So, two days before I left, I went to the AYO concert at the Perth Concert Hall, which was part of the Perth International Arts Festival (which opened two days before that).
I've heard so much about AYO and the National Music Camp, and Cameron Hill was the soloist with AYO (playing the Stravinsky violin concerto) that it was so worth paying however much the tickets were!
What an amazing sound.
They played Shostakovich's Festive Overture Op. 96 (we played this in the Combined Anglican Schools Orchestra one year, it's such a fantastic piece!), Cameron played the Stravinskly, and then the second half was Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet, selections from Suite 1 and 2.
It was a wonderful concert.
And such a sight..! Cameron, the orchestra, and conductor...(where to begin with all that..?!)
It was awesome to see some Melbourne Con people - it was kinda weird, because I was at home, in Perth, and there they were, but I knew them from odd! But very cool.
Thanks to Beat for organising tickets - thanks for coming with me and all :D
The Prokofiev was pretty cool (even though all of it was actually really cool, just that this piece gets special mention, because..well, I'll explain...).
There were two bits that were especially funky....
1) There was one particular moment where I suddenly noticed the horns had lifted their instruments such that they managed to get better projection. Totally cool.
2) Another particular moment had the orchestra playing in rhythmic unison of dramatic force, except for the horns, who, all five of them, stood up to play this awesome (equally dramatic) melody in unison! Wonderful :)
And more about concerting...
I went to the MSO concert at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl last night with a few MSS committee members and a bunch of con freshers. It was part of the activities that MSS was running and it was a good way to introduce freshers to seeing more concerts, and for them to write concert reports! (which we could sign off on..!) It turned out to be lots of fun, with some old friends, some new friends, and meeting some other old friends who met us there, whom I didn't even know were coming! But lots of fun. There were quite a few "Do I know you?"'s around, from past times in country Victorian towns..! :) Very funny and very cool.....there was one guy, a pianist, from Bought, and I was like, "I know people who used to live in Bought!", including Sam. And this guy knows Sam - their sisters were very good friends! This pianist was just so cute hehe :P
Anyway, so it was a good concert :) Well, apart from you know, about 10 000 in the crowd, a picnic atmosphere (not a bad thing, but I guess that attracts a different audience demographic to the concert hall), threatening clouds and a weird sound system...! But it was an enjoyable time. I got to meet con freshers (as well as today, on Mentor Day, though only four rocked up, but they were nice!) and hang out with them and get to know them a bit :) Very fun!
So, today was Mentor Day at uni. In the morning, we had training. Which was good, and most amusing at times. I didn't realise how many in-jokes we have..! But what fun it is!
Bought M&Ms, still have some, but all my other friends have probably been the biggest consumers of them, probably after me haha :P
Ran into quite a few people at the Con, which was lots of fun!
The Monday 10am tute has basically filled up - by far, we are the most popular class the quickest..!
Also went around uni today, in the break between training and the actual Mentoring time (I was at uni all day today..!) and checked out the Clubs and Societies stalls and tents on campus. Saw a few more friends around, signed up for CU (the $2 fee...!) as well as for a few things like 85 Broads (no charge, very good!). So I think I had a fairly successful day, although I was (and am!) INCREDIBLY tired.., probably because I didn't have an afternoon nap at all haha.
Anyway, there will be a few photos from MSO (very few....didn't take any of the fireworks because my camera batteries ran out...)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
ITunes Shuffle!
Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.
Use the song titles that come up to answer each question.
How does the world see me?
Artist: The Cat Empire
Song: Sly
Comment: Hahahahahaha. Really?!?!?!?!? Hahahahah.
Will I have a happy life?
Artist: Hillsong
Song: Track 13. (I don't actually know the title)
Comment: Awesome. Any Hillsong song for this question has to be good for this question! The lyrics have, "Your breath of life sets me free." "Now I'm free to dance again." Sound positive!
What do people really think of me?
Artist: Anthony Newley
Song: Pure Imagination (from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
Comment: Haha. Cool!
How can I make myself happy?
Artist: Klaus Bedalt
Song: One Last Shot (from Pirates of the Carribbean)
Comment: Is this to do with one last chance..? Or pirates? Arrr....good orchestral music though!
What should I do with my life?
Artist: Disney
Song: Colours of the Wind (from Pocohantas)
Comment: Is this, what, accept everybody..?!
What is some good advice for me?
Artist: Switchfoot
Song: Under the Floor
Comment: Does that even make sense?!
What do I think my current theme song is?
Artist: Guy Sebastien
Song: i 4 u
Comment: Random, and funny
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Artist: Queen Latifah
Song: When You're Good to Mama (from Chicago)
Comment: Hahahahaha. Does this mean I'm a matriarchal figure..?!
What song will play at my funeral?
Artist: Andrea Bocelli
Song: Cujus animam
Comment: It'd probably help if I knew the English translation. But sorry, although it's pretty, I think I'll have something else...
What type of men do you like?
Artist: Gavin De Graw
Song: Meaning
Comment: What does this mean? I want meaning in relationships..?!
What is my day going to be like?
Artist: Guy Sebastien
Song: Fiend for You
Comment: Don't know what that means...
Why am I here?
Artist: Jimmy Barnes
Song: Working Class Man
Comment: Haha....with a Protestant work ethic..?!?!
What will people remember me for?
Artist: Rockapella
Song: Save Tonight
Comment: Meh, don't get it...
What song will be stuck in my head tomorrow?
Artist: MercyMe
Song: Undone
Comment: This is a great album!
Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Artist: Guy Sebastien (why are there so many by him..?!?! What happened to my favourite artists?!?!)
Song: Out With My Baby
Comment: Erm....perhaps..?
What will this year be all about?
Artist: Andrea Bocelli
Song: La Gioconda: Cielo E Mar!
Comment: Yep, some sort of English translation would be nice...but perhaps the exclamation mark at the end of the title indicates some sort of spectacular thing!
And another one....
Opening Credits:
MADS Crew: Credits. Makes sense, but not really. So let's try again...
Hillsong: King of Love
Waking Up:
Gavin De Graw: Chemical Party
First Day At School:
Harry Connick Jr.: Love for Sale
Puppy Love:
The Corrs: Miracle
Fight Song:
Vanessa Carlton: Wanted (oh, topical..?!)
Breaking Up:
Andrea Bocelli: Tosca: Recondita Armonia (would make sense in English...whatever it is..)
The Corrs: Heaven Knows
Life is Good:
Miles Davis & John Coltrane: Live in New York (not actually the title. Let's try again..)
Van Morrison: Georgia on my Mind
Grandaddy: Crystal Lake
Frank Sinatra: L.A. is my Lady
True Love:
Doris Day: Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera) [oh no, am I settling for less..?!]
The Key Sessions Quartet: Cry Me a River. (HAHAHAHHAHAHA!)
Moment of Triumph:
Bach's Cello Suite No. 1, Prelude
Death Scene:
Lauryn Hill: Can't Take My Eyes off You. (Hahahaha. Who..?!)
Funeral Song:
Andrea Bocelli: Ave Maria (the Schubert one) [Beautiful choice!)
End Credits:
Jackie de Shannon: What the World Needs Now is Love (hahahha. Yep, after I die, yes...and it's a good credits song. But random!)
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.
Use the song titles that come up to answer each question.
How does the world see me?
Artist: The Cat Empire
Song: Sly
Comment: Hahahahahaha. Really?!?!?!?!? Hahahahah.
Will I have a happy life?
Artist: Hillsong
Song: Track 13. (I don't actually know the title)
Comment: Awesome. Any Hillsong song for this question has to be good for this question! The lyrics have, "Your breath of life sets me free." "Now I'm free to dance again." Sound positive!
What do people really think of me?
Artist: Anthony Newley
Song: Pure Imagination (from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
Comment: Haha. Cool!
How can I make myself happy?
Artist: Klaus Bedalt
Song: One Last Shot (from Pirates of the Carribbean)
Comment: Is this to do with one last chance..? Or pirates? Arrr....good orchestral music though!
What should I do with my life?
Artist: Disney
Song: Colours of the Wind (from Pocohantas)
Comment: Is this, what, accept everybody..?!
What is some good advice for me?
Artist: Switchfoot
Song: Under the Floor
Comment: Does that even make sense?!
What do I think my current theme song is?
Artist: Guy Sebastien
Song: i 4 u
Comment: Random, and funny
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Artist: Queen Latifah
Song: When You're Good to Mama (from Chicago)
Comment: Hahahahaha. Does this mean I'm a matriarchal figure..?!
What song will play at my funeral?
Artist: Andrea Bocelli
Song: Cujus animam
Comment: It'd probably help if I knew the English translation. But sorry, although it's pretty, I think I'll have something else...
What type of men do you like?
Artist: Gavin De Graw
Song: Meaning
Comment: What does this mean? I want meaning in relationships..?!
What is my day going to be like?
Artist: Guy Sebastien
Song: Fiend for You
Comment: Don't know what that means...
Why am I here?
Artist: Jimmy Barnes
Song: Working Class Man
Comment: Haha....with a Protestant work ethic..?!?!
What will people remember me for?
Artist: Rockapella
Song: Save Tonight
Comment: Meh, don't get it...
What song will be stuck in my head tomorrow?
Artist: MercyMe
Song: Undone
Comment: This is a great album!
Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Artist: Guy Sebastien (why are there so many by him..?!?! What happened to my favourite artists?!?!)
Song: Out With My Baby
Comment: Erm....perhaps..?
What will this year be all about?
Artist: Andrea Bocelli
Song: La Gioconda: Cielo E Mar!
Comment: Yep, some sort of English translation would be nice...but perhaps the exclamation mark at the end of the title indicates some sort of spectacular thing!
And another one....
Opening Credits:
MADS Crew: Credits. Makes sense, but not really. So let's try again...
Hillsong: King of Love
Waking Up:
Gavin De Graw: Chemical Party
First Day At School:
Harry Connick Jr.: Love for Sale
Puppy Love:
The Corrs: Miracle
Fight Song:
Vanessa Carlton: Wanted (oh, topical..?!)
Breaking Up:
Andrea Bocelli: Tosca: Recondita Armonia (would make sense in English...whatever it is..)
The Corrs: Heaven Knows
Life is Good:
Miles Davis & John Coltrane: Live in New York (not actually the title. Let's try again..)
Van Morrison: Georgia on my Mind
Grandaddy: Crystal Lake
Frank Sinatra: L.A. is my Lady
True Love:
Doris Day: Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera) [oh no, am I settling for less..?!]
The Key Sessions Quartet: Cry Me a River. (HAHAHAHHAHAHA!)
Moment of Triumph:
Bach's Cello Suite No. 1, Prelude
Death Scene:
Lauryn Hill: Can't Take My Eyes off You. (Hahahaha. Who..?!)
Funeral Song:
Andrea Bocelli: Ave Maria (the Schubert one) [Beautiful choice!)
End Credits:
Jackie de Shannon: What the World Needs Now is Love (hahahha. Yep, after I die, yes...and it's a good credits song. But random!)
Monday, February 19, 2007
Holiday Classes!
Thanks to Gowri for this fun email :)
Evening classes for men. Starting this month! Note: due to the
complexity and level of difficulty of their contents, each course will accept a
maximum of eight participants each.
Topic 1. How to fill ice-cube trays. Step by step with slide presentation.
Topic 2. Toilet paper rolls: do they grow on the holders? Round-table discussion.
Topic 3. Differences between the laundry basket and the floor.
Pictures and explanatory graphics.
Topic 4. The after-dinner dishes and silverware: can they levitate and fly into the kitchen sink? Example on video.
Topic 5. Loss of identity: losing the remote to your significant other. Helpline and support groups.
Topic 6. Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming. Open forum.
Topic 7. Health watch: bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health. Grapics and audio tape.
Topic 8. Real men ask for directions when lost. Real-life testimonials.
Topic 9. Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel
parks? Driving simulation.
Topic 10. Learning to live: basic differences between mother and wife. Online class and role-playing.
Topic 11. How to be the ideal shopping companion. Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques.
Topic 12. How to fight cerebral atrophy: remembering birthdays, anniversaries, other important dates and calling when you're going to be late. Cerebral shock therapy sessions and full lobotomies offered.
Upon completion of the course, diplomas will be issued. Register now!
Contact your the nearest Society of Typical Men (STM)
CLASSES FOR WOMEN.. Training courses are now available for women on
the following subjects:
1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits
4. Man Management: Minor Household Chores Can Wait Till After The Game
5. Bathroom Etiquette I: Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
6. Bathroom Etiquette II: His Razor is His
7. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First
8. Communication Skills II : Thinking Before Speaking
9. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want Without Nagging
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire
11. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up
12. Introduction to Parking
13. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space
14. Water Retention: Fact or Fat
15. Cooking I: Bringing Back Bacon, Eggs and Butter
16. Cooking II: Bran and Tofu are Not for Human Consumption
17. Cooking III: How not to Inflict Your Diets on Other People
18. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully
19. PMS: Your Problem . . . Not His
20. Dancing: Why Men Don't Like To
21. Classic Footwear: Wearing Shoes You Already Have
22. Household Dust: A Harmless Natural Occurrence Only Women Notice
23. Integrating Your Laundry: Washing It All Together
24. Oil and Petrol: Your Car Needs Both
25. TV Remotes: For Men Only
26. How to work the toilet seat: You can work it on your own, an empowerment programme
Evening classes for men. Starting this month! Note: due to the
complexity and level of difficulty of their contents, each course will accept a
maximum of eight participants each.
Topic 1. How to fill ice-cube trays. Step by step with slide presentation.
Topic 2. Toilet paper rolls: do they grow on the holders? Round-table discussion.
Topic 3. Differences between the laundry basket and the floor.
Pictures and explanatory graphics.
Topic 4. The after-dinner dishes and silverware: can they levitate and fly into the kitchen sink? Example on video.
Topic 5. Loss of identity: losing the remote to your significant other. Helpline and support groups.
Topic 6. Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming. Open forum.
Topic 7. Health watch: bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health. Grapics and audio tape.
Topic 8. Real men ask for directions when lost. Real-life testimonials.
Topic 9. Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel
parks? Driving simulation.
Topic 10. Learning to live: basic differences between mother and wife. Online class and role-playing.
Topic 11. How to be the ideal shopping companion. Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques.
Topic 12. How to fight cerebral atrophy: remembering birthdays, anniversaries, other important dates and calling when you're going to be late. Cerebral shock therapy sessions and full lobotomies offered.
Upon completion of the course, diplomas will be issued. Register now!
Contact your the nearest Society of Typical Men (STM)
CLASSES FOR WOMEN.. Training courses are now available for women on
the following subjects:
1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits
4. Man Management: Minor Household Chores Can Wait Till After The Game
5. Bathroom Etiquette I: Men Need Space in the Bathroom Cabinet Too
6. Bathroom Etiquette II: His Razor is His
7. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First
8. Communication Skills II : Thinking Before Speaking
9. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want Without Nagging
10. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire
11. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up
12. Introduction to Parking
13. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space
14. Water Retention: Fact or Fat
15. Cooking I: Bringing Back Bacon, Eggs and Butter
16. Cooking II: Bran and Tofu are Not for Human Consumption
17. Cooking III: How not to Inflict Your Diets on Other People
18. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully
19. PMS: Your Problem . . . Not His
20. Dancing: Why Men Don't Like To
21. Classic Footwear: Wearing Shoes You Already Have
22. Household Dust: A Harmless Natural Occurrence Only Women Notice
23. Integrating Your Laundry: Washing It All Together
24. Oil and Petrol: Your Car Needs Both
25. TV Remotes: For Men Only
26. How to work the toilet seat: You can work it on your own, an empowerment programme
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Chinese New Year
Last night was Chinese New Year eve; if you are Chinese, you know that this is a massive party! (If you're not, now you do!)
So, being away from home for my first Chinese New Year warranted a party to find to attend. And find and attend I did, getting myself invited to Xing's new apartment (Uropa, on Grattan and Swanston) for her party, which involved a lot of food, drink and med friends. Plus a few friends of friends who knew me (med, as well as a couple of music who knew me, but whom I didn't know..oops..!)
Here are the pics...

So, being away from home for my first Chinese New Year warranted a party to find to attend. And find and attend I did, getting myself invited to Xing's new apartment (Uropa, on Grattan and Swanston) for her party, which involved a lot of food, drink and med friends. Plus a few friends of friends who knew me (med, as well as a couple of music who knew me, but whom I didn't know..oops..!)
Here are the pics...
Bartender-mistress Eelin
Look at all the food!!!! (this is the 1st table)
Xing, Wen & me (with Tom and Kenneth)
The Queeners (well, technically 1 Queener, 4 Wyverns)
More Long Overdue photos!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
the first
from E347, my new room!
Arrived yesterday, Flick picked me up from the airport. She brought Lauren too, which was a very nice surprise! :)
I was so worried, because the baggage handlers at Perth airport actually went on strike the day before I left, and some flights were delayed (by quite a lot) and a couple were actually cancelled altogether. I was so desparate NOT to be in that situation that I prepared a list for my mum about who to call and what to tell them if I was going to be delayed!
Alas, it was not an issue. Ok, so we left about half an hour later, but the flight was a quick three hours (compared to 3.5hrs normally, must have been a good flight path). I watched 'Flushed Away', which is a really cute animated movie (including voices done by Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet) - I'd recommend if for some cute laughs :) I unfortunately felt quite sick on the plane, not least for not sleeping too well the night before (my mum would term it 'being excited'), although she should know that I don't usually sleep well before flights (so much so that last time, I decided not to go to sleep at all..!). I even missed having ICE-CREAM!! (It was a Triple Choc Trumpet even!!! waahh..!)
Alas, we went to the Vic to pick up all my stuff...I was surprised it all fit into the car! But we slowly made our way to Queen's after being most amused by Sam and Flick kinda cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs so that they could fit their bikes in! Hehe. Flick and Loz helped me move all my stuff...thanks guys :) Sorry for the three flights of stairs...there are some perks and some definite downsides to living on the top floor!
Unfotunately, I haven't been really able to carry out this role of International Student representative to the best of my ability so far, I think. I got here much later than most of the students, so that was obviously something that should be fixed for next year. However, I will be meeting some of them at Drinks with the Master today so that should be better :)
Unfortunately, I had a fairly sleepless night last night, due to a new bed (I never sleep well on the first night in a new place, even if I'm really tired, such as yesterday) as well as a number of mozzie bites yuk :S . Oh well, hopefully tonight will be better.
Today is my uni day, so it shall be big..!
Anyway, I'm off.....
Arrived yesterday, Flick picked me up from the airport. She brought Lauren too, which was a very nice surprise! :)
I was so worried, because the baggage handlers at Perth airport actually went on strike the day before I left, and some flights were delayed (by quite a lot) and a couple were actually cancelled altogether. I was so desparate NOT to be in that situation that I prepared a list for my mum about who to call and what to tell them if I was going to be delayed!
Alas, it was not an issue. Ok, so we left about half an hour later, but the flight was a quick three hours (compared to 3.5hrs normally, must have been a good flight path). I watched 'Flushed Away', which is a really cute animated movie (including voices done by Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet) - I'd recommend if for some cute laughs :) I unfortunately felt quite sick on the plane, not least for not sleeping too well the night before (my mum would term it 'being excited'), although she should know that I don't usually sleep well before flights (so much so that last time, I decided not to go to sleep at all..!). I even missed having ICE-CREAM!! (It was a Triple Choc Trumpet even!!! waahh..!)
Alas, we went to the Vic to pick up all my stuff...I was surprised it all fit into the car! But we slowly made our way to Queen's after being most amused by Sam and Flick kinda cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs so that they could fit their bikes in! Hehe. Flick and Loz helped me move all my stuff...thanks guys :) Sorry for the three flights of stairs...there are some perks and some definite downsides to living on the top floor!
Unfotunately, I haven't been really able to carry out this role of International Student representative to the best of my ability so far, I think. I got here much later than most of the students, so that was obviously something that should be fixed for next year. However, I will be meeting some of them at Drinks with the Master today so that should be better :)
Unfortunately, I had a fairly sleepless night last night, due to a new bed (I never sleep well on the first night in a new place, even if I'm really tired, such as yesterday) as well as a number of mozzie bites yuk :S . Oh well, hopefully tonight will be better.
Today is my uni day, so it shall be big..!
Anyway, I'm off.....
Saturday, February 10, 2007
i hate packing
yeah, i really do.
i also really hate unpacking. but maybe packing is worse, because you have a limited space to put it into. I think that's my opinion on it.
ah, the trials and tribulations of living in college, studying elsewhere etc.
alas, i have found a way to get to the airport to the vic/college. flick is picking me up, which is very kind of her...she actually starts uni the day before, but prac for her isn't on tuesday afternoons, so fancy that nice timing!
went out with xiao and steph yesterday for lunch at karrinyup. we had those crepes - yummy! steph spent heaps of $ on clothes/bags etc. we musta looked in every shoe store there was!
alas, we bumped into heaps of st mary's old girls, including some in their year (including bec and jess, a girl from my link), as well as mel b, kah lin and nat t. quirky.....! it musta been the day!
and so, i've also gotten lots of interesting emails.....
1) having drinks with the master and new (international) students on wednesday evening
2) being invited to be part of the mentor programme at qc for 1st yrs
3) hands up for passes at the reserved section of the sidney myer music bowl for the mso concerts - i've got some, but if like, the dean and staff from the con are there, i might not.....!
there is a dilemma with 2). see, the connect leaders bbq is on the friday night (camp is from friday morning/arvo - sunday arvo).
so, i need some opinions, please. any to help me decide, please help me out!
here are the facts.
Connect leaders bbq is on the friday night. i've been looking forward to this for AGES!! (ok, since, like, early Jan when tim sent the email out)
the camp involves no monetary cost to me. i'd be a senior student helping out with the mentor programme to help bridge the gap between scr and jcr. the camp is at foster north, i'd say about 3-4hrs sw of melbourne, overlooking wilson's prom. it's v. picturesque, we'll be stopping by the beach and stuff.
now, there are good things about both. but the bad thing is that i have to pick just one, and it will involve missing the other.
unless there is a way around it. if anybody can come up with a creative way to do both, please let me know, i'd be very interested in doing that!
but, you have to get back to me really soon...!
decisions, decisions.
i'm not even in victoria yet and i've already got clashes. blergh.
welcome to the everyday story.....
i also really hate unpacking. but maybe packing is worse, because you have a limited space to put it into. I think that's my opinion on it.
ah, the trials and tribulations of living in college, studying elsewhere etc.
alas, i have found a way to get to the airport to the vic/college. flick is picking me up, which is very kind of her...she actually starts uni the day before, but prac for her isn't on tuesday afternoons, so fancy that nice timing!
went out with xiao and steph yesterday for lunch at karrinyup. we had those crepes - yummy! steph spent heaps of $ on clothes/bags etc. we musta looked in every shoe store there was!
alas, we bumped into heaps of st mary's old girls, including some in their year (including bec and jess, a girl from my link), as well as mel b, kah lin and nat t. quirky.....! it musta been the day!
and so, i've also gotten lots of interesting emails.....
1) having drinks with the master and new (international) students on wednesday evening
2) being invited to be part of the mentor programme at qc for 1st yrs
3) hands up for passes at the reserved section of the sidney myer music bowl for the mso concerts - i've got some, but if like, the dean and staff from the con are there, i might not.....!
there is a dilemma with 2). see, the connect leaders bbq is on the friday night (camp is from friday morning/arvo - sunday arvo).
so, i need some opinions, please. any to help me decide, please help me out!
here are the facts.
Connect leaders bbq is on the friday night. i've been looking forward to this for AGES!! (ok, since, like, early Jan when tim sent the email out)
the camp involves no monetary cost to me. i'd be a senior student helping out with the mentor programme to help bridge the gap between scr and jcr. the camp is at foster north, i'd say about 3-4hrs sw of melbourne, overlooking wilson's prom. it's v. picturesque, we'll be stopping by the beach and stuff.
now, there are good things about both. but the bad thing is that i have to pick just one, and it will involve missing the other.
unless there is a way around it. if anybody can come up with a creative way to do both, please let me know, i'd be very interested in doing that!
but, you have to get back to me really soon...!
decisions, decisions.
i'm not even in victoria yet and i've already got clashes. blergh.
welcome to the everyday story.....
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
it's been a while
and some stuff has happened. not too exciting, just some stuff.
went to see the pursuit of happyness with my brother last was good! i enjoyed it. (i won't even bother writing one of those reviews), but yeah, i'd recommend seeing it!
on sat night, we (family) went to somerville theatre, which is this outdoor theatre to see a chinese/japanese movie, 'riding alone for thousands of miles' as part of the film festival segment of the perth international arts festival. they're all foreign films and all look really interesting. it's a pity that they only rotate them every week, meaning that i haven't got a chance to see that many, but if you're around, i'd suggest checking them about.
last week, i was woken by two phone calls on two different days...
the first one was from trev, who asked me whether i was sick. i told him that "it's 9am...!". no wonder (and no, i wasn't sick). but we had a long conversation about choir, about plans for this year (musical plans no doubt) and whether i was changing my accommodation status (which i'm not)
the second one was from the vm, calling about room selections. i was v. surprised...!
and i finally got the int'l student thing organised. well, like, i got the go-ahead and will start working with admin to sort this out. have unfortunately not heard back about the ok to move in when i get to melbourne, but it's been given the green light from the vm, so hopefully it'll be ok.
i worked at the drug and alcohol office yesterday.....plain old data entry, quite boring, but ok pay.
i think my brother was a bit disappointed that i couldn't get any samples. but i told him they were the department that like, distributed those cards at primary school about, like, "what is this drug x? what are the effects of it?" etc.
also, an interesting developement...TP from jude's called up and asked if i was interested in sitting on the unichurch council. i am totally honoured by this, and am still thinking it over. however, kinda related to all of this (in how i've committed to stuff, and the activities i'm undertaking this year) is that i've quit queen's choir for this year. well, tendered my resignation (hopefully it's accepted hehe). while i love singing in the choir, i frankly don't have enough time! I really wish i had about 30hrs a day. or that sleep wasn't physically necessary.....
alas, i ramble too much.
and a desparate call for help:
is anybody available on Tuesday 13 Feb at about 3pm to pick me up from the tullamarine airport? I'm arriving at 2.30pm (scheduled) but would like to avoid paying $50 for a cab. any chance that anybody is available, please let me know, by email or sms.
many thanks. :)
went to see the pursuit of happyness with my brother last was good! i enjoyed it. (i won't even bother writing one of those reviews), but yeah, i'd recommend seeing it!
on sat night, we (family) went to somerville theatre, which is this outdoor theatre to see a chinese/japanese movie, 'riding alone for thousands of miles' as part of the film festival segment of the perth international arts festival. they're all foreign films and all look really interesting. it's a pity that they only rotate them every week, meaning that i haven't got a chance to see that many, but if you're around, i'd suggest checking them about.
last week, i was woken by two phone calls on two different days...
the first one was from trev, who asked me whether i was sick. i told him that "it's 9am...!". no wonder (and no, i wasn't sick). but we had a long conversation about choir, about plans for this year (musical plans no doubt) and whether i was changing my accommodation status (which i'm not)
the second one was from the vm, calling about room selections. i was v. surprised...!
and i finally got the int'l student thing organised. well, like, i got the go-ahead and will start working with admin to sort this out. have unfortunately not heard back about the ok to move in when i get to melbourne, but it's been given the green light from the vm, so hopefully it'll be ok.
i worked at the drug and alcohol office yesterday.....plain old data entry, quite boring, but ok pay.
i think my brother was a bit disappointed that i couldn't get any samples. but i told him they were the department that like, distributed those cards at primary school about, like, "what is this drug x? what are the effects of it?" etc.
also, an interesting developement...TP from jude's called up and asked if i was interested in sitting on the unichurch council. i am totally honoured by this, and am still thinking it over. however, kinda related to all of this (in how i've committed to stuff, and the activities i'm undertaking this year) is that i've quit queen's choir for this year. well, tendered my resignation (hopefully it's accepted hehe). while i love singing in the choir, i frankly don't have enough time! I really wish i had about 30hrs a day. or that sleep wasn't physically necessary.....
alas, i ramble too much.
and a desparate call for help:
is anybody available on Tuesday 13 Feb at about 3pm to pick me up from the tullamarine airport? I'm arriving at 2.30pm (scheduled) but would like to avoid paying $50 for a cab. any chance that anybody is available, please let me know, by email or sms.
many thanks. :)
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