Monday, January 29, 2007
lucky underwear
like from or something like that. (don't ask me whether the link actually works or not...!)
anyway, went to aunt and uncle's place on friday night for dinner and to watch the australia day skyworks..they live facing the river, so it's like, prime position. it was pretty cool. excpet for the couple of fires at the end of the night, involving a couple of barges, including one that had spare fireworks on board.
got to use my cool new digi cam, including its sunrise/sunset setting, the dusk setting, as well as the fireworks setting. PLUS video mode (which managed to capture the end of teh fireworks, which was a cool finale, plus some of the fire hehe)
Went to friends house for dinner on sat night...played poker and was the first to exit....please remind me never to gamble with real money...i would be terrible at it. clearly watching bond is not enough to refine and hone my poker skills.
Also made some muffins last week...will post photos later. They were walnut/chocolate muffins. somebody please suggest another (tasty) flavouring for me to try, because i'd like to hehe :P
Then made dinner for my brother and me, an experimental pasta dish involving chicken, spinach and cream. mmm....turned out ok, photos also to follow soon.
so, was looking at beat's photos of music camp, and am HIDEOUSLY jealous! i was talking to her yesterday, and it was so cool, like, "do you know so-and-so?" and she did! like, even from across the country. and then i was looking at her photos, and going, "hey! i know that person! i go to uni with them!" and it was really funny but totally cool.
anyway, as she suffers from camp withdrawal symptoms, hopefully this year i will develop symptoms that qualify me for camp, either the keyboard programme or the arts admin programme. both sound totally awesome, and i'd really like to go to this camp sometime...i've only ever heard good things about it!
so to my friends who are starting uni this year...i wish you could have all come to melbourne with me! but alas, 'tis not to be so! but, i hope you guys come and visit me sometime (uni-related or not), and enjoy this first yr of uni, because i think it's really awesome!
and if you want to catch up, it has to be before 13 FEBRUARY (and not 11th night, nor 9th night, because i'm going to see ayo with beat, as planned) so give me a ring or msg or something and we'll catch up!
Alas, it is TOO HOT upstairs (but thankfully cooler than last week, including several days of 40 degrees celcius and above urgh!)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
a) at another college
b) under a bridge in a cardboard box
c) anywhere else.
I was so stressed and paranoid.
Sounds like it isn't just me who's trying to sort out where to live for 2007! Apparently this is one of those annual rushes. That's cool.
So, not much else going on.
My dad came home from overseas a few days ago. Unfortunately didn't bring back that many presents.
I'm on the verge of accepting a position as a choir conductor. Now I'm just waiting on confirmation on whether it is possible to share this role around a bit.
I'm also trying to decide my own choir options - to sing in what, to audition for what.
Do you think I'm getting in over my head?
I'm really excited about this year, there is so much to look forward to.
Lauren called last week - it was totally cool to talk to her. I think I've already posted this haha. Oh well.
My brother is working all this week, and I'm stuck at home. Blergh. :S
Have confirmation on playing the Franck with Em for this year...better practice hard, because it's really hard!
Can't wait to get back to Melbourne, for so many reasons!
In the meantime, somebody please suggest some things for me to do!
Friday, January 19, 2007
The fragility of life
How black and white the comparison.
But we should remember that He's got a plan, and He knows what He's doing, even if we don't.
We can get excited about shoes, opportunities, happy times, but momentus, life-changing events often can overshadow these.
Not that getting excited is a bad thing, but we need to have perspective. From all angles, including the now.
All we can do is to do things in the both short and long term.
Is that all? Is that enough?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
So, thanks Sam for the confirmation that I will have a student diary. All I hope now is that it's big enough to fit all my bits and pieces in!
I went out with Flick yesterday; we went to a really awesome pizza place in subi, and walked around subi for a while (looking at dresses and shoes and the like!) We passed by this really awesome-looking restaurant, called Rialto's (I think!) that had these funky green and clear plastic chairs outside, as well as really awesome fittings on the inside. It just looked totally cool. Then we got Cold Rock ice-cream mmm.. :) Macadamia Nut ice-cream with Picnic mix-in mm...(i like ice-cream)
Then we went to innaloo coz flick had to try find shoes for qld. And get this, yesterday was kinda expensive (well, all up in one go, which is quite unlike me, unless it's planned, like balls or something like that). I bought two pairs of shoes. Two pairs of points, no less; one pair of metallic chocolate flats, plus a pair of 'bronze snake' heels. And this gets better. They were both on sale. I expected to pay $70. But get this....
there was this offer: buy 1 pair, get the 2nd pair (of equal or lesser value) for HALF PRICE!
And as I noted, one of the pairs of shoes were actually incorrectly priced, so i ended up paying... $44.92 for TWO PAIRS OF SHOES!
Now, now, I don't usually buy shoes, nor do I get so excited over shoes. But I am!! and am incredibly thrilled with what I think has been one of my best buys of the season (ok, so points were in ages ago, but hey! they're both really hot pairs of shoes, so hey!)
that was my exciting news.
and that my brother also borrowed season 3 of scrubs from his friend, so we're watching them all again hehe :P good times, good times.
and my brother has actually gone to busselton/collie for the weekend because a friend of his is getting married (ooh! how exciting!) so it's just mum and me this weekend...should be interesting!
anyway, loz called today, which was totally cool. it was really awesome to catch up! and we have lots to look forward to this year, including music, CU, jude's, maybe student life...yeah, cool things!
can't wait to get back to uni.......!
Monday, January 15, 2007
how is that possible..??
oh well, they shall have to wait for another time. or i could just show you if you want to check out my cool new camera hehe :P
sorry, i don't actually like egg tarts anymore. my aunt gave me heaps of ingredients, but i'm so not going to use it all up in time, because my mum said "if you don't actually like them, please don't make lots more because then i'll have to keep eating them."
fair enough....
Sunday, January 14, 2007
The ingredients...

Cooking the filling....
Is this what it's supposed to look like...? The finished product..!!
So, as I said, I finished work on Tuesday. And I got some flowers from the Building and Tenancy Branch, where I was working. How beautiful are they?! Now of course, I have to look after the plant....(which could prove a bit more difficult than just admiring the flowers haha!) I have to say, it felt a bit weird coming home with this plant, walking through the city, through the arcades and malls, particularly when I stopped by a shop to buy a top (haha), and also as I got on the train and all, complete with flowers. :P
I've got a job lined up for this Tuesday, stuffing envelopes/packages for the main university in WA; offer letters for anticipating uni-students-to-be.
Also, I had this other random epiphany the other night...I was in bed thinking (as I do), and I thought about how awesome it was that I enjoyed the research I did about politics and music in Bulgaria. And it got me thinking about how music and politics has often been intertwined. I mean, we even learnt about it in Russia. Now, this is where the epiphany bit came cool could it be to do a whole heap of reserach (even though not terribly deep, I'm afraid) about music and politics on a whole heap of countries? Particularly lesser-known ones. I was reading (very briefly) about Fado singers from Portugal. And I'm still hankering to find out for Xing why it's called Afro-Cuban music....
See, there are heaps of possibilities!
And on another note, an unshamed plug for a radio programme...
Listen next Saturday night (the 20th Jan) at 8pm on ABC Classic FM (go to to find the local frequency guide) to listen to a broadcast of the concert from the 2007 Australian National Music Camp. This camp is something I've heard about for a while, and I wish that I'd applied this year. But alas, I'm going to try make it a resolution to apply, or at least find out more about the programme for next year. Apparently it's just such an amazing thing, and I'm sure I'll have heaps of friends who are going. If any of you guys are thinking about it, make sure you get me on your bandwagon, and bug me about it!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
epiphany 1 for 2007
when i'm away, i have less stupid arguments.
sure, i get annoyed, sometimes over small petty things.
but they're definitely not as frequent as at home.
nor do they bug me as much.
this might be a gross generalisation.
but oh well.
and you know what else?
at home, there are fewer people to air it all to.
i can't wait to get back to melbourne. i miss doing something with my life.
i miss doing things that seem more meaningful.
not that family isn't, but half the time, it doesn't feel like we are.
a sad situation.
On holidays
I even got to go home early (obviously not being paid for it).
Managed to get my supervisor/boss/manager to consent to being a referee for me, which is good.
I got a pot plant from the B&T Branch, which was nice.
At the end, I was standing in my supervisor's/boss'/manager's office, with basically, four of my supervisors (the Director of ICS, the superviros/boss/(acting) manager, the (acting) co-ordinator of concilliation, and the co-ordinator of bonds administration) feeling a tad bit intimidated, but kinda pleased that I got to work for them all. As I said good-byes and thanks. It was kinda weird, but kinda cool.
But alas, I am going back to university soon, so that "I can get a better offence or anything." I actually said that to my supervisor/boss/manager. Who didn't take offence. He totally agreed, saying, "Well, yes, you wouldn't want to be doing that job forever, it'd drive you bonkers.' Yes, yes, it would, particularly if I had that many printing issues, or had to stuff that many envelopes...
On Monday, after work, my brother and mum picked me up and we went to our aunt and uncle's place to get some final instructions about taking care of their apartment and the like. Then we went out for dinner at a Vietnamese place, which was really yummy! (Okay, so some stuf, I probably didn't need to know what it was, but oh well...)
My flight to Melbourne has been booked already, leaving at about 9am on Tuesday 13th February, will be looking for somebody to hopefully pick me up, but I guess I'll send an email out later...I'll think about it later...
So, my aunt has set me the task of making Portugese custard/egg tarts...I think I'll make a little trial batch this afternoon, and inspired by Gina (, I shall take photos of my culilnary experiment.
Gosh, I kinda miss work already....there now remains little reason for me to get up in the mornings, although I do like sleeping in past 6.30am, I'll tell you that!
On Saturday, we (mum and I) went out for lunch at The Pines Buffet (at Observation City, in Scarborough) with Flick and her mum. It was really nice to catch up with them! I drove (haha..) although it wasn't too bad! (Flick reckons it was quite good, actually!) Stayed for lunch for a while, talked for ages. Then decided to try go dress-shopping and went to Claremont. Unfortunately, the previous Thursday, I had tried on three dresses, but they unfortunately didn't fit in all the right places, or weren't the right colour. Pooh. And in Claremont, I was quite unfortunate too, because they didn't fit right either. Double pooh. I'm still looking though! I have to have a dress.....see, I figured that perhaps I would take cues from Gilmore Girls, because they dress so well. And they're cute! Haha.
So, I also made a list of New Years Resolutions. Perhaps I'll post them later...
Am trying to figure out my uni timetable....have got most of it down-pat, and will be looking to sign up the entire Techs class (if they consent!) to a similar tute time. Whaddaya know, Monday 10am of 2006 was amazing :P
Anyway...I think I'm off to bake this arvo, and to basically mooch around. I unfortunately don't have a car this afternoon, so will be unable to meet Jac. Which is a pity, because she's flying out tomorrow! If I don't see her, I'm really really sorry!!!!
Ooh, and my brother and I went to see the Bond movie yesterday (yep, Tuesdays for $8, that is cheap here..!). It was good. I kinda understand what they mean by Daniel Craig being the new Bond and the whole 'women want their man looking like that'. Not that I necessarily agree with it, but, wow, he is an attractive man! Haha.
Okay, I'm done.....
Monday, January 01, 2007
feeling a bit poorer..
Because I worked so that I could earn, so that I could buy stuff.
And I did!
I bought Switchfoot's new album, 'Oh! Gravity' on Saturday, which was on sale, so it only set me back $21.21. Pretty good, considering it's a new album and all!
Can't wait for them to come back to Australia - I know I'm anticipating it eagerly!
This was after Friday and having lunch with our rellies on Saturday.
I got sent home a bit early on Friday, because there really wasn't any more work to do. Meh smeh.
My mum got a bit of a shock when I told her I was coming home then.
We went shopping at Harbour Town on Friday night. It was quite tiring, to tell you the truth. I tried on lots and lots of clothes, but there was something wrong with most of them (ie. they didn't fit in all the right places etc) but I did end up buying a skirt. :)
Unfortunately, that was our only purchase, apart from mum's first Subway experience.
So, on Saturday, I slept in :)
But not too much, because we had lunch with my aunt and uncle and cousin at 12, at their place.
My cousin (one of them) left for London on Saturday night, so it was the last chance we had to spend with him for a while. He's going to be working in London, and living with his sister so I can't wait till I get the chance to go visit them!
It was really nice - we had dim sum; who knew there could be so much food? And it was all really really yummy!
yeah, so not much REALLY happened......
except for my massive purchase of a DIGITAL CAMERA yesterday!
Yup, I've been looking for one for ages...and I really wanted to buy one for myself, after promising that it'd be one of the first things I buy after I work and save up.
We went to Harvey Norman, where they're having this massive sale. It's a Nikon camera, 3x zoom, i think 4 megapixels (about average, I guess!), came with the battery charger for the 2 Ni-MH batteries it gave me. It's got video record function, with sound. Also bought a memory card, 512mb; got the total set for $213, which I think is a great bargain. Also considering that the camera was on sale, and originally cost $298. I was actually looking at another camera, but decided against it (Canon powershot) because it was a tad bulky, and would have cost me more to get all the stuff.
And that's really why I'm feeling a bit poorer. I spent $213 all in one go. I don't think I've done anything like that before... oops!
Oh well, I'm quite excited with my new toy! So cool photos, here I come! Hehe :P
back to work tomorrow.....