Boys hockey team: yes, this is what mel and i lost sleep at 7.30am on a number of thursday mornings :) Gotta love being hockey groupies! Haha. :P

Christian, musician, economist, Organisational Freakism
Queen Bennie and His Divine Velvet Jets (at the ICAC Soiree, Melbourne's finest music show)
And a photo of Queen's at night, taken by Ben the IT dude :) Yes, again, I live here!! :D
I am slowly getting through some work..pity I don't actually like doing it! Oh well.. :S
I'm plodding along...
and will go shopping tomorrow :) Myer to spend money from birthday (yeah, I know it was a looong time ago!) and bridge rd, hopefully, for the $10 cotton on place :) all is good.
Okay, I had computer troubles...I'm posting all those ones I couldn't before...Sorry for the delay!
Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating |
Everything Pizza |
Okay, then on Saturday night, we went out for Tom's birthday dinner. We were supposed to go to Chocolate Buddha, which is a Japanese fusion restaurant in Federation Square, hailed as one of Melbourne's best restaurants. Class-ay! haha However, the restaurnat doesn't take reservations on Saturday nights, so Tom n Wen headed down early to see if they could snag a table for...16 or so people. Yeah, that was hard...when there were 3000 people in Fed Square watching the rugby and they must have all decided to go have an expensive coffee. Oh well. We ended up going to a Chinese Restaurant on the corner of Little Bourke and Russell Sts. Ie. read: Chinatown! It was awesome :) We really had the two round tables with the spinning thingo in the middle...so chinese! :) It was so nice to eat Chinese again...I never quite remember how much I miss it until I eat some good Chinese! We then headed up Russell St (which becomes Lygon St) intending to consume some drinks/coffee. We found the perfect synthesis at Milan (ah, our little baby! Haha) Yes, we (all how many of us again?) crowded into the place (which is large) and got to recline on the couches :) Pete joined us..and yeah, this summed it up quite well:
Pete: You look all dressed up.
Me: Yeah, we went out for dinner.
Pete: Well, I'm only in....this....
Me: Yeah, this is what we do when we go out....we go all out.
Yep, it's true. I love going all out! Haha.
Anyway, Milan was awesome. Even the walk all the way up was really nice - It was a good night to be out! We passed some really interesting places on the way :) The buildings of Melbourne are really pretty (well, most of them!) It's just soo different to Perth, because Melbourne is a lot older and the architecture reflects that; for example, the Trade Hall was beautiful, and the Old Melbourne Gaol was really interesting as well :) (although kinda creepy...).
Saturday night: Nikhil looking...cheery...? Haha. We always manage to take weird ones of him...(it's his own fault that he doesn't look nice and smile for the camera!) Note that this is a perfect example of the confusion, angst and anxiety that happens at Chinese restaurats: the CHOPSTICKS!!! (Although his facial expression, I suspect, does not do justice to any inner feelings that most of us were feeling!) More photos from Tom's dinner are yet to come! I promise! :)
Sunday was a really busy day! I went to Jude's early in the morning (yes...the 9am service...I don't reccommend it for anybody who's had a late night the night before!) because I was busy that night. Then came home for brunch (yummy!) then had Singin' in the Rain rehearsals till 5.30. I managed to miss all but about 25mins of the Queen's Choir rehearsals, plus all of the SITR Orchestra rehearsal. Yeah, it was great when another orchestra member asked me at dinner: "Can you like, miss cast rehearsals, because we need you for the orchestra rehearsals?" Hah. Yeah, there needs to be 3 of me just to do everything I am supposed to! Anyway, I sang for chapel (with almost no rehearsals! Gotta love that sightreading!) and sat through the sermon edgily as I kept checking the time. Then, after chapel, I raced down the stairs, almost ran into Jon who was all ready in the suit for the ICAC SOIREE!!!
Yep, another inter-collegiate event, held at Melba Hall. Yes, the arts. Gotta love them :) I was representing Queen's in the Classical section. For the Jazz section, Harry and Bambi did a Summertime/Moondance thingo with Al at the piano and Eddie on kit. It was awesome....such a synthesis of smooth vocals, quirky hand actions, charm and awesome instrumental solos :) For the Contemporary Secion, Fabulous Queen Bennie and his Divine Velvet Jets made a reappearance with their signature song, People Get Ready. All the boys were SO HOT!! :) (Okay, that was meant in a good way, like, they were sooo awesome!) It was an incredibly enjoyable night..the standard was very high, I thought, and the performances were amazing! (And, just out of interest, I met Sally Davies there! It was exciting :) ) So, to the results, I came 3rd in the Classical Section, which I thought was alright, because I was INCREDIBLY nervous - my legs were shaking!!! So, all good. But kinda a pity, because I didn't help Queen's in a clean sweep..it would have been amazing, becuase Queen's came 1st in both the Jazz and Contemporary sections. I was sooo proud! I kinda felt like a mother/grandmother/aunt/other female relative! I cheered so loudly....so proud of them!!! :D Yep, good night. Photos will come later!
So, the hockey finals were last night. Unfortunately, Queen's lost the boys and girls to Ormond. Oh well, we played with so much spirit and guts; I'm still proud of them...esp. the boys...had to go down to watch them, because I've gone to almost every other guys hockey match! It was good that the finals were at night, because there was a lot of support (instead of in the morning at 7am! Who gets up for that kind of thing? Yeah, stop thinking it people, not me! At least not at 7am!!!) Hockey photos later...
So, that sums up what has been happening for me recently.
I had an AWESOME weekend..just busy. But I have two rolls of film to get developed, which I think has some PRICELESS photos ;) (hahaha...zoe, xing and mel..you know what I'm on about!) I'm going on a St Jude's camp this weekend, so I will be away....how exciting! (Haven't been out of Melbourne!) I'm really excited, just will be bogged down in work! Oh well, it'll be worth it....one more week of uni before holidays...so some well-earned rest, I hope!
Oh, and we are playign Angels and Mortals this week at QC. It's lots of fun....and very exciting! It's all an enigma, really!
Okay, this blog needs some photos of....stuff. Queen's. Why not? We all love it, so it should make an appearnace..:
View of the Labs (Eakins, the Dining Hall, is on the left). This is Queen's quad.
View from J of Queen's quad (well, buildings North, to the left, East, in front, and South, to the right). Yep, Queeen's is BEAUTIFUL!!! :D
Me n Mel
Group shot: Renee, Sarah, Xing, Carryn, Belle, Me
Three phantoms present at the turn (out of six!!!): Ben, Pete, Special K. Haha. They were really funny. (pick the best one...apparently the one with "phantom" scrawled across his face thinks he was the best one.....and he didn't even have a suit on!!! Sigh!)
Oh, last night Nick and I went to the Melbourne Uni Orchestra concert at the Melbourne Town Hall (twice within a week!). It was great :) yeah, I haven't quite filled in my concert report form. But there were a lot of important people there :) Always nice, although it's kinda different from home, because I actually know some people there, instead of here...it's seriously a large case of small fish in large ocean. Haha.