice. plus it's a nice day, so that made me feel a bit happier too!
we had our first MSS 2007-8 meeting yesterday during concert class. yes, that's right...i skipped class to go to a meeting! it's alright, i can make it up next week. probably only to propagate even further that i am in second year. get it right peoples, i am in third year...! haha.
rowing day was on sunday. queen's didn't win. oh well. trinity did. it was so funny, we had been saying that the trinity boys were all twice the size of ours! and then we were walking back, and i see angus, and he's there in a zootie, putting a boat away, and with a medal around his neck. and i put two and two together (and get four) and realise that angus is one of the trinity rowers who'd won! very cool, but very funny at the same time!
last night was the apollo concert, "recital by candlelight" at the trinity college chapel.
yes, in the week leading up to this (apart from being hideously busy with a lot of stuff on), i was kinda nervous about it. we had an extra rehearsal on monday and our normal reherasal on tuesday, but added the orchestra for the vivaldi. then we were out of a room so we had to rehearse in the corridor. not ideal,but it worked out.
then the was quite exciting! it was my first public concert at which i conducted, i my public conducting debut hehe! and i got to share it with apollo! i've really grown to nurture this choir as my own, i'm starting to re-consider the role of T in it all....i feel like it's my baby..! the people are totally awesome; they are hard-working, and they're lots of fun and even though there is a distinct role of a conductor, some of them are in my year at uni, and most of them have become friends which is nice!
anyway.....there has been a lot of stuff this week, but i really don't feel like telling it all now. perhaps you should just talk to me about it all. whatever.
it's just been really busy but quite happy all round!
after class i had to go to the shops, and cutting through uni, i ran into two girls i know, but can't remember where from! weird...i think one was from JCH and the other said hi, but i've totally forgotten and i feel terrible for not remembering!! :)
while walking down lygs there was dawn, sitting out on the pavement at a cafe. had a little chat to her! then walking out of lygon court, i ran into gene, whom i haven't talked to in a very long time.
so that was a very exciting morning all round because i bumped into people i don't normally do and had a chat with most of them! very nice. plus it's a nice day, so that made me feel a bit happier too!
we had our first MSS 2007-8 meeting yesterday during concert class. yes, that's right...i skipped class to go to a meeting! it's alright, i can make it up next week. probably only to propagate even further that i am in second year. get it right peoples, i am in third year...! haha.
rowing day was on sunday. queen's didn't win. oh well. trinity did. it was so funny, we had been saying that the trinity boys were all twice the size of ours! and then we were walking back, and i see angus, and he's there in a zootie, putting a boat away, and with a medal around his neck. and i put two and two together (and get four) and realise that angus is one of the trinity rowers who'd won! very cool, but very funny at the same time!
last night was the apollo concert, "recital by candlelight" at the trinity college chapel.
yes, in the week leading up to this (apart from being hideously busy with a lot of stuff on), i was kinda nervous about it. we had an extra rehearsal on monday and our normal reherasal on tuesday, but added the orchestra for the vivaldi. then we were out of a room so we had to rehearse in the corridor. not ideal,but it worked out.
then the was quite exciting! it was my first public concert at which i conducted, i my public conducting debut hehe! and i got to share it with apollo! i've really grown to nurture this choir as my own, i'm starting to re-consider the role of T in it all....i feel like it's my baby..! the people are totally awesome; they are hard-working, and they're lots of fun and even though there is a distinct role of a conductor, some of them are in my year at uni, and most of them have become friends which is nice!
anyway.....there has been a lot of stuff this week, but i really don't feel like telling it all now. perhaps you should just talk to me about it all. whatever.
it's just been really busy but quite happy all round!
Monday, May 07, 2007
little uni --> much other stuff
Case in point, as an example.
Tuesday 8 May
Wake up 6.27am
Morning: Piano practice
10am: Meet with Pete to prepare for Bible study
11.30am-1pm: Meet with Erica for mentoring
2.15-3.15pm: Class
3.45pm: Mozart competition, me actually competing
4.15pm: accompany for Mozart competition
5pm: rehearsal to train my soloist to sing for a concert on Thursday night
5.30-7pm: Choir, make sure they sound at least decently ok for Thursday night
7.01-7.42pm: walk home, eat dinner
7.45-8.45pm: College tutorial
9.30pm: Bible study
10.30pm or so (whenever we're done): come back to my room and start homework.
I kid you not, there is actually only one hour of scheduled university class in that.
I'm sorry if I'm a really bad friend to you all in the next three weeks - there is much to be done.
And not enough time to do it.
Please don't ask me about "so-and-so night". I don't know what's going on. The most pressing matters are what is the big stuff. Usually a day in advance. There are no plans for the weekend yet because it will probably be filled with homework and study. And hopefully some recovery (well, that was the plan last weekend...didn't quite work out. Silly rowing day kinda gets in the way of life in general.)
So, if I'm snappy, you'll know why.
Try to be sympathetic; I'll try to minimise the amount of fatigue and stress shown and displayed by my character as much as possible. Please try to understand!
Why I took on this new role (and new roles in general this year...) has been totally beyond me.
This is what I do now:
Apollo Choir
Jude's SMC
co-MD-ing for QC musical 2007
[the above four are basically executive kind of roles]
Melbourne Welcome 2007
accompanying x a lot
work (attempt to...)
maintain some sort of sane life
no wonder i'm not succeeding...! i think i'm about to collapse and fall apart....
Tuesday 8 May
Wake up 6.27am
Morning: Piano practice
10am: Meet with Pete to prepare for Bible study
11.30am-1pm: Meet with Erica for mentoring
2.15-3.15pm: Class
3.45pm: Mozart competition, me actually competing
4.15pm: accompany for Mozart competition
5pm: rehearsal to train my soloist to sing for a concert on Thursday night
5.30-7pm: Choir, make sure they sound at least decently ok for Thursday night
7.01-7.42pm: walk home, eat dinner
7.45-8.45pm: College tutorial
9.30pm: Bible study
10.30pm or so (whenever we're done): come back to my room and start homework.
I kid you not, there is actually only one hour of scheduled university class in that.
I'm sorry if I'm a really bad friend to you all in the next three weeks - there is much to be done.
And not enough time to do it.
Please don't ask me about "so-and-so night". I don't know what's going on. The most pressing matters are what is the big stuff. Usually a day in advance. There are no plans for the weekend yet because it will probably be filled with homework and study. And hopefully some recovery (well, that was the plan last weekend...didn't quite work out. Silly rowing day kinda gets in the way of life in general.)
So, if I'm snappy, you'll know why.
Try to be sympathetic; I'll try to minimise the amount of fatigue and stress shown and displayed by my character as much as possible. Please try to understand!
Why I took on this new role (and new roles in general this year...) has been totally beyond me.
This is what I do now:
Apollo Choir
Jude's SMC
co-MD-ing for QC musical 2007
[the above four are basically executive kind of roles]
Melbourne Welcome 2007
accompanying x a lot
work (attempt to...)
maintain some sort of sane life
no wonder i'm not succeeding...! i think i'm about to collapse and fall apart....
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